I love Misanthrope

Originally posted by Belial
I never did understand how such a silly concept can be so exalted by the people.

God: The fairy tale you don't grow out of when you hit puberty.

yea man, we eventually tell the children there is no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy, no boogey man, no monster under the bed or in the closet... but yet the whole god fairytale is perpetuated, very odd.

It's funny that you mention the puberty thing, when kids hit puberty their IQ and sense of common sense pretty much doubles in just a few months, which is why so many brainwashed kids (me included) just drop the whole religion thing at around the age of the onset of puberty at 11 or 12. Not coincidentally, this is also the same time when the christian sacrement of confirmation is forced on them. For those who don't know what confirmation is, it's one of the seven sacrements and the whole ridiculous premise of it is that the child has to stand up and decide for themselves to "accept christ and reject satan" (hahah)or whatever. It's actually just a mind-fuck to get the kids to *think* they are making the choice themselves when in fact there is very little if any choice involved, at 12 they are still basically kids and still just going along with what their parents and society tells them is the proper thing to do. By telling the puberty-sticken adolescents that they are making the choice themselves, they are made to feel responsible and mislead into believing that this is a path that they themselves have chosen, when in fact that did not choose it at all, it was just forced on them since birth, before they had the insight and intelligence to realize what was going on. 12 is a particularly nasty age to pull this crap, it's an age of adjustment and confusion, an age of transition. If confirmation occured at 11, the kid would not be made to feel like it's their choice (and that defeats the whole purpose of the silly ritual), if it was at 13 chances are the kids may have already de-brainwashed themselves and would just laugh at the whole thing and refuse to participate. 13 year olds are infinitely more intellectually evolved than 11 year olds, at 11 we are children, at 13 we are young adults, so it's no surprise the church would pick 12 as the age of confirmation (sneaky bastards).

I started my de-brainwashing a little early, I was a confirmed atheist by the time I was 12 so that when the "choice" of confirmation came for me in my school, I flatly refused it and I wouldn't even entertain the elder's appeals on the matter. I just simply stated that I didn't believe in christianity, that I thought it was too ridiculous for me to even pretend to partake in. They tired to set up meetings with me and my mom and the teachers and the principle, they even got the local priest to get involved, the way they were acting and freaking about you'd think I was planning on going on a killing spree or something, it was fucking funny to see a bunch of stupid adults so upset over something so unimportant and pointless. As I got older I just felt sorry for them and now I realize that it's not their faults, they were all mind-fucked themselves as children and they really don't know what they are doing to these poor kids, they are just tools of the organization and they don't know any better, so I've forgiven them for it and moved on with my life.

Originally posted by Satori

I appreciate this, thanks.

No problem. I haven't had a decent debate in a long while. ;)

The universe doesn't hate you, you just think it does.

It neither wants you or doesn't want you, it's completely indifferent to your existence because the universe isn't intelligent, it's just a huge mass of energy that is in a constant state of transition/change. Also, you ARE a part of the universe, whether you think so or not, you were spawned and you are composed of the universe and there is nothing you can say or do which will ever change this.

It is obvious we were speaking on different terms here. was looking from the perspective that the universe is ones harmony with the outside world, which with me is nearly nonexistent, and something I am not a part of.

Since you argue that the universe is just the collective existence of matter and life, then on those terms I am a part of the universe, as is everything and everyone else.

The people who would love to see you destoryed are just stupid primates who are too wrapped up in their own subjective and self-sustaining misery to just simply BE.

True, but it is these "stupid primates" that wield the power. The Christian right wing, as ridiculous as they are, wield a great influence over the government and are slowly worming their way to undo the freedoms guarenteed to us by the constitution so they can replace it with their Christian "morals". Bigoted politicians are as we speak, working on ways to make sure that I can never marry and raise a family, like I dream to do someday.

There are literally people out there who can't sleep well at night, for hatred and fear of what I'm doing in bed, or how the "morality" of society is decaying in their eyes. These people are hateful idiots who I want little to do with, but their existence still poses a great threat, for they will not let me be, or anyone else, and they won't stop until they're hatred becomes legitimate law.

