is it possible to sleep comfortably hugging someone?

Lol well the band did cross my mind when I wrote of those on the list of bands-to-check-out. It's a long list believe me.

Btw Wandrail, one would think you knew that Profånity's a man of some sort (since he has raped just about every board with his nonsense). :p Or are you hinting that he's gay?

Long distance relationships do work. Just not always. But you're a fool for saying "never" Profånity.
Havent read all the pages, just answering the main question: it's possible even tho I myself am a restless sleeper and change positions many times before falling asleep. But if you find the ultimate position awww...thats just great haha =D
rahvin said:
that's bullshit man, you'll get laid like everybody else. unless you want to score with somebody gothic i'd suggest you try and get a little more confident, to speed up the process a bit. it really gets you halfway there. you don't even need to be smart or good-looking, and you're probably both anyway.
MmmmmHmmmmm, Suuuure..............



Fat lot of good that did in the past. :bah:
Hearse said:
it is!!
And it is the most ultimate sleeping postion, best one ever!
you just need to know exact where to put your hands and legs ;)

It's kind spoon position where I put my leg between the womans leg and arm under her neck and other one around. Very comfy position, me loves :dopey:

Only problem in it is that I get extremely horny while sleeping like that :loco:
:kickass: :rock: ME TOO:lol:
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well, i follow hearse's school of thought here: it's tough to be in bed with someone you like and actually sleep. the few guys i've shared a bed with in a romantic situation ALWAYS fell asleep before me, annoying me to no end, and i must say that if dream guy sleeps while i want entertainment, my first intention is more pummel than hug. moreover, i normally go for wiry, very thin guys, so there's not really any proverbial reassuring hug to be awaited. and no, i'm not fat. :grin:
Hearse said:
I usually be the one who is awake longer,
and what could be more pleasent sight than a beautiful lady in your hug, skin agains skin, and watching her sleep :dopey:
My boyfriend watches me sleep by all accounts, he says I look really little and cute when I'm asleep.
Yes you can.

Hearse had the various means of doing it. He's right.

I always sleep better when I've got a chick next to me.
Unless she snores really bloody loud, and in that case I dump her
and replace her.
i roll around alot :( but find it easier to be in spooning position but with arm under my girlfriends neck or above me, but sholder goes crazy sometimes hehe