Is anybody else MELTING in the heat?

Thorax the Herdsman

Procrastinating Fuck
Dunno what it's like where everybody else is, but we're having a heatwave here in england. It's going to go up to 95° during the week....That's prob a 'mild' day for some countries, but all I know is that I'm sitting in my room with the windows open and my giant ceiling fan buzzing away and I'm MELLLLLLTING!
Where've the decent English summers gone?? The ones where it rained at least twice a week and never got above 25 degrees Celcius... ahh, thems were the days. :)
*raises her hand*
*the hand melts*

we usually have between 30 and 36°C here in milan, lately.

it'd better get colder there, for i'm coming in three weeks and i was hoping to breathe for a while... :erk:
Well this is the second heatwave to hit England this year, I very much doubt there will be a third. I think you'll be safe, dear. :)
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Don't worry, we never get sun for long at a time, it always has to piss down just as we get used to wearing sun cream, hiding in dark corners and walking around pratically naked just to prevent sweat overload.
In fact, I can guarantee the skys will open wide as soon as I plan a barbecue or go to one. Works without fail. :(
actually it's a pretty nice day in los angeles-its about 80 so it's a warm day, but not hot enough to get all the nasty humidity. i live about 3 miles from the beach, so when it hits 95 here it sucks, not just because of the heat, but because all that smoggy salty humidity. no matter what you do you get wet like yer sweating, but it is stickier than shit and even if you take a shower to wash it off 5 minutes later it's like you never took one.
about 30*C here in Finland.. well at this very moment it's about 23*C or so, since it's night.. anyway too damn hot for me.. i wish it was autumn already..
this country makes no sense, 30*C in summer, -30*C in winter, hehe :p
Thorax the Herdsman said:
Well it's 11:20pm here and you could probably fry bacon on my forehead right now. In fact when I hit the sack later on I think I'm gonna have to fill the bath with ice and lie down in that... :)

tub of ice-thats a sure boner killer!
fry bacon on yer forehead, so ya got that extra white complexcion alot of brits have so the sun fried yer forehead red? :loco:
Rusty said:
Well this is the second heatwave to hit England this year, I very much doubt there will be a third. I think you'll be safe, dear. :)
i'll be the next heatwave to hit england this year (so far, it's the third time i'm coming this year). brace yourself :tickled:

well, at least i won't have to borrow a jumper from lee's mother as i did _at the end of june_. good side of it: she let me take it home. what a lovely soon-to-be mother-in-law :D

Thorax the Herdsman said:
In fact, I can guarantee the skys will open wide as soon as I plan a barbecue or go to one
*yum yum* barbecues... a nicer thought than the brits' sweat :p
It's getting hotter and hotter as the days go by. A couple weeks ago it was 25C, now it's more like 34C.
Incendiare said:
It's getting hotter and hotter as the days go by. A couple weeks ago it was 25C, now it's more like 34C.

isnt that the usual patern for alberta?

here august is allways the hotest month and the last 2 weeks of august and the 1st 2 of september is the hottest.
Fuck, it stays 95 here all summer. It's not too fun. I just sit in front of the damn fan all day. I think I should buy another to get air from two directions and keep me a bit cooler.
Sonnenritter said:
Fuck, it stays 95 here all summer. It's not too fun. I just sit in front of the damn fan all day. I think I should buy another to get air from two directions and keep me a bit cooler.

spend the 90 bucks and get ya a cheap air conditioner
Thorax the Herdsman said:
I have to drive soon, my car is gonna be like a sauna. Either that or it will have done that T1000 liquid metal thing in the night and be a giant puddle now...

yer gf fat? if she is take her with you, maybe she'll sweat off a few pounds :loco:
everywhere i go this year there's a heatwave. wacken: heatwave. london: heatwave. it'd be much easier if someone just told me where there is no heatwave - and invited me over - as long as i still have some free time. not that it matters anymore, as more than 50% of my body is already lobster-coloured and sizzling at night.