Is manbush on girls sexy?

all right this is a very strange issue that has kept coming up on several boards of UM over the years...the more i read, the more shocked i was to see the views of some europeans and americans...

-that bush on both the female and the male does NOT have a purpose. it's an evolutional leftover.

-it is perfectly clear that it's really disgusting to have that much hair there...that pic susie posted clearly shows it.

- i never understand why people would insist on not shaving it. some users on the opeth (chat/off-topic) forum would go into huge arguments about why they should not shave it (all of them being male).

-speaking as a male, no, i would never want that much hair ANYWHERE on my gf. except her head of course. but a clean-shaven is not really necessary either, leave just a bit.

-as for boys, why not shave it when it makes it look bigger? haha

-holy moly, is dhatura's name marta? cool!

-and you guys remember what leonardo da vinci said? something like the human body is perfect but the sexual organs and the knees look really ugly. yeah something like that.
yeah, i'm gonna start shaving there. and then i'll call me mates and we'll all go out and shop nice trendy shoes and stare at fancy t-shirts and search for nice perfumes. and then i'll go to the hairdresser and tell her i wanna have beckam's haircut.
Cerulean said:
Erm. Are you asking all of us, men, to SHAVE OUR HAIRS!? :ill:
Sol, we shall resist :mad:
And the germ thingie is just bollox, germs don't come where you wash yourself enough.
well trim around the base to get rid of some bulk if you dont wanna do the full monte, hahahhaa p.s boss sig daddy would you like some sausages, my fave film :cool:
you should try waxing. Then you discover a new meaning of the word pain. :D

No seriuosly, I don't mind a bit of hair on a man's body as long it's under control and freshly washed.

for a woman: I don't like the back-to-nature thing
look, i really hate conservative attitudes but i'll stay old fashioned regarding this ongoing boy-tranforming-into-girl trend thats been going on lately in the western world. indeed gorik, we shall resist. like george said "you're either with us, or against us."
sol83 said:
look, i really hate conservative attitudes but i'll stay old fashioned regarding this ongoing boy-tranforming-into-girl trend thats been going on lately in the western world. indeed gorik, we shall resist. like george said "you're either with us, or against us."

you dont become a girl when you shave, come on manhood is not about hair