A good read


Nov 29, 2001
Rio de Janeiro
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I wanted to share this with you because, frankly, I loved reading it. I think you will enjoy it too.

From here.

Two words: mandatory sterilization.

At puberty. For everyone. I know it’s fascist and I don’t care, because I know it’ll never happen so why not fantasize with my fascist fantasies? In a world that I ruled over with combat boots and common sense, things like this would never happen.
A Massachusetts high school is facing a pregnancy boom with 17 girls entering summer vacation expecting babies in what some have called a pregnancy pact.​

Officials at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Mass., are investigating whether half of the teens made a pact to get pregnant during the school year, Time.com reported.​

Officials said that beginning last fall a large group of girls started asking the school clinic for pregnancy tests, the site said.​

“Some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” principal Joseph Sullivan told Time.com.​

The pregnancy rate at the 1,200-student school is four times higher than the previous year, and officials were shocked to learn that men in their 20s had fathered some of the babies, Time.com said.​

“We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” Sullivan told Time.com.​

The Gloucester baby boom is forcing this city of 30,000 to grapple with the question of providing easier access to birth control, something this largely Catholic enclave is slow to embrace, the site said.​
I bolded the money quotes, because that right there is all the explanation you need as to why this shit goes down. The adults have no clue.
It is obvious even to a disabled monkey that easier access to birth control would have no impact on a situation like this. These stupid children were trying to get pregnant. TRYING! Oh and by the way, other articles about this point out that most of these girls are 16 and younger.

I can’t possibly fathom why this situation is a mystery to anyone who is paying attention to popular culture. Frankly, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often and on a grander scale.

We’ve allowed the rampant sexualization of girls all the way down to toddlers. Britney Spears’ little sister, star of a Nickelodeon show, had a baby this week at the age of 17. Read the article I linked to for that and notice how they act like this is good news and she’ll be such a great mom! OMG, like, she’s so fun!

The stigma of being a slut is gone, thanks to Paris Hilton and the like. You can be publicly KNOWN to be a drunken, STD-carrying, wildly promiscuous shit-for-brains and what will happen? You’ll get acting jobs, endorsement work, a fashion line, and hundreds of magazine covers.

If you have kids and you ever let them watch MTV - I mean ever - or half the other entertainment channels out there, you’re making a serious mistake. Have you seen what’s on there? I can’t even begin to describe it. I flip by sometimes and stop to see what kind of garbage they’re broadcasting to children, and I’m telling you as someone who doesn’t even have kids, it freaks me OUT.

The girls who made the pregnancy pact—some of whom, according to Sullivan, reacted to the news that they were expecting with high fives and plans for baby showers—declined to be interviewed. So did their parents. But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby…​

The high school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. “We’re proud to help the mothers stay in school,” says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for Children, which runs the day-care center.​
Jesus H. Christ. Strollers in a high school? Here’s an idea: if there are so many of them that they need their own on-site daycare, create a separate school for them. I think everyone has completely lost touch with some of the positive effects of ostracizing people who do stupid, dangerous things. It’s not always bad to impose some shameful consequences, and if that’s one way to make these little psychos stop what they’re doing, then good.

This is one of the results of the fact that we’ve decided as a society that being “judgmental” is a horrible thing. Seems to me that people need to start being MORE judgmental. I’m doing it right now and it feels pretty good.

If you’re a 16-year-old girl and you have sex with a homeless man with the express PURPOSE of becoming pregnant, I am judging your ass off. Judge, judge, judging. I think you should be ashamed of yourself and that you should be embarrassed. Maybe feeling that way will help you learn a lesson that you so obviously need to learn.

I’m judging the parents, too, though not so much. Even the most well-intentioned parents can’t control everything their kid does, particularly in this day and age, but still, it would have been nice of them to teach their daughters some damn sense. I’m judging the school officials for making it so damn easy and convenient for girls to have babies before they graduate.

