Is anybody else MELTING in the heat?

Pfft... Pansies! :p

(Ulla can keep her -30*C though :ill: *Brrrr!*... Surely you're nipples must be classified as dangerous weapons at that point! :erk: )

Touche! :Smug:

(I set 'em up, you knock 'em down... hell, I don't even care if they keep bowling me over on the way down! ;) )

But I think you'll find it noteworthy that certain parts of the human anatomy would be expected to change in size inversley propotionate to said 'dangerous weapons'...... unless of course, I was present in the room at the same time as 'said dangerous weapons' (assuming they belong to one Urralla), in which case you'll find that the rate of growth would be directley proportionate.... if not exponentially so... :Smug:

You started it by posting about the weather. Then Spike had to talk about your nipples, it's just the most natural subject to follow weather in any conversation.
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you actually make sense, Rusty.
silly me for asking stupid things, i am the one who started the whole nipple conversation.

you Rahvin, on the other hand, make no sense to me at all.
i guess it's because when it's cold males notice way less exciting reactions in their body, hence they skip "their side" of the experience :p
ouagadougou said:
you actually make sense, Rusty.
silly me for asking stupid things, i am the one who started the whole nipple conversation.
Exactly!! :) Now, I think you owe Spike and rahvin an apology.
rahvin said:
heated debate
Please tell me this wasn't a pun. :erk:
It rained here the past fews days so it has cooled off quite a bit, but it's been nothing but brutally hot the entire summer.

Me=a human bbq.