I don't think banning is the answer. I did a few months ago as I made plenty of posts on the subject. But since then I have done a lot more thinking about what is going on and I blame Joey Sturgis for everything
(kidding Joey)
But in all honestly. Since Joey really hit it big on the scene all these kinds think they can get "Br000tlz" with a Pod and some presets. Gone are the days of discussing proper cabinet micing techniques, or even the days when Karzog would post his kick ass Pod tones. Here are the days of the "impulse" and "free VST amp sims". The AxeFx has really proven you don't need tubes or a mic in front of a cab to sound good. Everything is ITB (in the box) nowadays.
I just recently re-watched Andy's interview with Russ Russell for Recording.com and the thing that stood out most to me in the entire video was Andy stating. "Im am trying to do more outside the box". That statement alone made me really think about the way I personally mix and use plugins. Granted I don't have Cranesongs, Neves, real SSL, and Rhodes / (Insert kick ass mic brand here) but I do approach my mixes from a different perspective then "oh I'll fix it in the mix". I spend much more time on pre-production and getting tones before it hits the DAW.
With the quality of today's middle / low end gear being as good as top notch stuff 5 years ago it only makes sense that these kids are coming to try and learn how to use this stuff. I think we really need to just nurture them into realizing that its not "THE GEAR" it's how you use the gear to get what you want to hear, for those that will listen at least. Sure we are going to get the "how do / pod tact / C4 preset" cronies". But instead of blowing them off by saying "USE THE SEARCH" we should attempt to explain to them that its not about the presets, its about learning to use these tools to get the sounds in your head.
I know when I first came here 5 years ago I was all about the "what plugins / presets" do you use. Guy's like Karzog, Murph, Lasse, and Brent took the time to explain to me that it wasn't the plugins and "the gear". It was about how you used it and what each thing did to the mix / source signal. I really had felt ofr a while that blowing $6500 bucks on Waves was a BAD idea cause I had no idea how to use ANY of it ....lol
Remember we were all Noobs like Melb once.....