is anyone else offended by that nirvana advert

I disagree but am not offended by someone referring to Nirvana as the most important band in the world.I view them as vastly overated.When I was about 15 I used to listen to Nevermind all the time.Now they just bore me.The songs `Grate` for lack of a better term.
Originally posted by King Of Terror
anyone who says teen spirit is their best song obviously has only listened to the material put out on mtv..
I don't know about you, but I have a mind of my own and if I feel that "Smells like teen spirit" is their best song I'll do so!
But I don't though! I jumped on board on the grunge train when I first heard "Teen spirit" and then I got a hold of "Bleach", "Nevermind", "In Utero", "Incestecide" and "Unplugged in New York". As you can see I was a pretty big fan. I then listened to it a lot, but after a while my interest in them (and grunge) simply faded out. I had the albums on orig. tape (except for "Utero" (taped) and "Unplugged" (cd)) and they're just lying in my closet now and has done so for many years. Grunge was kind of a fashion. When it came out everybody was like "Hey, this is cool" and when it wasn't interesting anymore everybody stopped listening to it. Just like fashion in clothes. The new song from that greatest hits thing is mildly uninteresting IMO. I can understand why they didn't put it on an album.
Nirvana was an important band, but I don't think there's that many bands today that are inspired by them. Puddle of Mud is the only band I can come up with. I think I can say for a fact that they're not the most important band ever. I think The Beatles will claim that title. The Rolling Stones will probably come in as no. 2.
As long as there's music there will be fans of all bands that ever existed, but the amount of fans Nirvana has today is very, very small compared to the amount of fans they had in the early 90's. Beatles or the Stones has today a much higher amount of fans compared to the amount of fans they had in the 60's. Not saying that they have more fans now than in the 60's, but if they have like 60% of the amount of fans now they had in the 60's, Nirvana may only have 10% or something.
I pretty much grew up listening to Nirvana, didn't get into death metal until the mid-90s (and it's far from all that I listen to). Incesticide is by far my favorite Nirvana album, showed them in their element. It's pretty difficult to argue that they weren't important, they changed modern mainstream rock from hair-metal to slacker rock. For better or for worse, they did. The 90s would have been ruled by Metallica's black album and the Illusion twins from Guns n' Roses without Nirvana's Nevermind.

Most important bands ever:

1) Elvis
2) The Beatles
3) Black Sabbath
4) Nirvana
5) Carcass

Originally posted by NAD

Most important bands ever:

1) Elvis
2) The Beatles
3) Black Sabbath
4) Nirvana
5) Carcass

I think you should switch Beatles and Elvis and then maybe put Rolling Stones at no. 3. It's hard to say which bands were important throughout the time. A band like Aerosmith are still big and has maintained that status for over 25 years, but I don't really know if they're that important, as they haven't really been groundbreaking or anything like that (which The Stones really hasn't either). I don't know about a band like Deep Purple or The Who. I guess they were kind of important, but among the most important ever is hard to say. It's just hard to find anyone else. I don't know about Nirvana either.
I really think Nirvana was just an MTV band. Without MTV, there would be no Nirvana. I hate that channel.

I guess I should add that I do like Dave Grohl though. I'm not really into the Foo Fighters, but he seems like a pretty cool dude.

Elvis/Beatles/Black Sabbath....Couldn't have said it better. To add a couple more, I'd go with:
4. Eric Clapton - Blind Faith, Cream, Yardbirds, solo work. You don't have to like him, but his guitar work has been an influence to guitarists everywhere.
5. The Blues. Every band mentioned above has been influenced by The blues. I'm not really in the know to pick one blues master, but without the blues, things would have been a lot different.
Nirvana was one of the most influential bands of all time but I'm not sure they were the most. When they broke everybody wanted to be like them. Grunge was the new hip thing. I love Nirvana they are the band that got me into everything else and I think they are great.