is it possible to sleep comfortably hugging someone?

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And you'd have a most seksi teacher

Now whadaya say? winkwink nudgenudge.. saynomore? :p
I have NEVER been able to sleep comfortably with anyone in the world... except my love Sarah... I haveb een with her for a year and I can sleep with her in my arms without trying... asny other person, of any sex otr anything cannot even touch me when im asleep or I wake up.. it's odd :hypno:
OfficerNice said:
Yes you can.

Hearse had the various means of doing it. He's right.

I always sleep better when I've got a chick next to me.
Unless she snores really bloody loud, and in that case I dump her
and replace her.
But what if she was really fit, wouldnt you just use a peg, or put something in her mouth ;) that will teach her a lesson :loco:
hah damn this thread hasnt disappeared... i thought it would after 2 pages and i wouldnt have to admit that no, i havent been able to sleep comfortably with someone else.
maybe you have to get used to it?
haha im saying it because i have a cat and at first i would move around a lot and she would get angry and jump off bed, and now we've become used to each other and- ok no? ok FINE :bah:
Violet Baudelaire said:
haha im saying it because i have a cat and at first i would move around a lot and she would get angry and jump off bed, and now we've become used to each other and- ok no? ok FINE :bah:
:lol: yeah I slept with my mum´s cat this night and I haven´t slept much, I had him all over me in like 100 different positions but it was quite cozy :grin:
Lady Vampy said:
*hugs back*

When she is home (shes at college so i sleep alone), she sometimes lets me snuggle up against her, but not a lot :yell:, we used to a lot. Not anymore. :( She said i make a great pillow.

perfecterror said:
yes it is possible if you like to snuggle like me:lol:
I DO!!!

LAdies??? :wave:
Sorath said:
I'd need to find someone who could stand listening to unholy black metal while sleeping AND looks good, is nice and all of that. Wish me luck.
Good luck.

I want someone like that too... but male and who also appreciates my uniqueness (or insanity, as some say it is).
regarding the hugging question, honestly, I slept in that way for every week end in two years.. I felt comfortable :)
now i sleep with my kitty cat, she's so nice :grin:

It is possible if you are on a small island. I did sleep very close to a male friend when we thought we thought not to be rescued. (sp?) I didnt care, neither did he. When it comes down to it i would take heat from me and he. I do not see a prob with it?!
Er.... did anyone say there was a problem with it???

I would do the same thing in the same situation... life or bullshit macho man crap?

I'll stay alive thanks