Isis - Panopticon


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Isis – Panopticon
Ipecac Recordings – October 19th, 2004
By Jason Jordan


Wow, I don’t even know where to begin. Remember how Oceanic was magnificent? Do you remember thinking that Isis would have to do a whole lot to surpass their previous release? Well, suffice it to say, Panopticon clobbers the band’s entire discography.

“So Did We” jumps right in with the group’s patented sound and vocals. The aforementioned song gets mellow about thirty seconds after commencement. As you know, Isis’ passages are usually winding and filled with contained intensity; furthermore, have you stumbled upon a band that builds to a climax better than these guys? I also enjoy the steady drumming, which makes it nominally easier to weld with the track’s groove(s). “Backlit” is a sullenly beautiful piece that funnels into a haggard, confident composition. “In Fiction” retains a mysterious feel to its beginning, but convincingly sprawls outward, as does “Wills Dissolve.” “Syndic Calls” is perhaps more experimental than anything else on Panopticon. Perhaps not. In any case, I fell for the guitar parts that cut in and out, circa the 2:00 mark. “Altered Course” is a bit more raw than typical, and “Grinning Mouths” is most assuredly solid. Negatives include: songs that meander a little too much at times, length of certain tracks may put you out, and that’s about it.

Needless to say, Panopticon will definitely grace many top-albums-of-the-year lists, and rightfully so. Not only is the music phenomenal, but also the glossy, liner notes are cool and the artwork is worth mention. In sum, I believe Isis have let loose the best album of their meek career. So, agree or flame away.


Official Isis website
Official Ipecac Recordings website
Hopkins-WitchfinderGeneral said:
For me:


But I know I'm alone in that way of thinking. :)

Yes you are. Panopticon > Oceanic > Sgnl>05 > Celestial > Mostiquos Control > Red Sea

Voilà :)
discouraged1 said:
panopticon will be a new lateralus and blackwater park in a years to come.
fakkin brilliant masterpiece.

You are just plain right on about this. Lateralus, Blackwater Park and Panopticon are all classics. There are always detractors when "new" things come out....because it's not like Ænima, or it's not like Still Life or whatever....but those arguments lack objectivity. Truly, in the future, people will refer to all three of these records as seminal, classic, must haves. Sometimes it's fun to be the person who knows they are NOW.

Anyway, ISIS is the shit. Oceanic is amazing (as is Celestial), and somehow Panopticon is even better. Fucking Aaron Turner man....
Well i don't know why Justin played that one off. After all the song sounded exactly the same than rest of the album. Bass sound needs somewhat uprising and that was what i was expecting from Justin with this one. Anyway respect to Isis. Good music.

What the heck, Tool are now composing/recording, that's the main point. Can't wait the new Tool. I heard it is going to very heavy. Props for that.
I listened to this album. Wasn't too impressed.

Most of the time it was boring, at times it was OK, this was mainly when the vocals came in (they sounded like a muffled version of mastodon's), as for the rest of it, I didn't find it overly interesting.

I hope Tool doesn't tour with this band.
I still haven't been able to get into Isis. I haven't been able to figure out what the catch is yet. I heard nothing of this group last year, then all of a sudden, everyone is a major fan of theirs. It kind of makes me wonder if their huge following is just a product of this band being way too overhyped.
Chasm said:
I still haven't been able to get into Isis. I haven't been able to figure out what the catch is yet. I heard nothing of this group last year, then all of a sudden, everyone is a major fan of theirs. It kind of makes me wonder if their huge following is just a product of this band being way too overhyped.
That's exactly what I think, I never heard of them until a few months ago when everyone started raving on about Oceanic.