Islamic invasion - in your countries?

Saying such things in the UK - particularly if you're a public figure of some kind - will get you in the newspapers, will get you fired, and will force you to make some kind of grovelling apology.

Saying something like that in Sweden would force you to change name and move to a secret location basically.. apart from the infamous political party the Sweden Democrats, who just have to take all sorts of abuse from the public(I'm REALLY not taking their side on things though.).

My girlfriend lives in a place called Hässleholmen, which is a district thats basically filled with muslim immigrants.. and yeah, people dont go out there when its dark out(Unless you're an immigrant your self that is.).
Part of the reason I think we should leave the EU is to curb immigration. There are good reasons to do so, but whenever you mention it, you're branded a racist.
I always got the impression that most of the anti-muslim sentiment in England was based mostly around Daily Mail propaganda than anything else?
Dailymail might be a full on sensationalist "newspaper", if you can call it that. But, yes, I agree that his is the truth.

I was raised by wonderful parents who taught me the importance of equality values, etc. Grew up with that feeling my whole life, that is, until, I moved to London in 2009. Yes, there are a LOT of people from the middle east but obviously that didn't bother me until I got mugged, until I saw really weird shit, until I realized most of the ones I met were not nice people at all. All I've met were shady people at best, the kind of people that you never really understand their intentions, you never really know the person.

My girlfriend, who lives in Lille, France, is always being threatened. These typical pakistani or arab chavs wearing nothing but adidas sportswear stop the car to whistle at her and shit like that, follow her, call her, etc. All the fucking time, she doesn't go out at night because she's scared... She was born in France and lived there till her teen years, moved to Portugal, goes back to France last year and finds the country in this situation. I'm usually never scared of pretty much anything and walking just with her in the middle of the night there I literally felt like I was about to get stabbed at any moment.

I don't give a fuck if I come across as a racist or xenophobic, overseas immigration should be controlled, PERIOD. European countries welcome everyone with their arms open and these people come over here in massive massive flocks and start imposing their ideas, their beliefs, as if they are dismissing the entire IDEA of moving to another country means ADAPTATION, that's WHY you're moving to a different country other than your own. I have seen first hand, manifestations to impose sharia law, it's disgusting to say the least. Imagine the reaction you'd get if you contested even in an intellectual peaceful manner on anything with them while on THEIR country, simple, you'd be killed, straight up, if you do that here, you will get beaten up badly. So, my question is, where is the fucking balance in how Europe is treating Middle Eastern's and vice versa?

This too big of a tolerance will cause an assimilation of cultures. Like it will happen with Sweden, France, Belgium, England. Countries with such rich history that in 40 years time will be unrecognisable. If I go visit Japan, I go there to experience and soak in as much as I can the history of the country, the people, how they live, because this cultural difference is what makes our society and our identities amazing in my eyes and I don't want nor do I feel the need to change anyone's point of view in life whatsoever!

Now walk the streets of London, every 10 meters a fucking halal kebab shop, 90% of them are the most disgusting shops you could ever think of with the worst of the worst standards of hygiene you can imagine.

This is why I hate religion, it makes people a bunch of like minded sheep flock, spouting bullshit on things they don't even understand but were force fed, it makes me intolerant towards these people when I shouldn't be and don't want to be.
You guys know where it led to the last time a single group was pointed out as beeing the fault of everything, right?

Not saying that there aren't any issues, reading the comment of Trev, there seems to be a pretty hardcore isolation of immigrants going on there.
But usually these kind of problems evolve because of the lack of money spent on integration. If people live in another country in slums/communities, all problems those people have get multiplied.

I live in an area in my city with a lot of muslims, from a lot of different countries (my district is like the one with the 2nd highest "foreigner" rate I think).
Never had any issues at any day or night time, with or without a girl by my side.

So it's not "all those muslims", period. Generalizing like that is just dumb.

What I do have encountered a lot of times, where simple &close minded racist fuckheads who like to point fingers instead of looking at themselves for problems. Guess where those assholes where born?
And you'd think it's mostly old people still remembering the war, and only in the big city with lots of foreigners. Nope. Young people are equally dumb, and in rural areas the xenophobia is usually even higher.

I really don't know why people whenever an issue with someone comes up see the skin color first, and not the person behind it. Guess what, you can be an asshole regardless of religion or skin color.

Putting brown people on a pile and forgetting about them, then decades later wondering why there is a matter with them? Not very smart and pretty uncalled for IMO

oh and I think within the EU everyone not from an EU country does need a valid reason to stay.

however I do agree with one thing: if someone WANTS to live in a fundamentalist muslim country, then it's best to settle down in a fundamentalist muslim country.
^read your post before you edited it shorter. I think you generalize WAY too much without thinking about the reasons behind everything.

