is chuck schuldiner even that good?

Who cares man? If you really do like something, what does a bunch of jackoffs on an internet message board opinions have to do with anything?
let me answer your question with another question: could this emergence of self-doubt be the first step in you becoming NOT this forum's most rampant imbecile?
Chuck's vocals were unimpressive but tolerable, but he was an admirable musician who constantly strove to push his music further. You may feel he was misguided in terms of the increasingly technical/progressive direction he took but there's no question that he did it for the love of heavy metal and no one can claim a nobler cause.
"Greatest guitarist evar inventor of all death metal and god himself"-good? Nah. "Dude that successfully carved multiple niches and had a distinctive style in spite of being overrated by thousands of fanboys"-good? Sure. His riffcraft is pretty mediocre on a whole, however.
He certainly improved greatly over the course of his career. I am not a death metal fan in the least, but his stuff at the end was very good. His other band, blanking on the name, was more of my cup of tea.