Is there somewhere that I can trade in my NAG?


Well, according to my girlfrined, I have to make my box of chocalate crispix last for one week, otherwise she'll never buy it for me again.

but you see, we pay EXACTLY 50% for all our groceries.

Anyway.. I shall be eating the whole box tonight.

She has begun to whine and nag about stupid useless things

So what if I hate some cornflakes out of a FRYING PAN?!

What does it matter? It's not wrong, it may be different, but it is not hurting anyone.

She has to do things all normally, NO SILLY IN THIS HOUSE!!

Well, currently, my plan is to piss her off so much till she realizes trhat she is being an idiot and stops.

Note: It's not only about cereal, it's all sorts of things

We have just moved out of home and started playing house together, and so far it's not fun.

I was also trying to burn pictures into the side of the phone book, but she wanted none of that.

My point is, why is she trying to stop me doing fun things if these doings have NO bad consequences.

this is gonna start arguements...