Opethiality Love


May 6, 2001
Time for a simple question from me...

Do you think us crazed fans love opeth's music more than the band members themselves do?

I mean many people here seem to love every second of Opeth, me included... but as a band you are normally forced to compromise your interests so that everyone gets their input and its possible that not everyone was happy. Im certain mikael would love his music since he writes most of it as well as the lyrics, but i've even heard him say how he doesnt like the bass sound on morningrise (which many fans love.. ). What about the rest of the band members who don't get so much input into the songs?

And for the people in bands or songwriters out there... do you think other people could like your music better than you like it yourself?

Ive certainly written many many riffs that i like, that arent really 100% my music, and i can see how someone else would like them so much more than i do, which is weird. hm. And sometimes i write complex progressive songs but they just happen, they arent really calculated, and sometimes it takes me a long time to be able to sit down and actually listen to my own music (without analysing what i need to fix up) as a whole song.

They're really cool guys, but they aren't "rock stars"..

Case in point-Singer from Nevermore was making fun of them on tour because they didn't know how to open/pour beer.

hmm, these answers dont seem to make sense. I mustve asked the question stupidly..

i mean do we (the fans) like Opeth's music more than the Opeth guys like their own music.
NOT do we like the guys less than the music.

or maybe i just didnt understand the answers right, either way ive fckd up somewhere so oops!.:rolleyes:
Yeah I think that we like the music better than the members cause I've written a few riffs that I really hated. And my friend Matt he thought that they were cool so some of them got but in song and others got thrown away *shrug* ohh well :)

YaYoGakk I think you wrote it out all right I understood, but like you I didn't understand most of the answers… oh well maybe we're just odd :lol:
yesterday i found out about this kid that plays the acoustic guitar here in my town.. we were talking yesterday, he and his friends have a little acoustic band i'd like to be a part of.. he asked me to go to their show and check them out.. so thats good
Originally posted by YaYoGakk
hmm, these answers dont seem to make sense. I mustve asked the question stupidly..

i mean do we (the fans) like Opeth's music more than the Opeth guys like their own music.
NOT do we like the guys less than the music.

or maybe i just didnt understand the answers right, either way ive fckd up somewhere so oops!.:rolleyes:

You asked the question fine - I think maybe people just didn't read the whole question or something.

What you said makes sense. When I was in bands, we always had to make compromises to make everyone happy. A friend of mine thought my one band's CD was just awesome, and he reviewed it in his mag at 5/5. I had a hard time believing that he liked it that much, more than I did.

I played on another friend's CD, and I just love the songs and loved being involved in the project - it's one of my favourite CDs. My friend though, only hears the things he thinks he should've done differently, and doesn't like the CD nearly as much as I do.

So anyway, I'm sure the same sort of thing could apply to bands like Opeth.
I'd say we definately "love" the music more than the band loves it. It's their product - their business. It's a whole different persprective. They spend more of their time creating the music than listening. They create an album, market it, then go on to the next one. They want to make US happy - their not just making the music for their own ears. They don't have the time to "love" their music as much as we do. We 100% listen to their music - we look to buy music for just the reason it hits home so much.

I've said it before - Opeth has filled a musical gap that has existed in me - and until I found Opeth, I didn't even know the gap existed.
let's think it this way: their music is their child, our friend. we can't know their feelings while they're writing and playing their songs unless we are in the business. on the other hand, die hard fans of opeth may sell their souls for opeth's music. and p.s: how can I get an avatar?:confused::cry:
Isn't it the same for every band that they prefer other music/bands to their own?
Good point. I was told about a few bands (who my friends are friends with) which have members who don't even listen to bands in the same category as them. And the music i play in my band is far more extreme than the stuff i would normally listen to. Its kinda weird.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
They want to make US happy - their not just making the music for their own ears. They don't have the time to "love" their music as much as we do. We 100% listen to their music - we look to buy music for just the reason it hits home so much.

I don't think I can agree with that I don't think that they would write anythink that they atleast like some. I'm not trying to say that they love every single note or anything, but they definatly have to like the music.

I also don't think that they are making the music JUST TO MAKE US HAPPY, cause usually when someone does that it doesn't sound good. From what it seems to me the opeth makes the music that they want, and if the fans like it more power to them and if we don't like it then there no better off then they were before. I don't think that their in it for the money, but for the sheer fun of making music.

Well I've rambled about nothing for long enough.

Before you judge me judge yourself.
Originally posted by Opth_001

I don't think I can agree with that I don't think that they would write anythink that they atleast like some. I'm not trying to say that they love every single note or anything, but they definatly have to like the music.

I also don't think that they are making the music JUST TO MAKE US HAPPY, cause usually when someone does that it doesn't sound good. From what it seems to me the opeth makes the music that they want, and if the fans like it more power to them and if we don't like it then there no better off then they were before. I don't think that their in it for the money, but for the sheer fun of making music.

I guess I was saying we would have a deeper love for their music, because since we didn't make it, it's about the listening enjoyment. Whereas they have to be a bit more critical since it's their product, and they would "notice" a missed note or a slightly off voice more.

And I will retract the "they make music for us" statement. We're part of it, but they don't do it exclusively for us - it's for them also.
We're part of it, but they don't do it exclusively for us - it's for them also.
From what i've read Mikael seems to do it completely for himself, if we happen to like it then good, if we don't then he doesnt care. But then other more recent comments tend to suggest what you say, which i guess is inevitable once you start getting a fan-base.