I appreciate this, thanks.
To put it simple, the universe hates me. It doesn't want me.
The universe doesn't hate you, you just think it does.
It never wanted me, and I am not a part of it.
It neither wants you or doesn't want you, it's completely indifferent to your existence because the universe isn't intelligent, it's just a huge mass of energy that is in a constant state of transition/change. Also, you ARE a part of the universe, whether you think so or not, you were spawned and you are composed of the universe and there is nothing you can say or do which will ever change this.
It is yin, I am yang, It is matter, I am anti-matter.
.. which are all aspects of the universe, all spawned from the existence of the universe.
I live in this world, so I am forced to make the best of my life, in a constant rivalry with people who would love to see me destroyed.
The people who would love to see you destoryed are just stupid primates who are too wrapped up in their own subjective and self-sustaining misery to just simply BE.
When I look at people I see something cold that doesn't care if I live or die.
I see the same thing when I look at people, but it doesn't bother me, I just feel sorry for them for being so miserable. If you were to look at me you wouldn't see this however, I think you are very cool and nice and I definitely care if you live or die, so please don't think everyone is an asshole like that, most are I admit, but not all.
You say you feel the universe is an extension of yourself, but I feel it as something that wants me dead. That is why feeling compassion for others is a hard thing for me to do, because I resent humanity because humanity resents me.
I understand exactly what you mean. People are generally hateful idiots, but then, so are most animals and yet it doesn't bother us. Why is that? Why is it that we can be afriad to go into a jungle because something will kill us and this doesn't make us feel bad, but when it's dangerous to walk down the street because human animals might kill us then we get all pissed off and depressed about it. Why? People are animals too, and in some ways twice as stupid and 100 time mores evil, so why does human idiocy upset us?
To me, if someone tries to cause trouble with me for no good reason then it's no different than a dumb dog who growls and barks at me when I walk by it's yard, they are both just instinctual animals who aren't intelligent enough to be civil. I could no more hate a person who fucks with me than I could hate a dog for barking at me, why should I blame *them*? They can't help what they are, they didn't ask to be like they are and they can't help it, it would be like blaming people for having red hair or something. Some people are violent assholes and they can't help it any more than a dog can help barking. I think a mistake a lot of people make is that they expect too much from others, they expect them to be kind and loving and a lot of people just aren't capable of that so it's an unreasonable expectation.
I was raised in a hate-filled house, and I've been resented and antagonised by nearly everyone I've ever known.
Me too. Since you brought it up, I'll give you a little background on me too. I grew up in an extremely physically abusive household and I was very neglected, I've been self-sufficient in terms of domestic duties (cooking, cleaning, getting up for school, laundry, etc.) since I was about 7. I was physically abused a little myself, fortunately I escaped before it got too bad (I was a little too young to slap around when it was all going on) but I saw my older brother get the shit kicked out of him daily (he still has the scars, healed bones, and a fucked up back from it all, not to mentioned some pretty heavy psychological problems which he is still trying to work through). We were also dirt poor, sometimes we went hungry and in the winter we couldn't afford furnace oil for the whole winter so we had to live and sleep in ski-doo suits while indoors much of the time. There's more, but I don't want to get into it, I just wanted to point out that our childhoods were probably not as different as you'd think.
However, I'm not ready to sink into a hole of self-pity. I want to make the universe suffer.
Since you are a part of the universe, if you hurt it then you are also hurting yourself, evidenced by the self-loathing and guilt you'd feel beneath the twisted satisfaction.
Show the world and humanity that it has no right to hate me and it can't kill me.
Fuck them all, but don't sink to their level. Pity them, they are idiots and just like a dumb dog who barks, they don't know any better.
peace man,