is this right?


love is the answer
Nov 12, 2002
Belgrade, Serbia
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I heard the new Deftones single on the radio and it was fucking awesome.

Are they good and I've just been dismissing them as rap metal for years?

Or did they like maybe just get really good....because this song was totally stellar.

I think it's called "Minerva"
i saw them on WARPED before they had any singles out and i thought they were cool. then i heard maybe ten deftones songs over the next five or six years and every single one was horrendous. so i guess they had potential?
Well they don't really rap. They have 3 albums. The first 2 are ok, but Adrenaline(their 1st) is my fav. The last one is more alternative than anything else. Supposedly they have a new album coming out, and the song you heard is prolly from it I'm guessing.