Is it weird


May 29, 2012
to listen to your own music?

I mean like for an emotional reason, not in any analytical way. After a bad day today I came home and put on a song I wrote with my old band because the lyrics summed up exactly how I felt. I wasnt the singer so I wasnt listening to my own voice which I think might be a little weird, but I wrote the music and lyrics...:eek:
i don't think so. after all, it came from your mind - you of all people should be proud of it and enjoy hearing what you made. i often listen to my own music because it helps me reflect on how my mindset has changed in the time since i wrote it, or just because something about it makes me happy. i don't think it's necessarily masturbatory or self-congratulatory or anything like that.
totally agree with that. I make the music in order to communicate with other people and some stuff is really just cus I enjoy playing it. Yet most people I know dont drive around listening to their demos or albums and whatnot simply because 1)you've probably heard it a billion times just in practices and during the recording process and 2) some cant listen to their stuff on a purely surface level without analyzing the shit out of it. I mean, it's hard enough for a musician to listen(this is based only on my experiences mind you)to listen to music and not analyze it. If it's your own creation, there is an entirely new barrier between you and an enjoyable listening experience.

they say the only true art is art for arts sake, which is fucking hard to grasp.
Lets just say this thread has inspired me to go listen to some of my old band's recordings because of how much I remember enjoying them.
Sad fact: After typing that post I went to do so and remembered the hard drive I kept all those files on (along with about 4 years of my photographs) is dead and the data is no longer accessible.

Should have made backups!