is theme important...

May 20, 2002
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For any metal band from death to thrash to black etc... is it important to have a good theme. Canabil corpse has a gore theme and Nile has an egyptian theme. Does a theme make a band more interesting or not..

I don't necessarily mind the themes of the bands, I primarily listen to their music. If having a theme helps them stay focused and write good consistent stuff then of course they are more interesting.
Originally posted by AngelWitch73
It depends what the theme is. I think NILE are more interesting because of their Egyptian Theme. Egyptian history has always interested me.

What he said. Plus I'm interested in serial killers, so I listen to a lot of Macabre.
Yes, I like bands with themes. Although they don't HAVE to have one. I like Malice Mizer's pretty gothic romance theme. And I like Blind Guardian's fantasy theme. Me and my sister's band will definitely have a theme, I think. I also like for bands to have mascots. Like Iron Maiden's Eddie and Megadeth's Vic.
Then again themes can be taken way too far, Just look at COF. Dani's gonna be like 40 still painted up like some midget vampire lol :)
Originally posted by (/\)olf Hunter
For any metal band from death to thrash to black etc... is it important to have a good theme. Canabil corpse has a gore theme and Nile has an egyptian theme. Does a theme make a band more interesting or not..


it's not overly important, but might make the band more interesting. but a band doesn't need a theme to be a good band.
Nile's theme is also a crutch they use to stand up with. Karl happens to be a genuine talent, so it works. It is unique, and I dig it, though the hype gives me a headache. Many overtly themed bands just aren't as lucky. God help them when it all starts going stale.
Themes are important to some extent... they help draw people that are attracted to it... Dio, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and a lot of the earlier metal bands were really into heavy on themes... Judas Priest was another, but they always managed to change....

Sure, there are great examples of bands with themes that just went WRONG... look at Stryper, Manowar, WASP, Twisted Sister, etc....

It can be good or bad...

Personally, I could care less, I like the music for what it is, regardless if their songs or images fit certain "themes".
Originally posted by Finnn
I don't necessarily mind the themes of the bands, I primarily listen to their music. If having a theme helps them stay focused and write good consistent stuff then of course they are more interesting.

right on. I think if a band does a theme right (whether it's their band image or for a single concept album) then it makes them all round more interesting. Definately in the case of individual albums though. After all, what would you rather have? A kickass collection of songs making-up a kickass album, or a kickass collection of consistently themed songs making-up a kickass album with an important idea or story? Definately the latter imo!