Its like you'd judge all christians by the actions of the westborrow baptist fuckers.

I'd also much rather leave some assholes in (and as much as it looks otherwise they ARE the minority, at least around here, and there are statistics to proove that too) and deal with them the same way as if a "true native" (whatever that means in a country like mine) would do the same fucked up shit, than witnessing disgusting day to day racism on nice and kind people.

You tend to think "they are like that" if you encounter a group of people with a specific mindset, but it's a very selective way of seeing things.
You guys know where it led to the last time a single group was pointed out as beeing the fault of everything, right?

Not saying that there aren't any issues, reading the comment of Trev, there seems to be a pretty hardcore isolation of immigrants going on there.
But usually these kind of problems evolve because of the lack of money spent on integration. If people live in another country in slums/communities, all problems those people have get multiplied.

I live in an area in my city with a lot of muslims, from a lot of different countries (my district is like the one with the 2nd highest "foreigner" rate I think).
Never had any issues at any day or night time, with or without a girl by my side.

So it's not "all those muslims", period. Generalizing like that is just dumb.

What I do have encountered a lot of times, where simple &close minded racist fuckheads who like to point fingers instead of looking at themselves for problems. Guess where those assholes where born?
And you'd think it's mostly old people still remembering the war, and only in the big city with lots of foreigners. Nope. Young people are equally dumb, and in rural areas the xenophobia is usually even higher.

I really don't know why people whenever an issue with someone comes up see the skin color first, and not the person behind it. Guess what, you can be an asshole regardless of religion or skin color.

Putting brown people on a pile and forgetting about them, then decades later wondering why there is a matter with them? Not very smart and pretty uncalled for IMO

oh and I think within the EU everyone not from an EU country does need a valid reason to stay.

however I do agree with one thing: if someone WANTS to live in a fundamentalist muslim country, then it's best to settle down in a fundamentalist muslim country.

Well maybe not islam as a religion is the problem, atleast not in Sweden but it's maybe more about cultural differences. Having a religion that allows multiple marriages, that force woman (yeah choose to my ass..) to wear veil amongst other things.

And in those problem areas in Sweden 10-15year old kids run around all night burning cars, steal and rob people. How can the parents allow that? If you're kid comes home with a new cellphone, new shoes once every other week wouldn't you become suspicious ?

And i don't buy into that whole we don't spend enough money on integration. What about the peoples obligation to integrate themself into the society? They get more money a month from our government then they probably would earn in a year coming from Somalia.

Very complex problem and it annoys me that politicians don't acknowledge the problem.
You guys know where it led to the last time a single group was pointed out as beeing the fault of everything, right?

Not saying that there aren't any issues, reading the comment of Trev, there seems to be a pretty hardcore isolation of immigrants going on there.
But usually these kind of problems evolve because of the lack of money spent on integration. If people live in another country in slums/communities, all problems those people have get multiplied.

I live in an area in my city with a lot of muslims, from a lot of different countries (my district is like the one with the 2nd highest "foreigner" rate I think).
Never had any issues at any day or night time, with or without a girl by my side.

So it's not "all those muslims", period. Generalizing like that is just dumb.

What I do have encountered a lot of times, where simple &close minded racist fuckheads who like to point fingers instead of looking at themselves for problems. Guess where those assholes where born?
And you'd think it's mostly old people still remembering the war, and only in the big city with lots of foreigners. Nope. Young people are equally dumb, and in rural areas the xenophobia is usually even higher.

I really don't know why people whenever an issue with someone comes up see the skin color first, and not the person behind it. Guess what, you can be an asshole regardless of religion or skin color.

Putting brown people on a pile and forgetting about them, then decades later wondering why there is a matter with them? Not very smart and pretty uncalled for IMO

oh and I think within the EU everyone not from an EU country does need a valid reason to stay.

however I do agree with one thing: if someone WANTS to live in a fundamentalist muslim country, then it's best to settle down in a fundamentalist muslim country.

This, backed 100%.

While I'm sure there are some conservative immigrants from predominantly Islamic countries, you guys sound like a bunch of racist American southerners talking about Mexicans. You're also completely ignoring the fact that the integration of immigrants into countries depends a great deal on how that country treats them, not just economically but culturally. The U.S. has a loooot of immigrants, and some suburbs of Detroit are full of Muslim immigrants- yet we don't have some of the same problems Europeans have with car burnings and ethno-religious enclaves in cities.

I think that's because, on the whole, some European countries still have a certain ethnically based conception of citizenship (think: UKIP; Geert Wilders) that we don't. Or at the very least, there are people pushing for that to be the case.