I’m judging the hell out of all the morons in that city who think the answer is easier access to birth control. Are they not paying any attention AT ALL? Are they missing the part about how this was a pact and these girls set out deliberately to get preggers?

They don’t want birth control, you fools! They want to have babies because they think that makes them cool and “lucky”. They’re stupid, stupid, stupid little children who have no moral compass and have come of age watching Paris and Britney whoring all over the front pages of magazines and getting wealthier by the day.

They have no concept of shame or of negative consequences. Society has failed them and now they’re going to pay the price, but not alone. Their babies will pay a portion and so will the taxpayers. (Note that the town they all live in is an economic disaster with no jobs, so you know most of these kids and their babies will end up on welfare.)

But that’s just me, and I’m judgmental. I sit here on my high horse and judge these poor naive children for being marauding narcissistic sluts, but what do I know? I was never “lucky” enough to give birth at age 16. I guess I’m just bitter and jealous because I had those burdensome ideas about “decency” and “having a future” and “not whoring myself out in order to be loved.”

God, I hate teenagers. I hated them when I was a little kid, I hated myself when I was one, and I hate them all now, forever and ever amen.
I wanted to share this with you because, frankly, I loved reading it. I think you will enjoy it too.

From here.

Two words: mandatory sterilization.

At puberty. For everyone. I know it’s fascist and I don’t care, because I know it’ll never happen so why not fantasize with my fascist fantasies? In a world that I ruled over with combat boots and common sense, things like this would never happen.
A Massachusetts high school is facing a pregnancy boom with 17 girls entering summer vacation expecting babies in what some have called a pregnancy pact.​

Officials at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Mass., are investigating whether half of the teens made a pact to get pregnant during the school year, Time.com reported.​

Officials said that beginning last fall a large group of girls started asking the school clinic for pregnancy tests, the site said.​

“Some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” principal Joseph Sullivan told Time.com.​

The pregnancy rate at the 1,200-student school is four times higher than the previous year, and officials were shocked to learn that men in their 20s had fathered some of the babies, Time.com said.​

“We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” Sullivan told Time.com.​

The Gloucester baby boom is forcing this city of 30,000 to grapple with the question of providing easier access to birth control, something this largely Catholic enclave is slow to embrace, the site said.​
I bolded the money quotes, because that right there is all the explanation you need as to why this shit goes down. The adults have no clue.
It is obvious even to a disabled monkey that easier access to birth control would have no impact on a situation like this. These stupid children were trying to get pregnant. TRYING! Oh and by the way, other articles about this point out that most of these girls are 16 and younger.

I can’t possibly fathom why this situation is a mystery to anyone who is paying attention to popular culture. Frankly, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often and on a grander scale.

We’ve allowed the rampant sexualization of girls all the way down to toddlers. Britney Spears’ little sister, star of a Nickelodeon show, had a baby this week at the age of 17. Read the article I linked to for that and notice how they act like this is good news and she’ll be such a great mom! OMG, like, she’s so fun!

The stigma of being a slut is gone, thanks to Paris Hilton and the like. You can be publicly KNOWN to be a drunken, STD-carrying, wildly promiscuous shit-for-brains and what will happen? You’ll get acting jobs, endorsement work, a fashion line, and hundreds of magazine covers.

If you have kids and you ever let them watch MTV - I mean ever - or half the other entertainment channels out there, you’re making a serious mistake. Have you seen what’s on there? I can’t even begin to describe it. I flip by sometimes and stop to see what kind of garbage they’re broadcasting to children, and I’m telling you as someone who doesn’t even have kids, it freaks me OUT.

