Irvine Show mini review....


Dec 14, 2004
Heya folks, just got back from the show and it was awesome. Thanks to the scoundrels on evilbay, I procured front-row seats for the show and they were well worth it... Dead center of Orchestra 2 about 20 feet from the stage with a clear view of everything, and above everyone's heads in the pit. The show went really well. I heard 2 "almost" flubs, at one point someone almost came in early on a cue, but then held back... and it happened a second time, but again they pulled everything back on track in a nanosecond.

All the new material sounded great live, and my personal favorites, These Colours Don't Run, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns and The Longest Day were awesome to behold.

The stage show was pretty straight forward just balls out playing. There wasn't much theatricality during the entire AMOLAD performance and Bruce only spoke once during the new album's material.

This was a sold out show and the crowd was generally giving a good response. We Americans don't know when to sing on cue for songs like they do in other parts of the world (especially South America!) but some people caught on.

There were the typical drunken idiots just there to cause shit and trying to storm the pit and create mosh pits, but there really wasn't any bad incidents. THANK GOD no one threw anything harmful at the band... During the encores, someone threw up a still-sealed bag of popcorn from a vender selling treats to the crowd... Bruce took note of it and went out of the way to retrieve it from a stage hand so that he could tear it open and "sprinkle' popcorn over the front row area were the bag flew up from... He took particular glee in doing this and was almost mumbling the 2nd verse to 2 Minutes because he was having more fun taking revenge.

The mood of the band seemed excellent. And I have to give Janick many props for generally focusing on performing the material better and not dancing and throwing his guitar around at the expense of tightness. He seems to take this new album much more serious and it was refreshing hearing him play tighter. He's not without ability and it was a welcome change in my opinion. He did "loosen" up on the latter part of the set starting with Iron Maiden where he was flinging his guitar more than playing it, but then again, the song doesn't necessarily NEED 3 guitars to sound proper, so I gave him some slack. And the non-musicians out there seem to think his antics are "awesome" so that I'm sure quenched their Janick fixes for the show.

I was curious if they'd perhaps add an encore track being that it was the last show in North America, but they stuck to the usual setlist for the tour.

Still no programs were offered at the merch stands, so it seems like Europe will probably be getting them.

I was told that they're flying out tomorrow to Japan, so chances are, they're not doing too much partying right now, so with that, we decided to call it a night and not try to figure out their hotel!

That's all for now, maybe some pics later.

Cheers and Up the Irons!
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Right on i just got back too. I never knew why anyone would want to find a bands hotel, thats just borderling stalking. anyways....

the crowd was huge, got restless during the 10 new songs in a row but over all they sounded very good and i really liked the stage show. I think the setlist really really needed to be mixed up for the us audience. but they pulled it off. It didn't make me any more of a fan of the new album, actually made me like it a little less just because the audience participation was lacking during it and it made it seem boring at times to me. But I still rocked out to it and the boys sounded fuckin tight and right on the money! Much props for Maiden selling out Irvine Meadows it was a monster crowd!
I suppose that was one good thing about being up close. I didn't feel any lack of energy, I had the whole crowd behind me and could hear the sum of their chants and cheers. There was some slower parts to the new albums material, but I was still blown away by the energy coming off the stage in front of me. The only reason I mention the hotel is that in every "on the road" journal entry that Nicko or Rod makes, they usually end up kicking back in their hotel's bar having a drink to unwind. Sometimes fans happen upon them and get to have a chat. I certainly wouldn't stalk.
My wife is out shopping with her friend so a quick review. Excellent show as Chis said. It was fun hanging a bit with the Puckfiends, Cris, Jeff, and some other folks at Knowlwoods before hand. Got a few pics for later.

Wanda wasn't sure of how we would hand out flyers at first but and my friend Ted stopped in the pathway and started passing them to the throng as they went by. We passed out the whole box to the crowd going in. Ted and I were upstream of the crowd flow and many folks recognized Wanda further downstream. :lol:

The show was great and Wanda and I moved up a couple of rows and over a few seats for a better view. Best seats I have been in for a Maiden show.

Huge thanks to Wanda for allowing me to join her. First time I have seen a show with a fellow player watching a shared influence. :worship:

We both were watching Steve's playing and were both astonished at how difficult The Legacy appears to be. I was watching Dave and Wanda nudges me a says check out Steve. :OMG: Dayum! Watching him and Janick playing their segment looks very challenging.

