Is there sex without love??

Sex is not the same as love. For example, a woman may fall in love with a man...they really enjoy being with each other and do love each other, however, when "in the sack" he doesn't do it for her, sexually. This same woman could meet a man whom she has no personal connection with at all and have orgasm after orgasm while having sex with him, with no love present at all...this is not all-inclusive, there are those couples who love each other and enjoy "lovemaking" together, there are those whom could never enjoy "sex" with another without loving them.
i'd say sex without love is fine as long as both participants are aware of it. love without sex is also possible, but i prefer the fusion of both elements :D
Sex without love? Maybe not for some/most women, but definitely for guys (unless you are 20 or under and still in the midst of puberty). hehe.


PS: Sex is only a big deal if you a'int gettin any.
question, itself, is faulty. The same question reversed would ask if there is love without sex...

The answer is, yes, to both.

Sex is only "an act."

Love is feeling and is not defined the same by anyone who attempts to define it.

metalmancpa added to ask a prostitute, I add, ask a grandmother if she can love her spouse even though they don't have sex anymore.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Ask all the prostitutes of the world this question..:)
have you ever met a happy prostitute, though? :p I agree with Vulture Culture. it woudl be ugly if one person thought they could handle just a hook-up but then got attached. but if it's mutual, i see no moral problem. before falling in love with someone, i thought i would be capable of doing this, but now that i know it this way, i can't imagine sex without love for me. :)
The most important sex-organ is situated between your ears (and no, I don't mean the nose you smartasses...) For me there can be sex without love, but I've never felt it and as long as I am happy with my girl, it won't happen!
Re: Is there sex without love??

Yes, sometimes it's the best.
Sex without love..... absolutely (though not for me. Sex without love I mean, not sex in general. Though the sex in general part is correct also, I'm just sayin, 'sall....).

Anal sex without love.... no way!!!!! Man, I've been to a proctologist, there is no way I'm going down that avenue again (well, actually it's my avenue I'm worried about :lol: ) without love. Say what you like about gay men, they sure are dedicated!

I just re-read that last part. Despite how it sounds, I am in fact not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.... :lol:
Of COURSE there can be sex without love... hence the fairly common social term "meaningless sex". Sex for the purpose of enjoying the feeling of an orgasm, and nothing more. It's what I do every day, except with a partner.

Of course people have different personalmoralsocial standards, but to ask the question "can there be?" is kinda silly. Of course there CAN... a lot of us just would choose not to. Ask this question to a group of young people in 1967. FREE LOVE, BABY! They didn't care...

Myself, I could do it. I'm a 19 year old male and highly hormonal. If it wasn't for a) the dangers involved and b) my being a geek...

This goes back to what someone was saying... somewhere... (where did I read this? I think it was here on the forum...) that having sex and making love are 2 different things. Both are great, but they have different meanings and purposes.