The girls who made the pregnancy pact—some of whom, according to Sullivan, reacted to the news that they were expecting with high fives and plans for baby showers—declined to be interviewed. So did their parents. But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby…​

The high school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. “We’re proud to help the mothers stay in school,” says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for Children, which runs the day-care center.​
Jesus H. Christ. Strollers in a high school? Here’s an idea: if there are so many of them that they need their own on-site daycare, create a separate school for them. I think everyone has completely lost touch with some of the positive effects of ostracizing people who do stupid, dangerous things. It’s not always bad to impose some shameful consequences, and if that’s one way to make these little psychos stop what they’re doing, then good.

This is one of the results of the fact that we’ve decided as a society that being “judgmental” is a horrible thing. Seems to me that people need to start being MORE judgmental. I’m doing it right now and it feels pretty good.

If you’re a 16-year-old girl and you have sex with a homeless man with the express PURPOSE of becoming pregnant, I am judging your ass off. Judge, judge, judging. I think you should be ashamed of yourself and that you should be embarrassed. Maybe feeling that way will help you learn a lesson that you so obviously need to learn.

I’m judging the parents, too, though not so much. Even the most well-intentioned parents can’t control everything their kid does, particularly in this day and age, but still, it would have been nice of them to teach their daughters some damn sense. I’m judging the school officials for making it so damn easy and convenient for girls to have babies before they graduate.

I’m judging the hell out of all the morons in that city who think the answer is easier access to birth control. Are they not paying any attention AT ALL? Are they missing the part about how this was a pact and these girls set out deliberately to get preggers?

They don’t want birth control, you fools! They want to have babies because they think that makes them cool and “lucky”. They’re stupid, stupid, stupid little children who have no moral compass and have come of age watching Paris and Britney whoring all over the front pages of magazines and getting wealthier by the day.

They have no concept of shame or of negative consequences. Society has failed them and now they’re going to pay the price, but not alone. Their babies will pay a portion and so will the taxpayers. (Note that the town they all live in is an economic disaster with no jobs, so you know most of these kids and their babies will end up on welfare.)

But that’s just me, and I’m judgmental. I sit here on my high horse and judge these poor naive children for being marauding narcissistic sluts, but what do I know? I was never “lucky” enough to give birth at age 16. I guess I’m just bitter and jealous because I had those burdensome ideas about “decency” and “having a future” and “not whoring myself out in order to be loved.”

God, I hate teenagers. I hated them when I was a little kid, I hated myself when I was one, and I hate them all now, forever and ever amen.

riiiiiiiiiiight^^ well I know EXACTLEY what you mean!:)
I wanted to share this with you because, frankly, I loved reading it. I think you will enjoy it too.

From here.

Two words: mandatory sterilization.

At puberty. For everyone. I know it’s fascist and I don’t care, because I know it’ll never happen so why not fantasize with my fascist fantasies? In a world that I ruled over with combat boots and common sense, things like this would never happen.
A Massachusetts high school is facing a pregnancy boom with 17 girls entering summer vacation expecting babies in what some have called a pregnancy pact.​

Officials at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, Mass., are investigating whether half of the teens made a pact to get pregnant during the school year, Time.com reported.​

Officials said that beginning last fall a large group of girls started asking the school clinic for pregnancy tests, the site said.​

“Some girls seemed more upset when they weren’t pregnant than when they were,” principal Joseph Sullivan told Time.com.​

The pregnancy rate at the 1,200-student school is four times higher than the previous year, and officials were shocked to learn that men in their 20s had fathered some of the babies, Time.com said.​

“We found out one of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,” Sullivan told Time.com.​

The Gloucester baby boom is forcing this city of 30,000 to grapple with the question of providing easier access to birth control, something this largely Catholic enclave is slow to embrace, the site said.​
I bolded the money quotes, because that right there is all the explanation you need as to why this shit goes down. The adults have no clue.
It is obvious even to a disabled monkey that easier access to birth control would have no impact on a situation like this. These stupid children were trying to get pregnant. TRYING! Oh and by the way, other articles about this point out that most of these girls are 16 and younger.

I can’t possibly fathom why this situation is a mystery to anyone who is paying attention to popular culture. Frankly, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often and on a grander scale.

