Iron Maiden - The Final Frontier

Still finding it hard to find a really weak track personally, maybe one in the middle somewhere there is a little weaker, Starblind or The Talisman, but it is very strong album IMO
Right, so I finally have the internet back and wanted to check out the special features on the album... but how does it work? I put the CD in my PC, nothing special happens, just plays the music. Hmm?
Methinks I'll need to re-rip AMOLAD now to see what the fuss is about, or Spotify it (I do own the CD, no idea where it is though:))
Still finding it hard to find a really weak track personally, maybe one in the middle somewhere there is a little weaker, Starblind or The Talisman, but it is very strong album IMO

Hehe, Starblind and The Talisman, two of my favs from the album...
So were you just twiddling your thumbs during the two gigs on the AMOLAD tour, Mark? I thought you were enjoying yourself.
I had listened to it before the gigs; don't think I've listened to it more than twice since (and that's been in the last week!).
There was a thread on the IM boards regarding the same problem you mentioned Southy about it getting stuck at the 15 minute mark.

As for myself, I gave up trying to get the thing to work due to needing a Java update, or some shit. When I tried clicking the update it directed me to a dead link.

Even without that I dont like the case, or the fact that cover doesn't state band name and album, but that's just me being anal.

Great album though.
Yeah, I was really enjoying the interviews until it cut out. Hopefully it's fixed.

Annoyed that the game is the one they already had on the website. Grr.
I like the tin case and the booklet without the logos etc, makes it look as though you are looking out a shuttle window, Is cool. That said, they really could have made it better. DVD inclusion would have made me happy.

I will watch the doco at my parents place sometime, I don't like wasting bandwidth at home.