is this true???


Apr 25, 2002
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i was on today looking at reviews of SOWN and in one of the reviews this guy says that charlie's wife cheated on him which led to him writing 90% of the music on that record.
i thought he always did write the music anyway...?
jdelpi said:
I thought Sandra was Charlie's first and only wife.
Plus a lot of that music was the result of frustration with legal problems and Joey.

That's what I thought too, but in the wedding pictures there's 2 little kids standing next to them and I always figured it was children from previous marriages.
From what my little brain remebers there is alot os truth to this. I Heard it was frustration with Joey and the Chiefs long time EX GIRl Friend, NOt to be confused with his wife Sandra. How acurate this is I dont know for shure. I recall readind interviews about this when the ablum came out. E-mail the man and ask him.
I remember Billy Milano saying something (while the feud lasted) like Charlie's lucky that he has married a girl who has kids or a kid because Billy was going cut off his (Charlie's) balls... and then of course, the recently posted pics of Charlie with his son confirm the theory - however, I haven't heard anything about the aforementioned girl in the wedding photos.. so, who knows?
max said:
i was on today looking at reviews of SOWN and in one of the reviews this guy says that charlie's wife cheated on him which led to him writing 90% of the music on that record.
i thought he always did write the music anyway...?

Charlie wasn't even married when they did SOWN, Sandra is his first.
Charlie got married for the first time this time, that's for sure. It might have been his ex-gf, so the songs like Only and 1000 Points Of Hate could have been a lil about this.
I agree with Alex.
Stomp specifically lists all lyrics being by John and Scott and all music being by Charlie. I don't feel like checking but I think lyrics are credited to John and Scott in Vol. 8. SOWN says all songs by Charlie, Scott and John with "Burst" and I think "Invisible" with frank. (Gee, where did the other guy go?) But I think it's always been mentioned in interviews that John and Scott wrote the lyrics.
max said:
i was on today looking at reviews of SOWN and in one of the reviews this guy says that charlie's wife cheated on him which led to him writing 90% of the music on that record.
i thought he always did write the music anyway...?

That reveiwer was probably referring to Scott's first wife. Whenever he gets seperated, he writes some intense lyrics.
TD said:
That reveiwer was probably referring to Scott's first wife. Whenever he gets seperated, he writes some intense lyrics.