I see the same thing when I look at people, but it doesn't bother me, I just feel sorry for them for being so miserable. If you were to look at me you wouldn't see this however, I think you are very cool and nice and I definitely care if you live or die, so please don't think everyone is an asshole like that, most are I admit, but not all.

I'm glad you have the ability to pity these people. That's not an easy thing to do. You are a unique person, and that outlook on life is a gift.

I understand exactly what you mean. People are generally hateful idiots, but then, so are most animals and yet it doesn't bother us. Why is that? Why is it that we can be afriad to go into a jungle because something will kill us and this doesn't make us feel bad, but when it's dangerous to walk down the street because human animals might kill us then we get all pissed off and depressed about it. Why? People are animals too, and in some ways twice as stupid and 100 time mores evil, so why does human idiocy upset us?

Because we are humans, and we know that we are not above this sort of instinctual idiocy.

To me, if someone tries to cause trouble with me for no good reason then it's no different than a dumb dog who growls and barks at me when I walk by it's yard, they are both just instinctual animals who aren't intelligent enough to be civil. I could no more hate a person who fucks with me than I could hate a dog for barking at me, why should I blame *them*? They can't help what they are, they didn't ask to be like they are and they can't help it, it would be like blaming people for having red hair or something. Some people are violent assholes and they can't help it any more than a dog can help barking. I think a mistake a lot of people make is that they expect too much from others, they expect them to be kind and loving and a lot of people just aren't capable of that so it's an unreasonable expectation.

Two days ago I would have argued against this point, and there is a story behind why I don't now. You like stories, don't you?

Well, last night I went out Christmas shopping. I finished and was on my way home via bus. The bus reached one of it's final stops and the bus driver suddenly turned around and started refering to a passanger across from me. She asked the passanger if he would like to get off, for we were at the destination he specified earlier. The passanger didn't respond, and gave her the silent treatment, only mumbling some things. At one point, the bus driver said: "Do you plan on ever getting off this bus, or should I call someone to help you?" Still, more silence and a few mumbled words. The bus driver decided to forget him for now and just continue driving.

As soon as the bus started to move, the passanger completely lost his mind. He flew out of the chair, ran towards the drivers seat, started jumping up and down, hitting things, screaming "Call the fuckin cops!" over and over. I sincerely thought that he was going to pull a gun, but luckily, he was unarmed. The bus driver stoped the bus right in front of the police presinct building and the police escorted the passanger off the bus. As the moron was escorted, yelling and enraged, one cop poked his head through the door and said: "By the way. Happy Holidays, everyone".

When I looked at this moron, jumping up and down and yelling, I suddenly imagined an enraged chimp jumping up and down and shouting. The passanger even did a chimpish thing with his arms. I had to supress my laughter when he started doing that. That was probably the first time I equated a human with a dumb animal. I always liked to think that humans are a species that evolved past the need to sink to such primal levels of stupidity. That bus passanger proved my theory wrong.

Me too. Since you brought it up, I'll give you a little background on me too. I grew up in an extremely physically abusive household and I was very neglected, I've been self-sufficient in terms of domestic duties (cooking, cleaning, getting up for school, laundry, etc.) since I was about 7. I was physically abused a little myself, fortunately I escaped before it got too bad (I was a little too young to slap around when it was all going on) but I saw my older brother get the shit kicked out of him daily (he still has the scars, healed bones, and a fucked up back from it all, not to mentioned some pretty heavy psychological problems which he is still trying to work through). We were also dirt poor, sometimes we went hungry and in the winter we couldn't afford furnace oil for the whole winter so we had to live and sleep in ski-doo suits while indoors much of the time. There's more, but I don't want to get into it, I just wanted to point out that our childhoods were probably not as different as you'd think.

I'm sorry to hear about your rough childhood, but at least I now know you understand how it feels to grow up with a family that abuses you, and abandons you when you need them the most. (my family has done both).

