Is this the end of human civilization?


Eyes Wide Open
Nov 15, 2001
Bay Area, California
Have we reached the end? I see human society as going DOWNHILL at an extremely fast pace for the past few decades, is there a chance that this could be it?

We're facing the threat of nuclear warfare in Pakistan and India, and whose to say that there aren't any terrorists, Arafat, Osama, Hussien, or whoever, that wouldn't love to bomb the living fuck out of the Americans?

I just have this nagging suspicion in the back of my head that theres a chance that someone might go trigger happy and spark the end.

Or maybe I'm just listening to Dreaming Neon Black and thinking crazy thoughts... :eek:
I think about it alot, I mean just goto any big city and look around. We are at the height of human civilization, nature will soon take its course, and we will crumble. Albeit by our own hands, or some catstrophic "act of god"
Its the mass driven media machine....infecting your blood brain barrier, get with it. Or you will, all think we all have a microchip in our heads....

Did you know that people [renegades] have got into the ECHLON system complex's and had a look around, I have seen the video's exciting - stuff, when you have the robots, desemating information,is it really fact or fiction.


A dark unfathomed tide
Of interminable pride -
A mystery, and a dream,
Should my early life seem;
I say that dream was fraught
With a wild and waking thought
Of beings that have been,
Which my spirit hath not seen,
Had I let them pass me by,
With a dreaming eye!
Let none of earth inherit
That world unborn Was really good of my spirit;
Those thoughts I would control,
As a spell upon his soul:
For that bright hope at last
And that light time have past,
And my worldly rest hath gone
With a sigh as it passed on:
I care not though it perish
With a thought I then did cherish.

Allan Poe
Who knows what the future will hold for our hopelessly fucked human race?We have damned ourselves for sure.It doesn't matter where we live-wether it's the Middle East on America or Europe or anywhere else-we're all human and only we have caused our problems.
I dont think we are at th ehieght of HUMAN civ. I think we have thousands of yrs to go......

Once we reach the TOP, we will hav eno polution, no bullshit, and everyone will be equal. If we make it that far.

We are a CLASS ONE CIV......thats the lowest.

DO some research, you will see what im talkinabout......We must LIVE throught the ATOMIC age without KILLING ourselves. Then we will be on our way to the TOP