Iron Maiden set list 4/17/11 Tampa

Doing "modern" tours is necessary for any band. You don't just do one tour and that's it to be a successful touring act. Arch Enemy opened up for Maiden twice (once on the Dance Of Death tour, and once for Ozzfest 2005), and you don't see them doing the kind of numbers as Black Tide or Bullet. It's because both of those bands have the support and push of major labels. Just doing one big tour is not going to cut it no matter what your band sounds like if the goal is to sell 100,000 records or more.

I would argue that the reason Arch Enemy isn't pushing numbers like BFMV is because of the complete lack of clean vocals. Their style musically is much more agressive and extreme than BFMV. Plus on Ozzfest they played in a low second stage spot only getting 20-25 mins of set time. BFMV played the main stage and got 30-35 min of set time. Big difference. Plus BFMV music just fits in better with that whole Hot Topic crowd.
I would argue that the reason Arch Enemy isn't pushing numbers like BFMV is because of the complete lack of clean vocals. Their style musically is much more agressive and extreme than BFMV. Plus on Ozzfest they played in a low second stage spot only getting 20-25 mins of set time. BFMV played the main stage and got 30-35 min of set time. Big difference. Plus BFMV music just fits in better with that whole Hot Topic crowd.

There is still something "safe" enough for young suburban rock / metal fans with bands like BFMV and Black Tide, as oppsoed to Arch Enemy.

As much as metal seems to be hip in the mainstream again, the majority of young metal fans (IE - not young fans of underground metal), view people who look like Arch Enemy as old fart dirtbags.

A band with guyliner and a bad Goo Goo Dolls haircut, sad to say, is more hip and aesthetically appealing to the youngsters.

And we wonder why "beard metal" hasn't taken off with the Hot Topic crowd!!! Maybe Casey Abrams will change that!! hahahaha...