When I was growing up, my family was poor and we moved from place to place most of the time and lived of food stamps and "ghetto sollutions" like eating old cereal with water, etc. But when I was still relatively young, both my parents got well paying jobs. My mother as a nurse, and my father as a cop, and we became lower middle class. My father would beat my siblings, but not me because I was so young, though I did get my share of beatings a little later. It wasn't physical abuse. just discapline.

Years later I would fall into clinical depression. It got worse every day and my family never cared. They got me a therepist, by order of the government (another story). I would go to the therepist, and would face the ridicule, and even disgust of my family because I'm "phycho". One day, I went to take my daily anti-depressants, and overdosed because I didn't want to live anymore. Luckily I'm a big person, and the dosage per pill was small, so I wasn't effected to the point of having to go to the hospital.

My family made a big joke about it. They laughed because the "fuckin psychotic moron" tried to kill himself and they treated it as a cry for attention or something. My brother even said that he wished I did kill myself. He even handed me a knife and dared me to slit my wrist. He laughed and called me a coward for not doing it. It took years, but I more or less, conqured my depression alone, and I will never forgive my family for their callousness.

Then I made the mistake of coming out to them. That just served as more fuel for the fire. In more ways than one. That's another story that I won't get into.

Since you are a part of the universe, if you hurt it then you are also hurting yourself, evidenced by the self-loathing and guilt you'd feel beneath the twisted satisfaction.

Why should I feel guilty for getting back at something that hurt me all my life.

Fuck them all, but don't sink to their level. Pity them, they are idiots and just like a dumb dog who barks, they don't know any better.

As I said, the ability to do that is a rare gift not all of us have.
Originally posted by musicholic
Well said... Children are exploited by these vermin and it is good that there are people who are willing to tell them the truth and not just turn their heads. :cool:

So true. Children are truly precious and they need to learn how to exist in reality, not in some idiotic fantasy world which will almost certainly trap them in a state of fear, egocentricism, and selfish desire for the rest of their lives. Children deserve better than this.

I think that raising children under the guise of some silly myth is not only unethical, but psychologically abusive too. If the result of something leads to negative things such as guilt, fear, anxiety, depression, self-suppression, self-loathing, psychosis, etc, then the thing which causes it is, by definition, abusive.

Originally posted by Satori

yea man, we eventually tell the children there is no Santa, no Easter Bunny, no Tooth Fairy, no boogey man, no monster under the bed or in the closet... but yet the whole god fairytale is perpetuated, very odd.

I know. I had a conversation with my middle brother. He said that "when good things happen, it's God looking after you. When bad things happen. It's the devil working against you." He said it like a child would say "When you leave a tooth under the pillow, the tooth fairy will give you a dollar" It was so funny. My middle brother is particularly slow witted, so I doupt he'll ever see how silly that sounds.

Funny you should mention the age thing, because at twelve I decided not to participate in religious practices because I thought the whole concept was just silly. Everyone thought I was going through a "rebellious" phase and I'd snap out of it and become a Christian soon. I'm 18 and still an Atheist.

One time during history class, I suddenly realized, by reading through the book, that most of the hatred, a lot of the wars and the killings, were done in Gods name. I brought this up, and my teacher said that was the old Christianity, and we've come beyond that. How the hell have we become beyond biblical hatred. I saw it everywhere, and when I turned 17, I realized how that hatred has been turned against me. That's when I decided that religious brainwashing is a dangerous thing.
Belial, I'm totally blown away by the stark honesty in your posts and the courage you have for simply staying alive and making the best of a shitty situation. For most people, just coming out is a huge trauma for them, for you it was just one of series of shitty things. Your family sounds kinda intellectually stunted compared to you, something I'm sure you realize. Anyway, I'm glad that you came out because denying yourself companionship and sex (basic human needs) would just make life even harder and probably not worth living. Fuck the christian right, they are just a bunch of sexually repressed fucking twits who simply can't face reality, can't accept that sexuality is one of our most basic instincts of which we have little if any control over, dumb fucks. That reminds me, a co-worker of mine (a born again christian) was telling me a few weeks ago that I could "turn gay" if I "let my guard down and let satan into my heart", hahah. He just doesn't get it and his religion prevents him from even trying to understand, which is a real shame. We have something political like this going on in Canada now too, some fundamentalist right-wing party is gaining ground and trying to limit the freedoms of anyone who isn't a bible-thumping bigot. Fuck them all.

