
"Go Banana" is a great quote in the context of this conversation.

Love is individual and undefineable. The Greek Philosophers could point out certain "categories" of commonly accepted "avenues" of love, i.e. love for lovers, family, friends, pets, arts, ideas - all very different and somewhat "categorizeable" things in their commonness and "recognizeability" (how many of these words am I just making up here?) but they cannot define love, even within those contexts.

Love is intangible and subjective in every sense, but universal in it's presence. A fascinating human concept, really... it exists on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

I do appreciate the notion of TROO love, though. Satirical on so many levels...
I disagree about it . Love doesn't sucks, i think our choices often sucks, that's why the love hurt us. I think the human nature make us have bad choices, but our looking for something, someday will bring us the right person......well, i don't really believe it, but i'd like to believe....
Loving someone vs. being in love -

First, if the other person doesn't feel the same way you do, it doesn't matter. That's when relationships fail - one person doesn't truely love the other.

Based on the question, loving someone is true, while being in love isn't. I was in "love" with my 5th grade teacher - that's being in love. I love my wife - that's loving someone. I think the difference is in how the "love" feels. If you have a committment in your heart to the other person that far exceeds a sexual one, then you love that person. Loving someone is deep, while being in love can be very shallow. At least that's how I'm defining the 2 statements.

Quoted by Lina: "i can't stand people who believe in love at first sight. there, how's that for a broad-sweeping statement? i honestly just think they're confusing two very obvious, well-defined terms -- love and lust"

I guess you can't stand me :) . I can truely sit here today and believe in love at first sight whole-heartedly. 20+ years later, I think I can back up that statement - I remember EXACTLY how I felt the day I met my wife.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Quoted by Lina: "i can't stand people who believe in love at first sight. there, how's that for a broad-sweeping statement? i honestly just think they're confusing two very obvious, well-defined terms -- love and lust"

I guess you can't stand me :) . I can truely sit here today and believe in love at first sight whole-heartedly. 20+ years later, I think I can back up that statement - I remember EXACTLY how I felt the day I met my wife.
you didn't include my whole quote. i went on to ask, how can you love someone fully before you know their personality? care to answer? if you discovered she was a bitch after "knowing" you were going to marry her, would you still have loved her? oh course not! your love for her was partially contingent on her personality which you had no way of knowing at first sight.
Originally posted by ZirnaLuna
Greek philosophers??? Give me a break. And what is this crap about only 4-5 kinds of love?? That is as silly as saying that there is only one kind of love! How can one possibly estimate how many kinds of love there are?

Hmmm... I'll try to give a helping hand to my ancestors here ;)

Maybe the unique way we love someone derives from an also unique mixture of those 4-5 kinds of love.

Categorizing doesn't suggest that there are no other kinds of love but those described, it's just an attempt to put things in an order and to classify data, which is what science and logic is about.

And I don't want to hear that it's silly to see love through logic :p Science's work is to deal with every aspect of life, and examining love CAN'T spoil it's beauty (since it's too strong) :)
Originally posted by Lina
you didn't include my whole quote. i went on to ask, how can you love someone fully before you know their personality? care to answer? if you discovered she was a bitch after "knowing" you were going to marry her, would you still have loved her? oh course not! your love for her was partially contingent on her personality which you had no way of knowing at first sight.

You know something? I guess I can't really answer the question as posed. You're absolutely right - how could I have possibly of known her personality without knowing her?

But then again, how did I "know"? There is no explanation for this - I just did. It wasn't about sight (looks). For some "odd" reason, after a few short hours of knowing each other, we both felt like we had known each other forever (no, I'm not starting a "past life" discussion here).

I guess I can only answer your question with 20+ years of hindsight. No one "really" knows, and, who knows what the future will hold. I only answer the question with today's knowledge.
Originally posted by Siren
Maybe the unique way we love someone derives from an also unique mixture of those 4-5 kinds of love.

So does that mean that there are only 12 or 25 possible loves that can exist (possible combinations of 4 or 5 types, respectively)? I think that there are an infinite number of feelings you can have toward people. Only a few of them are defined, and none of them are defined to their fullest extent. For each real friend you have, you have formulated a new type of love. That relationship and it's emotions involved are unique because the people in it are unique. You never feel the exact same thing for two people, and this is proved in the fact that you never have the exact same conversation with two people. I think that it can be said that there are 4 or 5 general categories that love can fit into, those being the love of a spouse, the love of a friend, the love of family, the love of a pet, the love of an inanimate object, and for those of you who are not atheist, the love of God. (that's 6...)
I think there are 4-5 MAIN categories/kinds of love as I already mentioned.. eg love for our friends.. love for our parents.. love for our lover etc... and I remember every one of them had a different name.. derived from greek words.. anyway the guys were philosophers.. they spent their whole lives thinking and thinking and thinking.. I'm sure most of you will agree if you read the extract..