is anyone else offended by that nirvana advert


Master of the Earth
Oct 20, 2002
royston, herts, england
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i have seen an advert on british tele that quote the magazine 'q' saying nirvana is the most important band in the world, does anyone else thinkt hat is bollox? just to set thwe record strait, i think the only good song they have done (that i ahve herd) is teen spirit

wat does everyone else think about the nirvana style?
anyone who says teen spirit is their best song obviously has only listened to the material put out on mtv.. someone who says something like that doesn't have the right to speak, atleast give them credit for being important in music movement and shit rather than being blunt..
Sure, Nirvana are overated. But they changed the rock scene and influenced a hell of alot of bands.(not necessarily good bands) I personally enjoy Nirvana's music, and I agree that Teen Spirit certainly wasn't their best song.
I liked teen spirit when I heard it on Headbangers Ball, so I went out and bought the tape. It's laying somewhere on I-94 between Gary and Chicago. Most important band.....ha!
Hmm... most important band no, AN important band, yes. I totally agree that they did change the rock scene, and did influence a lot of bands. And Smells Like Teen Spirit wasn't their best song... it wasn't even off of one of their best abulms. Their best abulms were In Utero, and "Bleach"... hands down.
no way...their best album was "Incesticide"!...which had all the best songs...mwhahahahahaha...

nirvana the most important band...nah....but they were/are a big influence...

great lyrics...some song structure isnt too great...but it manages...

but overall: "Incesticide" is the best fucking nirvana album that was a really shit album.....Unplugged in New York was best. Nirvana certainly wouldn't have been so big if it wasn't for Kurt's "mysterious" suicide....
well i dont know much of nirvana, i admit that but i am asking u lot if nirvana are to be concidered the most important band i the world, i aint being blunt, all i am saying is out of the 5 or 6 songs i ahve heard teen spirit is the best, i didnt even think it was that good, but other songs i have heard like neg creep and breed arnt that good and i was wondering if there better than that, some one mentioned Incesticide as a good albumaso ill check it out

but i would just liek to clear that i am npot slggin off nirvana, i have no roght as i aint heard much of them
I'll tell you when the "stroy" ends. I'm glad you don't "liek" Linkin Park, but you're illiterate, and you're completely missing the point...