Is this double bass fake?

5. You guys use a drum machine.So how did you learn to do that? And what drum machine bands influence you to create drum machine parts?
MAL.) Well, It's funny because both of us happen to be drummers outside of Malodorous. We've been playing drums for years. So, Mike actually sampled his drum kit to feed the samples in the drum-machine, that's how we got a realistic sound. But our biggest influence for this is hands-down, Putrid Pile.

Rest of interview here.
Great band, you guys are pretty fucking retarded. Also, they are definitely not deathcore, so shut up Nick :p.

It still takes quiet a bit of effort to program your drum machine to play things like this (maybe not as much as it would take to actually play this, but...I digress) so anyone who goes "LOL DRUM MACHINE DEY SUX?!" is really ignorant.
hah, so these guys use a computer as drums? they suck!

If you don't like their music, why did you bother asking about the drums?

What does triggered mean?

Triggered usually means the sounds are sampled on computer and 'triggered' whenever the drummer hits the drum. Electronic pads are fixed to the skins themselves. The triggered sound can also be blended with the natural sound.