Is someone willing to make an intro for us?


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany

We're near to finish our first EP but we really would love to have some kind of very short intro (10-30 seconds). I don't have the plug-ins and not the skills to do it. Maybe some of you like to play around? I have no idea how it shall sound in the end except for the fact it has to be sick;) Can be ambient, melodic... whatever you like.

It will be in front of the song "the average" to which you can listen here:
Holy fuck I've never heard a band sound this much like the Black Dahlia Murder in my life :lol: I love the Black Dahlia Murder though, so it's all good! This is cool shit!

fuck yeah...;) I heard them way too much. "you sound like black dahlia without the skills of playing the solos" :)we hear that all the time. we're not very unique at all (and now we really don't care at all:heh:)but we're working on it! we're practicing for just half a year now and it's still a question of skills that hold us from doing other stuff. we're young :)
That's fine dude. I think he just wants to hear the song for an idea of how the intro should go. It's hard to write that kind of thing without hearing the song.
fuck yeah...;) I heard them way too much. "you sound like black dahlia without the skills of playing the solos" :)we hear that all the time. we're not very unique at all (and now we really don't care at all:heh:)but we're working on it! we're practicing for just half a year now and it's still a question of skills that hold us from doing other stuff. we're young :)

Definitely man, gotta start somewhere! Sounds good dude, I'm looking forward to hearing the finished product.
Who is doing the mixing/recording? The myspace stuff sounds pretty huge already. Just curious.....

I did the mix/recording. I thought it sound like shit but thanks! but to calm you down, the drums aren't real.

Is the vocals in english?

yes she does. but the way she sings it really doesn't matter which language she is using :)

forbidden, awesome stuff! really like that one allready. Sounds scary.

What we like is really clichee stuff. we don't take our music to serious.

You can download the song as a roughmix right here:
ouch. that's a kick in the balls. I hate that band from the depth of my soul. I don' think we sound like them at all but that's your opinion.