is the older manes material worth getting?

Under Ein Blodraud Maane is excellent. Really very good. I don't have Mannens Natt or Ned I Stillheren, but if you find a new release of Under, I think it comes with those two EPs included.

However, if you're a purist, you can get all three original pressings from You know them don't ya?
I liked Under Ein Blodraud Maane a lot more than I thought I would. A class release, and this coming from something that's not too fond of that type of black metal.
I've only listened to the EP collection once, but yeah, it's pretty damn good. Sounds nothing like Vilosophe, but you already knew that. :cool:
I've got the two original EPs and UEBM. This is class stuff all the way and some of the best black metal from Norway that I've heard. Seriously. This stuff is dark

<----still hasn't heard a Darkthrone album
Anyone into vinyl, there's Manes: 1993-1994 LP (ltd 600, booklet) out by Kyrck Production. It has the demos on it, I really like it.