Is 27 Too Old To Learn Guitar?

Blackwater Demon

Using Cold Words
Mar 30, 2008
Under The Weaping Moon
I have been interested in learning guitar my whole life but could just never get the hang of it. I knew the chrods but now have to learn them all over again. I feel like Im too old to ever get good or decent even at the guitar. Am I too old? Got any advice?
it's fuckin never too late to do anything. with that attitude, you will regret things once lying on your deathbed. LIFE BEGINS NOW!

look at the Adler's of Lamb of God, Chris started playing drums when he was 23 or smth, and he's considered the best by many.
hell no, you might well live another 50-60 years, how is that not enough time to learn how to play guitar?

on the other hand, when those 50-60 years have passed, you will be dead. ye, you heard me, dead. you might as well forget about everything in life cuz you WILL die.
I started at the age of 28, so...

Of course you're not gonna get as good as other guys that have started as kids, but who cares? Do it! :)
go for it dude, I'm almost in the same situation tbh ! i've been thinking about playing drums, and i'm 20, i think i'm too old for that, and get in a bed or something, but reading one of the above posts about Chris Alder ! wow that's cool :D
you will never be a good guitarist, not necessarily because of your age, but because of this:

I have been interested in learning guitar my whole life but could just never get the hang of it.

if you were a musician you would have discovered it by now
you will never be a good guitarist,
if you were a musician you would have discovered it by now

thats necessarily not true, either

Just go for it and see where it takes you. Start learning your favorite songs and song-moments, aim for the easy ones.
Try Tabulature; Guitar Pro tabs will help you a lot (it just shows you what frets to play and it's easy to understand)
there's no such thing as too old so pick up an instrument, unless you're dying or something. you'd be surprised at how good you can get in 1yr or so, although if you're still struggling with it after a coupla months, then i'd push back what i said to about 2yrs maybe.
I have been interested in learning guitar my whole life but could just never get the hang of it. I knew the chrods but now have to learn them all over again. I feel like Im too old to ever get good or decent even at the guitar. Am I too old? Got any advice?

Absolutely not, it took me like a year to become technically as good as i personally feel i need to be, i started out with playing solos all the time, but now i rarely play solos. If you're like me, thinking that less is more you should go for it! If you're striving to become technically as good as Petrucci it's probably hopeless :)
See guitar as a personnal art, don't compare yourself to others. If you like to play it, you should go for it. Otherwise, don't push yourself to learn something you are not sure to like, just by principles or for others. I personally just like to take my guitar and play anything that comes to my mind; that's my pleasure and I really compared it to others. Find yours, or just give it another try. Sure you need to learn first before totally enjoying the instrument. But it's often worth it.

By the way Arasmas is a douche, don't listen to him. He's pretending to know what a "good" guitarist is, but if one day you consider yourself good, that's all that matters; not that idiot's opinion.
you're never too old to learn to play

Just start off slowly, learn some scales (you don't need to use them or know the details of them, it's just good for practising finger movements and muscle memory and all that stuff.) Learn some basic chords and MOVEABLE positions (try to learn them in their regular state, then try inversions.) You can then move onto more advanced chords like 7ths, 9ths etc. Remember that pace is unimportant, concentrate on getting smooth, even scale movements and comfortable chord positions (make sure you fret all the notes properly; some positions are harder than others.)

Here is a nice site

If you want to practise a particular position first (this is probably best,) change pattern to 1 or 2, any key you wish, and the type of scale. I REALLY suggest learning the major and minor scales first as you'll be able to handle modes easily too, then move onto stuff like diminished and half-diminished and specialised scales like the pentatonic and bebop. If you are learning music too, stick with C at first for majors and A for minors because they don't have sharps or flats. Later on you can learn this stuff. Also, try and remember how to form major and minor chords with the interval formulas. Start off with major first ( Whole step, Whole step, Half Step, W, W, W, H)

Later on, you can set the pattern to full for improvising, it shows all the notes in the scale all over the fretboard.
I think i should start playing guitar from the beginning. is that possible? I found out that all those scales, minor/major chords or whatever i have no clue about them, or maybe I do, but i don't know that i do know them? Maybe that's why i get bored when i play guitar, first, coz i play heavy stuff on acoustic, secondly i feel that i have a very limited knowledge to create something although i play guitar for over 3 years now.
^ I understand your feeling, I have passed by there too. One thing to do is to try to learn many many songs (solos included) and understand the way they were written. Otherwise, you can just take lessons, it might be useful too. The first option was mine, and I was able to developp largers possibilities in my playing.

It's all about experience, I believe. Knowledge and musical theory are just there to amplify, to understand exactly what you are doing. But you can do pretty much as good (though more limited) without it.