More later. Got anniversary stuff to handle.


Jeff Milne....

The Puckfiends....

Mr Puckfiend...

You already know what NoEffinPics looks like..

That's all I got. Unless you want to see Chris with a face full of food. :lol:

I really wish I could've met up with everybody before the show but it was great just to see so many of ya's there! To everyone I missed - :wave: I hope that next time the time gods will be with me!

The band's performance was just incredible and the energy there unbelievable. I think artistically Iron Maiden made a bold choice in playing the album in it's entirety and it payed off. I came home awed and inspired. Truly a great night.
It was nice hanging out wiht you guys too even though I was quiet :) I enjoyed the show also, especially since I didn't have a tall person infront of me so I was able to see the stage :) Oh yeah.. me and my eyes closed again :)
Forgot to add a big thanks To Maiden Cali whole sold me a ticket that enabled my best friend Ted to go. :kickass:
Sorry to have not found you to thank you in person Ray. :oops:

NoEffenPicks said:
Heya folks, just got back from the show and it was awesome. Thanks to the scoundrels on evilbay, I procured front-row seats for the show and they were well worth it... Dead center of Orchestra 2 about 20 feet from the stage with a clear view of everything, and above everyone's heads in the pit. The show went really well. I heard 2 "almost" flubs, at one point someone almost came in early on a cue, but then held back... and it happened a second time, but again they pulled everything back on track in a nanosecond.

All the new material sounded great live, and my personal favorites, These Colours Don't Run, Brighter Than a Thousand Suns and The Longest Day were awesome to behold.

The stage show was pretty straight forward just balls out playing. There wasn't much theatricality during the entire AMOLAD performance and Bruce only spoke once during the new album's material.

This was a sold out show and the crowd was generally giving a good response. We Americans don't know when to sing on cue for songs like they do in other parts of the world (especially South America!) but some people caught on.

There were the typical drunken idiots just there to cause shit and trying to storm the pit and create mosh pits, but there really wasn't any bad incidents. THANK GOD no one threw anything harmful at the band... During the encores, someone threw up a still-sealed bag of popcorn from a vender selling treats to the crowd... Bruce took note of it and went out of the way to retrieve it from a stage hand so that he could tear it open and "sprinkle' popcorn over the front row area were the bag flew up from... He took particular glee in doing this and was almost mumbling the 2nd verse to 2 Minutes because he was having more fun taking revenge.

The mood of the band seemed excellent. And I have to give Janick many props for generally focusing on performing the material better and not dancing and throwing his guitar around at the expense of tightness. He seems to take this new album much more serious and it was refreshing hearing him play tighter. He's not without ability and it was a welcome change in my opinion. He did "loosen" up on the latter part of the set starting with Iron Maiden where he was flinging his guitar more than playing it, but then again, the song doesn't necessarily NEED 3 guitars to sound proper, so I gave him some slack. And the non-musicians out there seem to think his antics are "awesome" so that I'm sure quenched their Janick fixes for the show.

I was curious if they'd perhaps add an encore track being that it was the last show in North America, but they stuck to the usual setlist for the tour.

Still no programs were offered at the merch stands, so it seems like Europe will probably be getting them.

I was told that they're flying out tomorrow to Japan, so chances are, they're not doing too much partying right now, so with that, we decided to call it a night and not try to figure out their hotel!

That's all for now, maybe some pics later.

Cheers and Up the Irons!
Damn dude, I was RIGHT behind you! Didnt even think about it until now.
Yes, what a show! I was a little scared about the setlist before the show started, but I was left not one bit dissatisfied I must say! The new stuff sounded really good live! The energy there was just inspiring. I turned around to see the lawn seat people when Bruce was addressing them and what a sight to behold seeing the entire place just packed like a sardine can!! It was just amazing! Can't wait til they return!
spideyjg said:
Forgot to add a big thanks To Maiden Cali whole sold me a ticket that enabled my best friend Ted to go. :kickass:
Sorry to have not found you to thank you in person Ray. :oops:


No problem Jim,
It was cool to see your buddy have a good time, as did the rest of us.
It was a great show. I enjoyed hearing the new album. When Bruce got the crowd to flick their lighters, and cell phones, it gave me goosebumps to see how many people there were! I took a couple of pictues of it with my cell. Not sure if I can post them.
I understand how their tour schedule works these days, and I appreciate the fact I got to see them again. They just have so much material to choose from, there will always be people dissapointed that they didn't get to hear their song. Heard to many people in the parking lot complaining that they didn't play the old stuff.
Anyhow, great time was had, and hopefully we can do it again soon.
Maiden_Cali said:
When Bruce got the crowd to flick their lighters, and cell phones, it gave me goosebumps to see how many people there were!

