Is this forum for real?

it must be because ATIB wanted a place where fans and lovers of this gerne can communicate and interchange ideas with members of the band and other fans... more dynamic than all those other bands... :rolleyes: :) ;)
I can answer that.

Because bands like this are struggling to get their music out to as many people as possible and they believe so much in their music that they pay for forums like this, so that others who happen to stumble in here might give them a chance and head over to their site to listen to their music, and possibly buy a CD.

All it takes is for a band, or band's representative, to contact UltimateMetal and throw a little support Mark's way. Believe it or not, there's a ton of Metalheads out there that still haven't discovered this Metal Oasis! :) Of course, there's a lot od bands/people who speak for bands that think they don't NEED to be on UltimateMetal. More power to them, I personally love to come here and be able to hop from one board or another.

Anyways, I hope that you, as well, give All That I Bleed a chance and check out their music, whether you end up liking it or not.

Also, I am not in the band, and I have no ties to the band excpet that I sell their CD at my store, and I love their music.
No problem at all man!

Hmm, to me personally, I relate them to Perfect Symmetry era Fates Warning, except they are n't a clone of that, just similar in that style. Definitely above average for an indie band, give em a listen!
I just want to say I'm a big fan of ALL THAT I BLEED, I admire the fact that they have the balls to do whatever it takes for people to be able to listen to their music. The least we owe them is to listen to their music, analize it, and then decide if it is for us or not.

Believe me, if you do this, you WILL like it!

Like MetalAges said, their music is very much Fates Warning in the late 80's/ early 90's, but it is still very much their own style. Nice blend of progressive rock, heavy metal, a bit of jazz, and a bit of latin flavor (kind of a latin jazz fusion with nice, melodic heavy metal). ENJOY!