Sava, It can be way too easy to let off steam on the boards, especially when drinking... So it is morning and I am drinking coffee!!!
Like I had said before, the fest is a lot of work for Glenn and I am sure that it costs a bunch of time and money for him... BUT, he started the Gold Badge and sponsor program to "fund" the show... With the Gold Badge you get a few, very few perks... I assume that like any other business, the stockholders may not have any authority to do anything beyond FEEL like you can have and own these few perks. Bryant lost it because like any big business, they just keep taking and taking... I had said in another thread, what really is the Gold Badge worth? Does it make me feel more special? Does it actually provide the back bone of this fest actually happening? I think with some of the ego it seems to me that someone is forgetting what it is that really makes these shows. Remember, fans...
Whiny cunt bands that don't wanna play are just that, whiny cunts... Come the fuck on. You know coming in that you are not going to conquer any great thing playing at ProgPower. You do know that if you are playing there, you will play to a Pure Metal crowd and I guess you will probably make a few bucks... Nothing more, nothing less... Truthfully if the whole thing was bootlegged and sold, the only person who is losing money would be Glenn (which I feel this is why we are all having this discussion). He keeps mentioning the bands but I think that is a diversion tactic. Most of these bands are so "specialized" that there is not much of a fan base anyway... I know, I know... A lost sale is a lost sale... BUT, don't play at all and what do you have? Risks man, take a fucking risk... remember Rock 'n Roll... Sex, drugs, sleeping in the bus, eating dog shit... You chose that life, live it!!!
Anywho, yes, FUCK YOU is not right and back to the matter at hand...
Bryant, where are you??