I've finished editing but when I was prepared to bounce I decided to ask you guys how would you like the listen to the mp3s.
I'll explain it better:
I didn't reamp with these amps to achieve the best tone for this song. (sorry Fragle, I know that that would be your interest)
I did it as a contribution for the forum so that people could hear the different character on the amps.
For that goal I just used the same Booster, Cab, Mics and approximately settings on the amps. On a scale from 0-10 I didn't change the settings more than 1 on each knob, apart from the gain and volume for obvious reasons (Marshall 1959 doesn't have the same gain as a 5150)
I used common to all reampings:
Maxon OD820 (Drive 9 o'clock not what I usually use but Marshall and Orange needed it so... , Tone-10,30 o'clock, Level-12 o'clock)
Mesa Cabinet
Shure SM57 Mic
Neumann KMS104 Mic (I bought it recently and thought it would be a good experience since it's not commonly used)
Amps used:
Bogner Ecstasy 20th Anniversary
Custom Audio Amplifiers OD100+SE
Diezel Herbert
Diezel VH-4
Krank Revolution One
Marshall JMP 50 (1968)
Marshall JCM800 Zack Wylde
Marshall 1959RR Randy Rhoads
Mesa/Boogie 2-channel Pre500 Dual Rectifier Blackface (1992)
Mesa/Boogie 2-channel Dual Rectifier Blackface (1992)
Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier 3Ch.
Orange 40th Anniversary Custom Shop
Peavey 5150
EVH 5150 III
Soldano SLO-100
I left some of my amps out although it would be interesting to hear the super reverb

Fender Super Reverb '66
Marshall 1959HW
Mesa Triaxis / 2:90
Peavey 5150II
Vox AC30H2
The average settings I used on the amps were:
Bass - 7
Mids - 4
Treble - 5
Presence - 7-8
Gain and Master to taste
So my question would be, for who is interested in listening to the reamps is how would you like to have the files:
- bounced with the Drums or not?
- Mics mixed or separated?
- LP-HP filter on?
- All in a zip file (mp3) or mp3 link for each file?
- Compressor/Limiter and EQ on the Mixbus?