Yeah...I kinda share the same feelingsOriginally posted by astarte
i think i've been in love just once and it was the worst period of my lifei do not want that again..
you didn't include my whole quote. i went on to ask, how can you love someone fully before you know their personality? care to answer? if you discovered she was a bitch after "knowing" you were going to marry her, would you still have loved her? oh course not! your love for her was partially contingent on her personality which you had no way of knowing at first sight.Originally posted by metalmancpa
Quoted by Lina: "i can't stand people who believe in love at first sight. there, how's that for a broad-sweeping statement? i honestly just think they're confusing two very obvious, well-defined terms -- love and lust"
I guess you can't stand me. I can truely sit here today and believe in love at first sight whole-heartedly. 20+ years later, I think I can back up that statement - I remember EXACTLY how I felt the day I met my wife.
Originally posted by ZirnaLuna
Greek philosophers??? Give me a break. And what is this crap about only 4-5 kinds of love?? That is as silly as saying that there is only one kind of love! How can one possibly estimate how many kinds of love there are?
Originally posted by Lina
you didn't include my whole quote. i went on to ask, how can you love someone fully before you know their personality? care to answer? if you discovered she was a bitch after "knowing" you were going to marry her, would you still have loved her? oh course not! your love for her was partially contingent on her personality which you had no way of knowing at first sight.
Originally posted by Siren
Maybe the unique way we love someone derives from an also unique mixture of those 4-5 kinds of love.