Opeth needing to spread their music.


New Metal Member
Aug 11, 2004
When I ask someone why Opeth went to Roadrunner they usually say something along the lines of "omfg its cuz they wanted more pplz to listen to their muzic!".

But why exactly do they want more people to listen to them then necessary, if they have to lose some of their old fans to gain a horde nu-metal/metalcore fans, compromise their music, make singles, make cheesy video clips and tour with bands like Korn?

It's not like they're a political band, they aren't really putting across any kind of statement or message and their music isn't really ground breaking or a whole new genre in music that needs to be heard by everyone. So what was the point?

Any ideas?
If they lost any old fans purely because of their switch to Roadrunner then those "fans" weren't much of a fan to begin with. So no great loss there.

Ghost Reveries is pretty much their most prog sounding album to date and Roadrunner isn't exactly renowned for their a prog-influenced roster (since they're mostly nu-metal) so I don't see how exactly Opeth compromised their sound. Whatever influences they got on GR they certainly didn't come from Roadrunner. As for the video, yes it sucks and yes the "radio edit" thing sucks, Mike already said he agrees. But it doesn't actually change the album in any way does it? I just ignore the video and whatever bullshit Roadrunner comes up with and enjoy the album that I bought which is completely unaffected by any of that.

It's pretty obvious that any band that cares a lot about their music wants as many people to listen to it as possible. Unless you take retarded bands like those shitty underground black metal bands that you undoubtedly listen to into account. You know, the ones that have a band logo that no one can read, record a completely unlistenable album and then distribute it on a label with a really lame name run by probably less than 2 people with a pressing of maybe 500 copies.
I can't really see them get as big as Korn...And I don't think that the GT album had a mainstream vibe at all.
The video of the grand conjuration shows us a mainstream vibe though. I don't like that video; that must have been Roadrunner involved.
The music of Ghost... i had to get used to it, Ghost of Perdition and Baying ot Hounds are great tracks, they could have been Deliverance tracks. Also the mellow tracks are very good. They could have been Damnation tracks. But the Grand Conjuration is just boring and so is Beneath the mire.
In their music... maybe a slight change in the direction of bands like Tool, Korn and so on, but yet, i don't worry too much.
Who gives a crap? You like Opeth for their music, not for their business decisions (unless you're a fucking weirdo).
ænimated said:
When I ask someone why Opeth went to Roadrunner they usually say something along the lines of "omfg its cuz they wanted more pplz to listen to their muzic!".

But why exactly do they want more people to listen to them then necessary, if they have to lose some of their old fans to gain a horde nu-metal/metalcore fans, compromise their music, make singles, make cheesy video clips and tour with bands like Korn?

It's not like they're a political band, they aren't really putting across any kind of statement or message and their music isn't really ground breaking or a whole new genre in music that needs to be heard by everyone. So what was the point?

Any ideas?

maybe you could shed some light on how theyve "compromised" their music due to being on roadruner? because to me it seems they put out the best album in years while being on roadrunner.

as for gaining new fans...why not? even for every 20 nu metal kids who get into them, theres at least 1 valued customer i imagine. not to mention, it means they may not have to worry so much about paying their light bill, and feeding his child now. *gasp*
They signed to RR because it's the label they thought would be best for them. Mike A has answered questions like this several times in interviews.

A lot of people get upset when their obscure pet band starts to become popular. The reason they become upset could probably be the subject of some psychologist's PHD thesis. But feeling this way is kind of silly. If a band is really good, it makes sense that they become popular, no ? (although this obviously doesn't always happen).

I'm personally happy that Opeth seems to be on the path to a larger audiance. They also deserve any financial success they receive from this. A band which puts out music like Opeth doesn't deserve to live hand-to-mouth or be homeless (as Mike A mentioned in an interview I read) living on a friend's couch. They're people too. They need money to eat and a place to live, have families to support, etc.

I just enjoy the music and don't worry myself about record labels or popularity or whatever. It's a waste of time, IMHO.
(so is replying to the 432423'rd thread with this sort of subject. :bah: Why do I do it ?).
If someone is gonna hate Opeth because nu metal and mallcore kids are going to get into them now, then you are a tool! You like Opeth for their music, not cause of who likes them. Grow up! Opeth was never yours!

And if you read the latest chapter of the Opeth biography on the website, you will read what Mikael has to say about why they signed to RR. Its an interesting read. I'm not gonna explain it on here though, you can read it for yourself.

They went with roadrunner to get their albums out everywhere in the world and because it was the best offer they had.
Thankyou, someones up to date!

Mikael was sick of going to gigs and fans telling him that they couldn't find their albums anywhere, so therefore he wanted to find a label that could get his album everywhere.

He also goes on to mention how he remembers classic bands that use to be on roadrunner and classic bands that are on the label now like Obituary, Mercyful Fate etc. He also said how the majority of RR bands doesn't impress him. I mean, he spoke the truth there and that took a lot of risk to say publicly. I am sure the RR guys and other RR bands wouldn't be too happy with that comment. But good stuff Mikael, speak the truth dude!

If you haven't read the latest chapter, I suggest you do. Gives you a better understanding on things. I just like how Mikael seems so down to earth and just speaks his mind. If I were signed to RR and I played on the Sounds Of The Underground tour, I'd be to scared to bag those things out.

Exactly 100% correct, the thread can be closed now before more idiots say stupid shit. Look at Ikil's post and think before you type something.
It's pretty self explanatory really: RR are the biggest metal label out there -- Nickelback made them tons of money and now they are in position to sign any band out there. They will get the product out there, and for a musician trying to make a living by getting their music heard by the massess, this is key and the most important issue. When you have a family to support, your main goal is to put food on the table, and by signing to RR, you have a better chance at living more comfortably at home, and on tour.