Is it me, or is there sudden plague of trolls recently?


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
I know I'm no seasoned veteran but damn.

These kids are coming on here expecting a miracle plugin to sound like emmure, religious settings for compressors (if they're more of an advanced troll) and then when they get laughed at and told to search, they tell us to fuck off and they dont give a fuck?!

What the hell is going on?? The production tips and rate my mix dont really see any kind of WOW factor anymore
Meh... times change sadly. This forum will one day become a white dwarf it seems...
A few years back it was *dual mic'd 5150 and new recto clips* etc, and of course, drum mixes etc..
With todays, "New superior/ pod/ tact blah blah", all the turds come out because they think "OMG! I don't have a recto or 5150, but I have a cracked waves bundle and a pod, I can totally do this".
Sad reality but it is reality. I still think the rate my mix forum should be divided. Real drumming/ amps and a programmed/ sim section. I'd maybe go back to the RMM sub if that happened....
There are a lot more people out there taking this place for granted and draining its resources than there are those contributing to them. It's the sad fact that over time the forum will topple with the sheer weight of newcomers who come expecting everything, but giving nothing in return.

All I can say is that I'm so very grateful to have come here when the forum was still in its heyday, Andy was communicating regularly, and we were all learning together.
There are a lot more people out there taking this place for granted and draining its resources than there are those contributing to them. It's the sad fact that over time the forum will topple with the sheer weight of newcomers who come expecting everything, but giving nothing in return.

All I can say is that I'm so very grateful to have come here when the forum was still in its heyday, Andy was communicating regularly, and we were all learning together.

Yep, forum went down to the tubes with all the POD Warriors years ago. There's still good discussions here but it takes a lot of filtering through crap, and the really interesting posts usually get less attention because they have to do with real gear or working on real projects, 2 things which doesn't really apply to most of the forum. No problem with that at all but it is a bummer to have to sift through so much crap about "which VST makes drums sound the best" and whatnot.

I still support having a heavily moderated subforum for real world engineering :D
I will say... I made a post recently enquiring about a mic for doing dual micing of the top of a snare. I gave a budget... which most people promptly ignored, and started recommending elite shit that I just cannot afford.

I didn't find most of the responses that useful. However there were a few good responses, and Joey made a thread recently on a similar topic, so I took those recommendations too. I thought it was a shame it required two people for a lot of respect people around here to get involved.

My 2p.
I don't think banning is the answer. I did a few months ago as I made plenty of posts on the subject. But since then I have done a lot more thinking about what is going on and I blame Joey Sturgis for everything :p (kidding Joey)

But in all honestly. Since Joey really hit it big on the scene all these kinds think they can get "Br000tlz" with a Pod and some presets. Gone are the days of discussing proper cabinet micing techniques, or even the days when Karzog would post his kick ass Pod tones. Here are the days of the "impulse" and "free VST amp sims". The AxeFx has really proven you don't need tubes or a mic in front of a cab to sound good. Everything is ITB (in the box) nowadays.

I just recently re-watched Andy's interview with Russ Russell for and the thing that stood out most to me in the entire video was Andy stating. "Im am trying to do more outside the box". That statement alone made me really think about the way I personally mix and use plugins. Granted I don't have Cranesongs, Neves, real SSL, and Rhodes / (Insert kick ass mic brand here) but I do approach my mixes from a different perspective then "oh I'll fix it in the mix". I spend much more time on pre-production and getting tones before it hits the DAW.

With the quality of today's middle / low end gear being as good as top notch stuff 5 years ago it only makes sense that these kids are coming to try and learn how to use this stuff. I think we really need to just nurture them into realizing that its not "THE GEAR" it's how you use the gear to get what you want to hear, for those that will listen at least. Sure we are going to get the "how do / pod tact / C4 preset" cronies". But instead of blowing them off by saying "USE THE SEARCH" we should attempt to explain to them that its not about the presets, its about learning to use these tools to get the sounds in your head.

I know when I first came here 5 years ago I was all about the "what plugins / presets" do you use. Guy's like Karzog, Murph, Lasse, and Brent took the time to explain to me that it wasn't the plugins and "the gear". It was about how you used it and what each thing did to the mix / source signal. I really had felt ofr a while that blowing $6500 bucks on Waves was a BAD idea cause I had no idea how to use ANY of it

Remember we were all Noobs like Melb once..... ;)
Another one of these threads?? Really??

Probably one of the worst I've seen.

I haven't been on this forum long, and I just lurked from the sidelines at first but these guys dont even seem to lurk, just join, dont browse and ask things that have been covered 1000 times over

I've only been producing music 3-4 years now (mainly electronica) but this forum has helped me more than any other resource (apart from self development!) but the thing is... everything that has helped me is way old threads I've dug out using the custom google search.

