Is having syncretic tastes bad for your health?


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Sep 4, 2003
I think I'm doomed for liking too much of too many different styles. At some point I thought I wasn't being selective enough about what I chose to listen to, but it can't really be the case as I've kept dismissing by the pound everything that wouldn't fit what I consider topnotch requirements.

Anyway, these past few years it has become extremely hard to keep up with events, and even more to derive from each style the degree of enjoyment they potentially have in store for me. For short periods of time I manage to focus on a single style/band and get the most out of it. But then in the meantine 10 kickass albums in 10 different styles would have been released and I'm completely overwhelmed again. Furthermore there comes once in a while some kind of shock discovery which should have been essential from the beginning (see Swans in 2005) and thus more digging tasks ahead and less breathing space for the other styles.

I know at some point I will slow down and watch the train pass, becoming in my turn one of those frozen-in-time types growing increasingly indifferent to current musical production/progression, but the time just hasn't come yet.

I wouldn't exchange my position for someone's who listens to one style exclusively, be it old school Thrash metal or NSBM or even a classical music integrist, but I can't help thinking how much more at ease they must feel in their well-delineated microcosm than I do on top of my salad with new toppings ever pouring down over my head.

I await thoughts.
lizard said:
well mein freund, it's always easier to be simple (or stupid) because there are no challenges or mental hurdles to deal with, you just plod stolidly through life. may cause more trouble to be curious or intellectually stimulated, but be grateful for it.

Yes but what' when you're intellectually stimulated and at the same time too "limited" to take it all and digest it in a satisfactory way. Do you have to make cuts, as painful as they may be?
unfortunately....yes. there is simply not enough time in the day especially if you're in school or have to work...there are sooooo many things out there I would like to investigate. not just music...but art, books, etc., and the sad fact is I could live to be 100 and there would be shitloads more stuff to check out...I guess ultimately you have to prioritize.

It's like, I read probably two or three books a week. Now of course, I can read faster than authors can write, but conversely, there are many more writers than there are me :)
MadeInNewJersey said:
I too have the same "problem," though like Thanatopsis, it doesn't bother me.

Yes. It's a typical homo-angst issue, I'm given to hear. Does it happen to anyone else around here to be caught staring at their cd-racks for minutes (or mp3 files for that matter), completely indecisive as to what to listen to next?
Ellestin said:
Yes. It's a typical homo-angst issue, I'm given to hear. Does it happen to anyone else around here to be caught staring at their cd-racks for minutes (or mp3 files for that matter), completely indecisive as to what to listen to next?

Alright, well THAT happens to me almost every day. It's why I had to institute a "system," at least applicable to the stuff I haven't even heard yet. lol, I'm such a loser.
I am, and have been, in the smae boat for a longtime. I have no time to type out a lengthy reply right now as I am at work but godamnit, it gets to me just like you Bertrand. One of the reasons why I sold a lot of my cd's, and am still in th eprocess fo it.
i cured myself awhile back, but i was never nearly as bad as some of you lot. i'm perfectly content with having 1 album each from like 3 amazing bands in a particular style, sometimes less. and i haven't completed a band's discography in years.
I get that "600 plus albums and not a single fucking one of them fits my mood" feeling a lot, I think the tendency to get bored with things quickly is an inevitable side effect of constantly seeking out new music. Musical diversity is a virtue, certain genres always dominate my current listening, but I try to exercise enough moderation to keep from ignoring everything else.
I see no problem in liking too much different stuff, other than it can ruin your economy...:erk:

sometimes my friends are annoyed by it, but hell, a lot of times i have to put up with obscure black metal bands or stupid german speed metal bands? anyways, its just a question of tolerance. and sufficient money.

one of my bandmates gave the perfect example when it comes to tolerance: this guy is really open to a lot of stuff (also non-metal stuff), and, being the great fan of the smiths that i am (its gay, i know, but i still love it), i played him a couple of songs, and he said: "its not my style of music, i wouldnt listen to it, but these guys really know how to play. their songs are well-written, so i fully respect it. but i dont like it."

i dont see why anyone should feel bad about liking a lot of different stuff? i mean, theres so much music in this world, that you could spend a lifetime exploring what happened musically in the 70's... :yow:
MadeInNewJersey said:
I love The Smiths. Honestly, one of my all-time favorite bands, any genre period.

Of course I love obscure black metal bands and stupid german speed metal bands too, so... :tickled:

really? that surprises me. i thought the smiths were mostly a european phenomenon. what do you think of morrisseys solo stuff?

i love obscure bands too, but not most of the black metal stuff...besides dissection. and when it comes to german speed metal - old helloween and blind guardian, not much else does it for me. generally speaking.
The Smiths are known the world over! They were one of the 3 most popular Brit-alternative bands of the '80s! Maybe it's b/c I grew up in the '80s, but it was always The Cure, The Smiths & Depeche Mode. Anyway, I dig Morrissey's solo stuff, but nowhere near as much. IMO he just misses the guitar sound of Johnny Marr, you know? I will say that his last album from either last year or this one was a pleasant surprise. Almost sounded like the Smiths of old.
MadeInNewJersey said:
The Smiths are known the world over! They were one of the 3 most popular Brit-alternative bands of the '80s! Maybe it's b/c I grew up in the '80s, but it was always The Cure, The Smiths & Depeche Mode. Anyway, I dig Morrissey's solo stuff, but nowhere near as much. IMO he just misses the guitar sound of Johnny Marr, you know? I will say that his last album from either last year or this one was a pleasant surprise. Almost sounded like the Smiths of old.

exactly my words. except for the part with the new morrissey album, its nowhere near the smiths, though its very, very good.

i dont believe that the smiths will ever do a reunion, but hell, who would've thought roger would have played with floyd again? its a strange world, and nothing is impossible, so maybe someday?