Is Bush really out?


Remotely Deranged
Apr 6, 2002
Cause everywhere I read it says "former vocalist" or something like that. What's up with that?
If he really got booted out, isn't it time for an official statement from Ian/Benante?
And that official statement should include an explanation about Rob Caggiano and if he also got fired!
Ravenous said:
Cause everywhere I read it says "former vocalist" or something like that. What's up with that?
If he really got booted out, isn't it time for an official statement from Ian/Benante?
And that official statement should include an explanation about Rob Caggiano and if he also got fired!

The official line is Rob and John are still very much part of the Anthrax family. Take from that what you wish. :Spin:
Thrillho said:
New threads like this should be deleted on the spot.
Or just have one stickied to the top of the first page, instead of a new one being created as soon as the old one gets bumped to the second page. There are people that don't frequent this page as often as you or I, and while yes, they should scroll through the old topics to see if its already been posted, the reality is its a legitimate question to be asked (granted one with no answer right now), so we should just have one "official" thread for discussing the topic instead of a dozen every week.

Similarly, we should just have one "official" John vs. Joey thread, stickied to the top, where people that want to argue about is "the best" can argue about it in one place instead of every single thread. That would also allow those that are sick of the whole argument to just avoid that one thread instead of inadvertantly opening up some off-topic thread about Iron Maiden and finding themselves in the middle of a "John suck/No, Joey sucks" war.
nafnikufesin said:
Or just have one stickied to the top of the first page, instead of a new one being created as soon as the old one gets bumped to the second page. There are people that don't frequent this page as often as you or I, and while yes, they should scroll through the old topics to see if its already been posted, the reality is its a legitimate question to be asked (granted one with no answer right now), so we should just have one "official" thread for discussing the topic instead of a dozen every week.

Similarly, we should just have one "official" John vs. Joey thread, stickied to the top, where people that want to argue about is "the best" can argue about it in one place instead of every single thread. That would also allow those that are sick of the whole argument to just avoid that one thread instead of inadvertantly opening up some off-topic thread about Iron Maiden and finding themselves in the middle of a "John suck/No, Joey sucks" war.

That is an awesome idea. If voting counted, I'm all for it!
I agree with you, some people don't come here as often, but when you load up and see a picture of the ATL lineup that was taken not that long ago - that should answer your question.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone by posting a thread that from what I know by now is very common here.
But your guess is right, I'm not a frequent visitor and therefor I asked this question.

Thrillho said:
I agree with you, some people don't come here as often, but when you load up and see a picture of the ATL lineup that was taken not that long ago - that should answer your question.

Well that's the reunion line-up, isn't it? In my opinion it doesn't answer the question if John and Rob are out or not, but maybe that's just me? :)
Ravenous said:
I'm sorry if I offended anyone by posting a thread that from what I know by now is very common here.
But your guess is right, I'm not a frequent visitor and therefor I asked this question.

Well that's the reunion line-up, isn't it? In my opinion it doesn't answer the question if John and Rob are out or not, but maybe that's just me? :)
Post whatever you want Dude. If nobody is interested, they won't reply.
and, yeah, it's not lookin' good. John said his days with Anthrax are pretty much over and thats about the only thing anyone knows... nobody in the band is saying anything.
Ravenous said:
I'm sorry if I offended anyone by posting a thread that from what I know by now is very common here.
But your guess is right, I'm not a frequent visitor and therefor I asked this question.

Well that's the reunion line-up, isn't it? In my opinion it doesn't answer the question if John and Rob are out or not, but maybe that's just me? :)

you must understand you are the 1,374 person to post this same question.
Ravenous said:
Well, I guess I should have known that... ;)

It has been nice talking to you, I'll get back when I have
something more intresting to post.

Like pics of your GF's boobs or something :lol: