Islam is the light?

He does a great job of priming the congregation immediately before the third go-round so they're sure to hear "Islam is the light."
If he'd said "Sleeping in the night" that's probably what we'd all hear.
It's just babble, and nobody but a paranoid, delusional moron would immediately hear it as "Islam is the light" and freak out about it.

But even if it did say that, why does it have to be recalled?
If it said "Jesus is the light" I'm guessing that would somehow be okay, right? They would just tell non-Christians not to buy it?
Listening to the mp3, all I hear is garble. It came to my attention when this mother in another forum said: "I was wrapping this gift this morning, when I thought I heard the toy say Islam is the light", "so I went online and sure enough, it did" :Smug:

As far as I can tell she isn't religious at all.

Anyhow, just wanted to see if anyone else here ( being all audio geeks :lol: ) heard "Islam is the light". :Smug:

I don't. :u-huh:
What im pissed of about is that this fuckin' doll has been hyped because of this, but none of those dolls or children shows that gives away christian messages are considered something bad.
there seem to be more of this "subliminal" dolls out there

Even if it does say Islam is the Light (which I highly doubt), it's as easy as not buying it. I'm more inclined to believe the whole Ferbie-records-top-secret-information theory than this.

I suppose one defining factor between this and let's say a Bob the Tomato toy, is that Bob is openly Charismatic, and only sells to Charismatic little boys and girls. Little Miss Dirka here isn't exactly being referred to as a Muslim toy, so slipping a quote from the Quoran is kinda sneaky. But whatev.
haha. what would they do if it said "Jesus is the light"??

or "pancakes is the light"???

or "suck my dick is the light"???

who gives a shit???
it doesn't even sound like articulate speech to me anyway, it could be anything.