A good read

Skimmed it. That was one big LOL XD Goddam those crasy extremist fems =)))

On a serious note though, if half of the females are sluts and stupid enough, there's nothing you can about it. Besides, angry ranting in response to a Fox News (why is it still called "news"??) article is beyond pathetic. It should go to the "you laugh-you lose" thread :lol:

They'll just all probably die from STDs, auto regulation, we need it.

Yeah, so true :lol: Natural birth control, besides much safer ecologically than, say, world wars... Wish all the suckers could be isolated from the rest of the humanity though, so that they don't further screw up good genetic bank =)
Bad parenting is the main thing, though the media certainly doesn't help. If the parent's are just lazy slobs that like to swear at each other and do drugs/drink all the time, and set no boundaries for their kids, most probably the kids are gonna turn out the same way. Parent's just need to harden the fuck up and start showing some discipline, and teaching manners too. Can barely even hit your child these days without being dobbed in for child abuse. Yes I do know there's real cases where parents go to far with it, but some kids do dob in their parents or threaten to dob them in over something small.

Man when I was younger, if I swore at my parents, out came the belt and my hide was tanned. If I didn't do a chore/homework or wasn't home on time, I was grounded or wasn't aloud to do anything fun like play video games or go skating until that shit was done. And well, my parents made sure to my sister that if she got pregnant early, she'd probably pay some severe consequences and get the beating of a life time. If I have kids I'm sure as fuck gonna raise them the same way.

Like I said before, bad parenting and media influence is what causes that shit to happen. And it will probably always happen now because people aren't really as strict as they used to be like 10-20+ years ago.
I'm gonna bump this thread cause I thought it sparked some interesting discussion. Go ahead and flame, I know how much some of you love me. I don't post much anymore but I lurk regularly...

It's this type of people that makes me have such a cold approach towards human reproduction.

To sum it up, I think all those interested in having children must be thoroughly tested for ability to independently(without help from gov't i.e. Welfare, etc) raise genetically, emotionally, psychologically, morally and intellectually healthy individuals who have the sound potential to be productive and positive members of society. All those who fail must be given vasectomies and have their tubes tied, respectively, until they pass the evaluation. Those women with substantial genetic faults which show promise for producing ill offspring must have hysterectomies. Those women already pregnant without gov't-given permission to reproduce must follow through with evaluation and in the case that they pass, but do not know or have contact with the father, they must abort the child if during the first trimester or be legally bound in an agreement to independently raise the child to standard without abuse of the welfare and gov't assistance systems. If the child is a product of rape then welfare will be granted for finances pertaining to the child, not the mother.

I know, I'm cold.
I know, it's 1984, :lol:
I know, religious beliefs, civil rights, blah blah

I never said it could or will happen, but that's an approach to the over-population issues we have due to fucking stupid people breeding and crowding the Earth with wastes of atoms.