Yay for it working, cab is v30 5150 is sig head and TK999 is ibanez files are marked what they are:
8 tracks 44.1 24bit each .aif files:
5150 Reamp 1.zip
5150 Reamp 2.zip
If you like anything let me know and I can hook you up with more.
MKS what did you use?
Woops was I suppose to edit this as well. I posted raw unfuck ed with tracks.
Cheers guys, just downloading the new clips now. I'm back at home untill Wednesday - heading out to Germany for a well earned football trip on monday night.
So far I have GuitarHacks Krank reamping, and the stuff guitargodgt has done but I haven't really had a chance to try them in a mix yet. It would be awesome to have a variety of things to choose from (LSD that recto/5150 combination sounds nice - esp. if I have the Krank tracks too).
Cheers guys, just going to check out the clips now.
MKS what did you use?
And if there are any Krauts here who are from Dortmund/Gelsenkirchen, I'll be out there sampling your fine booze (and women) Monday and Tuesday night aswell as catching the Schalke Chelsea match.
Played around with mic placement today and got rid of some of that 6k fizz that was in the last clip.
Here's a new RAW (as recorded) sample:
http://sneapforum.celtiaproductions.co.uk/GuitarHack/Machinated Reamp/Machinated song 1 V3.mp3
Uploading the new WAV's at the moment. They should be up in around 2 hours. Just song 1 though.
Right now I'm at university which unfortunately means my reamping tools are limited to a PodXT, or software amps. I'm mixing a band right now thats tracked everything themselves and has sent me the raw files. Basically they just tracked DI's as they aren't confident in their ability of micing up an amp etc.
I have uploaded the files to the FTP, in my folder. The band is kind of like Suicide Silence (so I have been told!), jfac I guess and other bands that are of that kind of scene.
I'm pretty much looking for them to be reamped through any decent rig i.e. Mesa/Krank/5150/JSX. Is anyone willing to offer some help?
Cheers guys!