Iron Maiden NOT mastering their new album?!


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
Is this crazy BS? I guess there's no way they'd release a record to the public that wasn't mastered in some way... so its a funny little press stunt to acclaim more sales by releasing a supposedly raw album eh?

Producer Kevin Shirley (IRON MAIDEN, DREAM THEATER) has posted the following message on his official web site:

Spoke to 'Arry [IRON MAIDEN bassist Steve Harris] on Friday, who has decided against mastering the IRON MAIDEN album, and I'm quite pleased about that, although I did like the mastering job we did in [New York City]. It means that you will get to hear the new album exactly as it sounded in the studio, no added EQ, compression, analog widening, etc., and I must say, I am pretty happy with the end result. I think some tracks could use a smidge more top end, and others a bump of bottom — but I know 'Arry well enough now to know how wary of outsiders he is, and I fully expected he may have done that, so I made sure I was happy with the results when I printed the mixes in the studio. So, that'll fire you guys on the BB's right up, no doubt!
Well, the previous Maiden album didn't sound too bad either, and the sound was very raw/live, so I don't think they did a lot in the mastering for it - perhaps the reason why they won't master the new one at all, as I imagine professional mastering costs a lot. But not that they would be out of money :S
Torniojaws said:
Well, the previous Maiden album didn't sound too bad either, and the sound was very raw/live, so I don't think they did a lot in the mastering for it - perhaps the reason why they won't master the new one at all, as I imagine professional mastering costs a lot. But not that they would be out of money :S

Hahaha :)

If Harris hasn't spent all his money on heroin, hookers and horseraces then he must have more money than he can spend in his lifetime. And even high class mastering is in the realm of 2-4k$ which is probably peanuts to those guys ...
I heard Sanctuary were having to cut back......
I personally think they need Martin Birch in control, shorter songs, one less gtr player and a click track. But hey, they've sold more records than I could dream of so who's right?
they're old tarts :p so now they got a fucked up mind, I think that's why they won't do the mastering.
Last record was good, but not the best from maiden, you know guys... when you get old, you start thinking the wrong way, that's what is happening to them.
3 guitar player (gers is useless, nice guy but useless) no click, no mastering
Anyway I still love Maiden and we the Italians love 'em most than any country out there :) that's why they're doing 2 shows in december (1 sold out months ago) here in milan. Every show is like 14.000 people.
Andy Sneap said:
I heard Sanctuary were having to cut back......
I personally think they need Martin Birch in control, shorter songs, one less gtr player and a click track. But hey, they've sold more records than I could dream of so who's right?

Martin Birch was THE MAN for Maiden AFAIC.(No offense to Caveman). I just think Martin was a big part of them getting that 'Maiden' sound! Particularly the 'Killers' album. It rocked! :headbang:
Andy Sneap said:
I personally think they need Martin Birch in control, shorter songs, one less gtr player and a click track.

Agreed 100%!!! Seventh Son was the last one I bought...
Andy Sneap said:
I personally think they need Martin Birch in control, shorter songs, one less gtr player and a click track.

I posted the exact same thoughts on Old School board... :lol:

But hey, they've sold more records than I could dream of so who's right?

The thing is that they WOULDN'T sell as many records if it weren't for the IM logo on the sleeve, I'd bet my life on that!
I was talking about how much I miss Martin just a few days ago. The string of albums from NotB to Seventh Son is the best back-to-back album run ever, by any artist, in any genre.
Not a big Shirley fan, but I did think there was some good material on BNW and DoD. Definitely better than any of the other old-school bands are doing nowadays. But I agree, I would love some shorter, faster stuff. Aces High! :headbang:
well, after the mastering desaster that's called dance of death that might even be a good idea :lol:

seriously, i don't quite see the point in releasing an unmastered album, but well, whatever floats your boat....
thing is, if they were that unhappy with DOD, why didn't they just remaster???
Not like any pro mastering engineer would be happy if the bands isn't happy, christ I'll go back and remix something if the band is unhappy. Wasn't it mastered at sterling??? They've redone stuff for me in a heartbeat.
Andy Sneap said:
Wasn't it mastered at sterling??? They've redone stuff for me in a heartbeat.

Bernie's will do the same. I've sent quite a few things back to them without any hangups whatsoever.
Well if it's truly unmastered in the sense of no processing whatsoever being done to the stereo mixes, then I say we have a challenge to master it when it comes out. :kickass: