Isis - Panopticon

Breach - Kollapse
that's one of my absolute favorite albums. I have some live Breach stuff from '98 on my site right now, if anyone's interested.

old Switchblade from when they wanted to be His Hero is Gone is great. Too bad their drummer had to go and have a baby so they can't tour for awhile.
I am interested, but it would only be an excerise in futility to try and download stuff on a 3.3k/sec connection. When I get cable I'll politely ask if they're still available. Also, tell me, as the copy I got was a cd-r from a friend (yeah, good luck finding original Breach cds in greece), does the last track on Kollapse clock at 4:02 and end as abruptly as it does? If so, a very strange way to end one's career!
Helm - I'll try to remember to check when I get home. The mp3s should be up for another month or so, but it depends on when I get the urge to add a new set of live tunes.

Breach's guitarist Niklas Quintana's new band The End Will Be Kicks are pretty good too, but quite a bit poppier. very similar to his other old band Him Kerosene. I should probably try to track down the other main dude from the band and see what's up. I'm pretty sure he's doing graphic design stuff or something.
All the internet interviews with breach are in languages I do not understand but one, and in that one the other guy mentions a new interest in graphic design so yeah, could be. I'll try to track down The End Will Be Kicks stuff, since pop doesn't burn my skin on contact. Thanks for the info, I was wondering what they people in breach were doing.
all those dudes are friends of friends if I haven't exchanged emails with em personally, so I can easily track down more info if there's any specific you wanna know. the swedish scene is pretty small and inbred after all.
I think its OK but nothing astounding. It's a very predictable album and seems like the obvious direction of "growth" that they were going to go in. Production wise I like it much more the Oceanic, you can actually hear the snare! Overall I only really enjoy a few tracks. Solid release but again, nothing amazing.