Is the end of Mac Pro's near?

that would really, really piss on the shoes of people of many kinds of artistic professions. i mean, they're doing better now than ever, right? so would they really have to do that?

i'm starting to wonder if Apple starts making idiotic decisions and ultimately take a huge faceplant now that Jobs is gone.
Yeah.. only reason I bought the MacPro instead of the iMac was PCI-E cards, several fast harddisks via SATA and not crappy USB / Firewire (and better cooling). With Thunderbolt and new hardware that acually uses Thunderbolt I can see how MacPros are redundant for most people. You won't get 12 or more cores into an iMac so soon, though.
Depending on thunderbolt (and vacating PCI-E) is a pretty move dangerous considering there are only a couple of drives and one display currently on the market. I've actually been pretty irritated about that since I bought my new MBP this year. They'd be betting on the success of peripherals that aren't even at market-- let alone proven.
They could be screwing themselves with the pro audio and video markets. Then again, given the fail of the latest finalcut pro that might be the goal.
Well it could also turn out that with Apple doing this more companies will be pushing toward making TB peripherals a priority.
If they do this thunderbolt is getting big.
And the new iMacs will kill performance wise.

So you get a mac pro in a imac.

Dont think they kill the pro market macs

This is the most likely option. Apple aren't so stupid that they'd just shelve an entire consumer section - they're all about getting everyone on the same platform, regardless of how they intend to use it when they buy it.
The point is that an iMac is a very awesome machine but it's limited. I hate to have an all-in-one solution (very nice and usefull by itself) with 20 pheriperals connected (external hd etc...). A Desktop machine can handle lot of pci-e and lot of internal and fast HD. An iMac is like working (in some situations) like a's very comfortable but when you start to use it for some heavy works you have a shitload of cables and external pheriperals that maybe a big desktop would take less space with less cables in the room or on the table.
Anyway I would like to see a cheaper desktop solution instead of a total elimination of the desktop line
The point is that an iMac is a very awesome machine but it's limited. I hate to have an all-in-one solution (very nice and usefull by itself) with 20 pheriperals connected (external hd etc...). A Desktop machine can handle lot of pci-e and lot of internal and fast HD. An iMac is like working (in some situations) like a's very comfortable but when you start to use it for some heavy works you have a shitload of cables and external pheriperals that maybe a big desktop would take less space with less cables in the room or on the table.
Anyway I would like to see a cheaper desktop solution instead of a total elimination of the desktop line

Put the peripherals in a closet or similar enclosure and I'll be damned if it takes more space than the MacPro's case :lol:

For being limited, that's exactly what Thunderbolt should fix. In due time, of course.
I hope this don't happen...
What for housing new HDX card? Thunderbolt magma chassis?
I know it would work but what a priceless solution on top of that:puke:
as far as i know, iPad 3, iPhone 5 and the coming 2-3 years of apple's products have already been taken care of by mr. Jobs.
beyond that who knows?
they WILL have to drop it EVENTUALLY, just like any other product ever made. progress is sometimes painful...
They could be screwing themselves with the pro audio and video markets. Then again, given the fail of the latest finalcut pro that might be the goal.

Care to elaborate on that at all? I've actually been tempted lately to buy Final Cut Pro X at some point, just because it seems pretty sweet for $299. However, I wouldn't be using it for intense professional level stuff...
Care to elaborate on that at all? I've actually been tempted lately to buy Final Cut Pro X at some point, just because it seems pretty sweet for $299. However, I wouldn't be using it for intense professional level stuff...

It's a glorified iMovie. I have it and like it. It's very easy to use. Of course I'm not a pro film maker or broadcaster so what do I know...
It did receive a lot of hate for some reason.
Care to elaborate on that at all? I've actually been tempted lately to buy Final Cut Pro X at some point, just because it seems pretty sweet for $299. However, I wouldn't be using it for intense professional level stuff...

Aaron, Charlie pretty much nailed it. They took a professional level product and stripped out the price and the features to create a consumer product. They made it more accessible but all of the pro's I know are moving to premier (or back to avid). If you aren't getting hardcore then you may be very happy with it but the consensus is that it is no longer a professional product.