I thought the cell phones being used like lighters were in the old days was damn funny. :lol:

Doodoobubbachuck said:
Yes, what a show! I was a little scared about the setlist before the show started, but I was left not one bit dissatisfied I must say! The new stuff sounded really good live! The energy there was just inspiring. I turned around to see the lawn seat people when Bruce was addressing them and what a sight to behold seeing the entire place just packed like a sardine can!! It was just amazing! Can't wait til they return!

I second that! I wasn't so optimistic walking into the show, even tho I'd been listening to the new album everyday since it came out. I wanted the new material to sink in so I could enjoy the gig as much as I can, especially after learning their setlist! But once they started playing, it was like "Ahhh!!! that is sooo Maiden...soothing to my ears!" I was truely impressed. The sound came off better than I thought, making me like the album more (strange how others experienced the opposite!?).

It was also cool to (briefly) hear the return of the NAAAHAHAHAAAHAA guy! Yes sir, heard him speak (actually scream) twice!!!! NAAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

It was also great to help spread the word of the MaidenS. Wearing my Red Shirt and handing out the their fliers, what better way to promote. It was great to hear a few people say they had seen them and say "They Kick Ass!" Several other people had said they've heard of them but had not seen them, they gladly accepted the flyer.

With Maiden's setlist being the new album in it's entirety, how cool would it have been to have The Iron Maidens open the gig and play all the classic songs? Maybe someday...wishful thinking. Makes me wonder, has that ever been suggested to the band, specifically Steve Harris? I bet he'd think that'd be a great idea! If they did that, I think the fans would walk away completely blown away and fulfilled with a double dose of Maiden!
Red Shirt said:
With Maiden's setlist being the new album in it's entirety, how cool would it have been to have The Iron Maidens open the gig and play all the classic songs? Maybe someday...wishful thinking. Makes me wonder, has that ever been suggested to the band, specifically Steve Harris? I bet he'd think that'd be a great idea! If they did that, I think the fans would walk away completely blown away and fulfilled with a double dose of Maiden!

Wanda was telling me Metallica did that once with a Tribute band doing older material Metallica wasn't going to play.

I think that would totally kill. :kickass:

Red Shirt said:
I second that! I wasn't so optimistic walking into the show, even tho I'd been listening to the new album everyday since it came out. I wanted the new material to sink in so I could enjoy the gig as much as I can, especially after learning their setlist! But once they started playing, it was like "Ahhh!!! that is sooo Maiden...soothing to my ears!" I was truely impressed. The sound came off better than I thought, making me like the album more (strange how others experienced the opposite!?).

It was also cool to (briefly) hear the return of the NAAAHAHAHAAAHAA guy! Yes sir, heard him speak (actually scream) twice!!!! NAAHAHAAAAHAHAHAAAA!!!!!

It was also great to help spread the word of the MaidenS. Wearing my Red Shirt and handing out the their fliers, what better way to promote. It was great to hear a few people say they had seen them and say "They Kick Ass!" Several other people had said they've heard of them but had not seen them, they gladly accepted the flyer.

With Maiden's setlist being the new album in it's entirety, how cool would it have been to have The Iron Maidens open the gig and play all the classic songs? Maybe someday...wishful thinking. Makes me wonder, has that ever been suggested to the band, specifically Steve Harris? I bet he'd think that'd be a great idea! If they did that, I think the fans would walk away completely blown away and fulfilled with a double dose of Maiden!

I got the same reponse handing out flyers in the parking lot. I told a few people who wanted to hear the classics, to check the Maidens out. I told them I've seem them a few times and that they kick ass!
Some heard of them, some didn't. The ones who didn't, wanted to check them out.