Still totally grateful for all the help and warm welcomes I've had on here! Awesome community! Not even just for metal production :)
I will say... I made a post recently enquiring about a mic for doing dual micing of the top of a snare. I gave a budget... which most people promptly ignored, and started recommending elite shit that I just cannot afford.

I didn't find most of the responses that useful. However there were a few good responses, and Joey made a thread recently on a similar topic, so I took those recommendations too. I thought it was a shame it required two people for a lot of respect people around here to get involved.

My 2p.

I'll admit that I much more readily click on threads made by guys like Joey, Lasse, Brett, James, Glenn etc. simply because they are much more likely to be relevant to me. They are much more likely to have discussion relevant to real studio engineering, and not how to get the most out of a budget home rig with a mommy & daddy allowance.

And it's fine, there is a place for both. Just bear in mind that when someone like Joey makes a thread, even if it's about the same topic as one you made a few days ago, it's likely going to get a lot more attention. My own threads have been neglected in a similar fashion over the years, and it's perfectly understandable why.

FWIW I read the Joey thread and the suggestions in there seemed to be pretty on the ball and relevant to what he was asking. I'm not sure why yours was different.
Another one of these threads?? Really??

Is it me, or is there a sudden plague of threads complaining about a sudden plague of trolls?

Seriously though, I agree with what you all say, and I would definitely be into HEAVILY moderating this forum, as in first thread in production tips that's supposed to be in the rate my mix subforum gets deleted, Anyone asking a question clearly asked before gets their thread deleted (and a warning to the user, at second warning you're out), and heavily looking into those "yeah so like where do I start to make a good PROFESSIONAL metal mix, do I plug my guitar into the line in of my pc?" kinda threads, deleting, warning, etc. when needed.

oh and at the first "it's my first post here so be kind dudezzz" BAN HAMMER

ok maybe too much on that last one, but I really do want to do it everytime I see it.

I really think heavier modding would help to keep this place a bit more clean, I mean you're SUPPOSED to read the stickies that say "read this before posting" so you know the rules, and deleting threads and warning users I think is the best way to MAKE them read the rules first
Another one of these threads?? Really??

My bad! Didn't realise you meant one of THESE threads :(

Is there any way of creating a block unless stickies have been read? I've been on sites with blocked content unless they have 1+ post etc, i know thats different round here but surely there must be a way to block content unless stickies/tutorials/threads etc have been read before hand. Might be a little hard monitoring if one user has read a page though I guess... I'm no ICT wizard!
I find a lot on here Erms that us "lower budget" buys like Drew and Myself tend to always get replies like that. I think its just the nature of things and guys like Drew and Myself need to realize that sometimes there is just no acceptable replacement for $1000000 gear no matter how you slice it.

That being said I do think that guys like Joey, Brett, James and Lasses don't really know much about the middle of the road gear, so they would be the wrong ones to ask about it. But there are guys like yourself, Jeff, Ola that have worked and got amazing sounds out of the middle of the road stuff for so long that guys like Drew and Myself just want to get to THAT point before making the next big leap.

I think the idea about making sub forums for N00bs, Middle of the road, and pros isn't such a bad idea. But segregation is never a good thing.

It's a tough call no matter how you slice it.
I mean you're SUPPOSED to read the stickies that say "read this before posting" so you know the rules, and deleting threads and warning users I think is the best way to MAKE them read the rules first

The problem is the positioning of those threads visually on the screen. They come AFTER all the "Rate my mix / Tips" threads. I think if Lasse and Andy moved them to the top with the "READ THIS BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS" thread at the top it would cut down on some of the BS we see daily.
In all fairness I can't profess to know much about 'midrange' gear myself. As much as the stuff I have here isn't 'elite' (by GS standards anyway), there is nothing that would be holding back great recordings with it. The gear I commonly use to track bands with at studios is usually nothing short of world class either, so that further puts me out of perspective. I don't really feel at home going into threads where people are asking for the best solution on *insert sub-$1k budget*.

From what I can see the midrange is a fairly self-explanatory beast these days though. For best midrange interface/conversion go with RME. For best mic preamps go with clones (notably the 7th circle stuff). There are hundreds of mics around at various price points too, there is never a lack of supply.

Anyway, heavier moderation never makes the moderator more popular, even when it has to be done. It's just the mantle you have to don, to be public enemy in the interests of serving the community in the long run. As the community grows larger we will see an increasing need for heavier moderation.
Anyway, heavier moderation never makes the moderator more popular, even when it has to be done. It's just the mantle you have to don, to be public enemy in the interests of serving the community in the long run. As the community grows larger we will see an increasing need for heavier moderation.

Well I don't really see that as an issue, Lasse's a nazi anyways haha

Seriously though, if I were moderator, and all the kids hated me cause I keep deleting their threads and banning them, I would have no problem at all, as long as I know I'm doing my job and that the guys who actually follow the rules appreciate my job. Oh and if there is the need for more moderators for this (Lasse alone can't be online all the time, and Brett is reappearing in short bursts) I would also back that up