Is Symphony X over?

I don't think, that this is the end of Symphony X, it's just a break, as always.

Listen to the whole interview, if you did'nt yet, it's really interesting.
At the end, Russell was asked about the plans of Symphony X this and next year, and he said: "No plans at this time, no. I don't see anything in the foreseeable future with that."
That's it.

I couldn't find another statement or information from another band member. And what the media is doing with this message, is something totally different. I just stopped reading the comments in social media, because I couldn't stand the negativity there.

There was always a long time between two albums, masterpieces will not be written overnight ;) And they are not a band, hanging around with each other the whole time. So I hope for a new Symphony X album in 3 or 4 years.

I love Symphony X now for such a long time, the music means very much to me. I have the greatest respect for these 5 guys, and I also like and support their solo projects. They are all great musicians, so they should do their own thing in the meantime as well, why not? We would miss great music, if they wouldn't do.
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Check out this interview with Mike Lepond, talking about his upcoming Silent Assassins album "Pawn and Prophecy", Symphony X and more.
The second MLSA album will be released on January 26, 2018.

Seems as there is a chance for a new Symphony X album in the next years. Awesome!!!

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Check out this interview with Mike Lepond, talking about his upcoming Silent Assassins album "Pawn and Prophecy", Symphony X and more.
The second MLSA album will be released on January 26, 2018.

Seems as there is a chance for a new Symphony X album in the next years. Awesome!!!

Interesting interview!
Michael Romeo is gonna release another solo album soon. Then, I'm expecting a 2022 autumn release by Symphony X. Fingers crossed!