Is MAYH the most complete Opeth album?

i aint play this said:
It is ''this'' and not ''dis''... Metal_Fag. i the one who says that if you listen to Coldplay you are not a tr00 metullhead? when Akerfedlt himself listen to Travis( a far ''gayer'' band than coldplay), so he is not a metullhead!!...go drink your mourning sperm cup, and let me laugh out loud alone...
There is no band gayer than Coldplay, other than Keane.
Think I know what he means and I'd agree, though its not my favourite opeth album.

Complete because it has an intro that sets the tone for the album, the songs flow well into eachother (much like blackwater park) and the songs themselves flow well. Epilogue is just a classic finish that would look great on any rock album, but really winds down a death metal album very well.

Its not really palpable, completeness, just a feeling you get, you don't want more or want it to end soon, it just feels right.
i'd say so, but just because Epilogue closes this album. Put Epilogue at the end of any album and it would be the most complete album from Opeth.
I think either MAYH or Still Life. I love the concept albums because they always finish at the right time (at the end of the story obviously) but I think SL may have the edge over MAYH just because it's mellow songs are much better. I never really clicked with Credence or any of the instrumentals except Epilogue.
Actually, MAYH is my least favorite Opeth album. It has that "wall of sound" feel which I dislike. Their other albums are far more dynamic with all the the staccato riffs and quick heavy/light section switching.
Its complete in the it has bookends that open and close the metal goodness contained inside.
Benighted Joe said:
I worship mikes voice on this one aswell. He had a cold when he recorded
it, but its so deep and cool sounding.

agreed. and the clean vocals have a jonas-renkse style feeling where they lack emotion while being full of emotion at the same time.. hard to explain really.
Still LIfe is their most complete. Dynamic mix of songs & styles. So very good from start to finish.
What does "complete" mean? You guys should have known better. "Complete" simply means "complete".

Would the word "cohesive" make more sense to some of you? If yes, I'll ask again. Is MAYH the most cohesive Opeth album ever? Discuss.
I'd have to say that given the song structure and layout I think MAYH is probably the most completely constructed album Opeth has put out. The way that all the songs flow together (even down to the overlapping song titles/lyrics) is beautiful in its composition.