There is an objectivity, intelligence, and sincerity about you that I find super cool, and I feel honoured to know you. Thank you for sharing, I love it when people have the nads to say what they really think, and from where I'm sitting, your balls looking like fucking watermelons! heheh :tickled:


Hmm.. Confirmation was incredibly stupid. I think back on it, and my mom telling me "Ok, you need to get confirmed this year" I started rolling my eyes and sighing (I was never exactly the most devout Christian) "If you do it i'll give you $100" So I decided to do it (That was a lot of money for me when I was 12) So for a long time I had to go to church every week no matter what, I missed out on A LOT of fun paintball games that my friends would have. I finally got confirmed and to celebrate I didn't go to church for 3 weeks. I went around three times after confirmation, then I just stopped going. When I thought about going I asked myself "Why go?" "Would god really care if I sit in a pew and daydream while some guy rambles on about some morale lesson I already know, or some bible story I don't need to know?" Then I started asking myself things like "Would A god really care so much that I believed in it?" "IF a god exists, why would he make me go to such a terrible place if I don't believe in him" Then one day the answer hit me "There is no god". Luckily I wasn't brainwashed very heavily or I may still be an ignorant Christian.
Originally posted by Satori
Thanks for your input. I agree with the catching them young, before they are imprisoned by any of the many mindless scary political myths, but unfortuantely that is not always possible. I did have this luxury with my nephew however, he was developing his own fear-based religious psychosis when he was 9 and 10 and it was creating a lot of turmoil/dissonance in his young mind, just like it did to me. I just quickly explained to him that religion is pure mythology (something he already knew but was afraid to admit to himself or others) and he just snapped out of his little rut pretty much instantly, that moment actually, it was like a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders and he was so happy and relieved that tears came to his young eyes, he realized he wasn't alone. It was very cool and he was very happy.

Religious-based mental problems are so easy to cure in children because even children are smart enough to realize that it's all a bunch of idiotic and psychologically damaging crap, they just lack the self-confidence to truly accept their own countering point of view on things. As trusted and revered adults, it's so fucking easy for us to give children the confidence they need to face their own fears and overcome them. That's why I always say that early education is the best thing we can do to prevent children from growing up to become fearful and brainwashed adults, giving them a much much greater chance at being happy and truly free from the vile exploitation of their fragile egos.


I'm glad I grew up in an atheist country, where churches and mosques were burned or transformed into art museums. I never heard about Jesus or Mohammed until I was 12 or something... and becasue someone was making a joke of them.

Funny though, with the decline of communism a lot of people turned to religion. Fucking sheeps.
I met with a friend today - we spoke of religion - and he was brought up Christian, but now believes EVERY religion is a cult: the world is now 1 person better :)
I haven't been overhere for a while but i have been reading this thread and i can't believe that anyone of us here could love to somebody without know him/her.....i can't imagine that anyone of us could love to somebody in this place because we don't really know us, maybe fewer know us out of this forum and maybe we are the fewer who could say that we love to somebody from here....And I'm sure that i will be the only one posting here who really love to Misanthrope for all what he is and what he does indeed.

Marge: (bows her head and starts mumbling incoherantly)

Psychologist: Marge. What are you doing?

Marge: I'm praying to God that you'll judge me sane.

Psychologist: I see... This God... Is he in the room with you now?

Marge: Yes. He's kind of everywhere.

Psychologist: I see. (takes a note)
Originally posted by Wolff
I'm glad I grew up in an atheist country, where churches and mosques were burned or transformed into art museums. I never heard about Jesus or Mohammed until I was 12 or something... and becasue someone was making a joke of them.

Funny though, with the decline of communism a lot of people turned to religion. Fucking sheeps.

Wolff, where are you from ? Because what you wrote sounds very familiar to me...