Is there a better band than Symphony X?

Originally posted by The Yngster
I just got into Evergrey, bout "In Search of Truth" and I love it! What should I look into next from them.

Get "Solitude*Dominance*Tragedy"

I think it's their best...pure heavy emotional dark metal....
I think they try to hard to be "prog" on In Search of Truth
Originally posted by The Yngster
I just got into Evergrey, bout "In Search of Truth" and I love it! What should I look into next from them.

Yeah! ISoT is one of the best metal albums of this century. They sure have some pressures to release a worthy follower. Someone said it's even darker and heavier! Can't wait to March when it will be released. Check out also their second release, "Solitude, Dominance, Tragedy", that's fucking amazing, though the production isn't maybe as perfect as in ISoT.
yes.. there actually is ONE band better than Symphony X. Their name is Ozric Tentacles. instrumental prog/space rock with oriental influences. if you're interested, please download the song Myriapod or something.. they're all GREAT.
I can't think of any 'band' that I like more.

Not Opeth, Not DT, not Metallica.

However. . . . .you said band. That means projects can still be better.

So I have to say Ayreon. I'm a huge fan of Arjen, so he stands above Symphony X.
Opeth is an amazing band that playes sort of prog death metal i guess (?) The vocals are a mix between death metal (they don't suck like a lot of death metal does though) and some clean and amazing vox. There are a lot of great acoustic passages... check out either blackwater park or still life (my two personal faves!) if you haven't heard them... don't get too excited though. Symphony X is still the greatest band ever!!!!
Many really good bands, but........

Overall, considering all they've accomplished with their individual and collective talent, and the kind people that they are...none better (on this planet, anyway).
Yes, and his name is elmo.

Nevermore were once greater than Symphony X, with the release of The Politics of Ecstasy and Dreaming Neon Black, but they have fallen. Fallen from grace these once proud men have settled for a testament-esque production and boring nu-metal riffs... Gone are the days of 10 minute songs that branched into a multitude of spiralling prog instrumental sections, gone are the incredible rhythms of Mr. Loomis, and complex drumming of Mr. Williams... gone, gone, gone.

Death WERE a much better band than Symphony X. The Sound of Perseverance absolutely slays the odyssey and V... But alas, death is no more.

Gone... Gone...