We’ve allowed the rampant sexualization of girls all the way down to toddlers. Britney Spears’ little sister, star of a Nickelodeon show, had a baby this week at the age of 17. Read the article I linked to for that and notice how they act like this is good news and she’ll be such a great mom! OMG, like, she’s so fun!

The stigma of being a slut is gone, thanks to Paris Hilton and the like. You can be publicly KNOWN to be a drunken, STD-carrying, wildly promiscuous shit-for-brains and what will happen? You’ll get acting jobs, endorsement work, a fashion line, and hundreds of magazine covers.

If you have kids and you ever let them watch MTV - I mean ever - or half the other entertainment channels out there, you’re making a serious mistake. Have you seen what’s on there? I can’t even begin to describe it. I flip by sometimes and stop to see what kind of garbage they’re broadcasting to children, and I’m telling you as someone who doesn’t even have kids, it freaks me OUT.

The girls who made the pregnancy pact—some of whom, according to Sullivan, reacted to the news that they were expecting with high fives and plans for baby showers—declined to be interviewed. So did their parents. But Amanda Ireland, who graduated from Gloucester High on June 8, thinks she knows why these girls wanted to get pregnant. Ireland, 18, gave birth her freshman year and says some of her now pregnant schoolmates regularly approached her in the hall, remarking how lucky she was to have a baby…​

The high school has done perhaps too good a job of embracing young mothers. Sex-ed classes end freshman year at Gloucester, where teen parents are encouraged to take their children to a free on-site day-care center. Strollers mingle seamlessly in school hallways among cheerleaders and junior ROTC. “We’re proud to help the mothers stay in school,” says Sue Todd, CEO of Pathways for Children, which runs the day-care center.​
Jesus H. Christ. Strollers in a high school? Here’s an idea: if there are so many of them that they need their own on-site daycare, create a separate school for them. I think everyone has completely lost touch with some of the positive effects of ostracizing people who do stupid, dangerous things. It’s not always bad to impose some shameful consequences, and if that’s one way to make these little psychos stop what they’re doing, then good.

This is one of the results of the fact that we’ve decided as a society that being “judgmental” is a horrible thing. Seems to me that people need to start being MORE judgmental. I’m doing it right now and it feels pretty good.

If you’re a 16-year-old girl and you have sex with a homeless man with the express PURPOSE of becoming pregnant, I am judging your ass off. Judge, judge, judging. I think you should be ashamed of yourself and that you should be embarrassed. Maybe feeling that way will help you learn a lesson that you so obviously need to learn.

I’m judging the parents, too, though not so much. Even the most well-intentioned parents can’t control everything their kid does, particularly in this day and age, but still, it would have been nice of them to teach their daughters some damn sense. I’m judging the school officials for making it so damn easy and convenient for girls to have babies before they graduate.

I’m judging the hell out of all the morons in that city who think the answer is easier access to birth control. Are they not paying any attention AT ALL? Are they missing the part about how this was a pact and these girls set out deliberately to get preggers?

They don’t want birth control, you fools! They want to have babies because they think that makes them cool and “lucky”. They’re stupid, stupid, stupid little children who have no moral compass and have come of age watching Paris and Britney whoring all over the front pages of magazines and getting wealthier by the day.

They have no concept of shame or of negative consequences. Society has failed them and now they’re going to pay the price, but not alone. Their babies will pay a portion and so will the taxpayers. (Note that the town they all live in is an economic disaster with no jobs, so you know most of these kids and their babies will end up on welfare.)

But that’s just me, and I’m judgmental. I sit here on my high horse and judge these poor naive children for being marauding narcissistic sluts, but what do I know? I was never “lucky” enough to give birth at age 16. I guess I’m just bitter and jealous because I had those burdensome ideas about “decency” and “having a future” and “not whoring myself out in order to be loved.”

