Is it worth trying to ask a serious question?


Jul 15, 2001
The starry attic
What do you people actually work as?

Seeing everyone posts from work I thought it would be useful to know :)

I work in the local biochemical genetics lab screening pregnant mothers for chromosomal abnormalities and babies for congenital disorders..


*awaits no serious replies whatsoever*
i work for a company that helps people get out of debt. i enter stuff into the copmuter and send out mail. very repetitive but very easy. and i just got a raise last week.
That is why I go here:

heh, i have a part-time job as well as a full-time one, but it's one of those evenings and weekends things. and i dont post from it. :p

ezekiel, do you do those ads on tv that are like GET OUT OF DEBT THE EEEEAAZY WAY, or are you with a CCC type place?