Is ma burfday *hic*


Apr 16, 2007
So I turn 23 today. There is no moon where I am tonight and tomorrow, and the weather is great, sunny and 19 degrees Celsius.

Since it is my birthday, for today only my only wish is a proper debate. Flames are not allowed, but can be used to properly express a point you wish to make. We shall not drag it on unless desired, but each willing participant should choose ONE point I have made, ever, and counter it effectively.

I will let your discretion on the word "effectively" be used. So yeah, my gift to you is to no longer bring any of this shit up. Ever :)
I did once, when I was really young. Experimental shit, I guess, but I didn't enjoy it so I gave it up.

I did not choke. Point countered, motherfucker :p
No, it wouldn't but I guess it adds to my character. It was not my uncles but an old friends :)
Once. But like I said, those times are done and gone. I actually completely forgot about that, to be honest.

I COULD be an Indian giver and take back my gift, you know...
At least I did and succeeded.

Yeah, I take back the gift.

EDIT: On second thought, no I don't. I was weak, sorry...