God, I hate teenagers. I hated them when I was a little kid, I hated myself when I was one, and I hate them all now, forever and ever amen.

Quoted for no apparent reason.
Yeah dawnghost you can't really get too intellectual with this forum. On the Symphony X forum this kind of subject would probably cause an interesting debate... On this forum? Doubt it :lol:
Yeah dawnghost you can't really get too intellectual with this forum. On the Symphony X forum this kind of subject would probably cause an interesting debate... On this forum? Doubt it :lol:

Well, it's got Paris Hilton, MTV, dumb teenagers doing some incredibly stupid shit, flaming and adult morons. I thought some people here would enjoy it. :lol:

The responses I got were below the average even for this forum, though! :lol:
I read it ! ;)

Well, all I can say is that it's pretty normal to want to give birth when you're a teenager. There's no age for that. The more young you are the better it is I think. But in our century, in our society, it's not easy. The best thing to do is to wait when you're sure to be able to take care of the baby.

About these girls, I think they're a lot influced by the medias as you said. Everyday, a young actress/singer/model etc... announces her pregnancy. It seems so glamourous, so fun, so hot etc... There is always a stupid one of them that will say that they have better sex now with a baby inside, that they feel sooooo much better, so beautiful, that it's all rainbow, pink, flowers, birds and stuff... But we all know that being pregnant is a pain in the ass (but I think it worths it ;))...
About these girls, I think they're a lot influced by the medias as you said. Everyday, a young actress/singer/model etc... announced her pregnancy. It seems so glamourous, so fun, so hot etc... There is always a stupid one of them that will say that they have better sex now with a baby inside, that they feel sooooo much better, so beautiful, that it's all rainbow, pink, flowers, birds and stuff... But we all know that being pregnant is a pain in the ass (but I think it worths it ;))...

My favorite topic. I can tell so many reasons why pregnancy is pain in the ass, like throwing up daily nine months, not been able to go anywhere because people stink so much that you throw up, not being able to eat anything else than frozen berries because otherwise you throw up and still gaining weight 17 kg extra and so on. So not best time of my life. But most definitely worth it ;)

But teenager pregnancy pacts and homeless adult fathers are just :erk:
My favorite topic. I can tell so many reasons why pregnancy is pain in the ass, like throwing up daily nine months, not been able to go anywhere because people stink so much that you throw up, not being able to eat anything else than frozen berries because otherwise you throw up and still gaining weight 17 kg extra and so on. So not best time of my life. But most definitely worth it ;)

But teenager pregnancy pacts and homeless adult fathers are just :erk:

Sorry, that one made me laugh :lol: : and a lot of places came in my mind like buses, trains, elevators ... Places to avoid !

About gaining weight, did you lose it quickly?
^It took about 8-10 month. I wasn't dieting at all, it just naturally vanished. But yeah no elevators, buses or anything from where you can't get out in couple of seconds :lol:. I think best way to describe that pregnancy is that it felt like having awful hangover for 9 months :erk:
children currently have no moral compass and they do everything because they think it is cool. i know, i teach them and they do stupid things all the time. it sickens me when a bunch of girls in my school cut themselves in order to get whatever it was from their parents. they love the attention. i personally, when i found out who it was, smacked them in the back of the head with a bunch of papers. from then on it wasn't so cool to them because they saw my reaction and didn't like that i was so mad at them. people who seriously cut themselves are in real pain and not this phony shit (i know, i used to do that). and the parents are no better, so don't pity them. they care even less than the kids do sometimes. i have had parents who could care less if their kid was suspended or used their cell phone in class. in fact, they yell at us because we, the teachers, must be the bad guys picking on their kids all the time. the world is just stupid...kids are messed up and our future is definitely messed up. i'm not saying all kids are like this, but most are. the gems are quite rare these days.
my kids are 12 and they sleep around. its kinda sad...and its up to the teachers, not their parents to try and fix the situation. why should they even be sexually active at all?!?