This article sort of sums it up:
maybe because my country imported a lot of workers from muslim countries in the 70s, so we have to deal with a totally different problem of integration.
We have 3rd generation kids around here who have trouble in school, cause they never learned how to speak german in kindergarten or at home, cause they only lifted in communities that talked in their native tongue, or because only the father who is working knows german, and the wife who stays at home looking after the kid doesn't.

I've never had the feeling that there's an invasion with an agenda going on. Frankly I also don't think it is.
So I dunno...maybe because some other countries only recently opened their border are in kind of a "shock" that now so many people from other countries want a better life for themselfes at once, and we just had time to get used to it over the years ;)

And last comment on generalizing: Even if you can back it up with data than the majority of people of a certain group do certain things a certain way, it's not fair to say ALL of those are, as long as you didn't look at every single one.
Well maybe not islam as a religion is the problem, atleast not in Sweden but it's maybe more about cultural differences. Having a religion that allows multiple marriages, that force woman (yeah choose to my ass..) to wear veil amongst other things.

And in those problem areas in Sweden 10-15year old kids run around all night burning cars, steal and rob people. How can the parents allow that? If you're kid comes home with a new cellphone, new shoes once every other week wouldn't you become suspicious ?

And i don't buy into that whole we don't spend enough money on integration. What about the peoples obligation to integrate themself into the society? They get more money a month from our government then they probably would earn in a year coming from Somalia.

Very complex problem and it annoys me that politicians don't acknowledge the problem.

If cultural differences was the problem, then you'd have to have burning cars in every city a single moslem lives. I don't think that this is the case.
Is it part of the issue? Sure. Is it the only reason? Hell no.

And yeah, because it is such a complex problem generalizing and simplifying isn't the way to solve it.
It's also a local issue. France has a totally different history than Sweden I think.
Dailymail might be a full on sensationalist "newspaper", if you can call it that. But, yes, I agree that his is the truth.

I was raised by wonderful parents who taught me the importance of equality values, etc. Grew up with that feeling my whole life, that is, until, I moved to London in 2009. Yes, there are a LOT of people from the middle east but obviously that didn't bother me until I got mugged, until I saw really weird shit, until I realized most of the ones I met were not nice people at all. All I've met were shady people at best, the kind of people that you never really understand their intentions, you never really know the person.

My girlfriend, who lives in Lille, France, is always being threatened. These typical pakistani or arab chavs wearing nothing but adidas sportswear stop the car to whistle at her and shit like that, follow her, call her, etc. All the fucking time, she doesn't go out at night because she's scared... She was born in France and lived there till her teen years, moved to Portugal, goes back to France last year and finds the country in this situation. I'm usually never scared of pretty much anything and walking just with her in the middle of the night there I literally felt like I was about to get stabbed at any moment.

I don't give a fuck if I come across as a racist or xenophobic, overseas immigration should be controlled, PERIOD. European countries welcome everyone with their arms open and these people come over here in massive massive flocks and start imposing their ideas, their beliefs, as if they are dismissing the entire IDEA of moving to another country means ADAPTATION, that's WHY you're moving to a different country other than your own. I have seen first hand, manifestations to impose sharia law, it's disgusting to say the least. Imagine the reaction you'd get if you contested even in an intellectual peaceful manner on anything with them while on THEIR country, simple, you'd be killed, straight up, if you do that here, you will get beaten up badly. So, my question is, where is the fucking balance in how Europe is treating Middle Eastern's and vice versa?

This too big of a tolerance will cause an assimilation of cultures. Like it will happen with Sweden, France, Belgium, England. Countries with such rich history that in 40 years time will be unrecognisable. If I go visit Japan, I go there to experience and soak in as much as I can the history of the country, the people, how they live, because this cultural difference is what makes our society and our identities amazing in my eyes and I don't want nor do I feel the need to change anyone's point of view in life whatsoever!

Now walk the streets of London, every 10 meters a fucking halal kebab shop, 90% of them are the most disgusting shops you could ever think of with the worst of the worst standards of hygiene you can imagine.

This is why I hate religion, it makes people a bunch of like minded sheep flock, spouting bullshit on things they don't even understand but were force fed, it makes me intolerant towards these people when I shouldn't be and don't want to be.

You fellas are bang on the money. I have no problem with peaceful immigrants coming here to utilise professional skills and get on with us but I've experienced the same. I'm also not keen on a homogenized culture especially when they begin to try to push their own views, i tend to think it will suck the charm out of each nation year by year. I thought this thread was going to head in the liberal direction what with it being a muso forum so very surprised.
Everything that is happening now with the whole muslim thing is our own fault. It isn't even related to the islam, that only became a problem since 9/11, they already were doing their thing before that over here, no one called em muslim. How much of us know our neighbour? Sees our family weekly? Howmuch of us see the same people at work, or waiting at the train or busstation everyday for years and never said a word to each other? Not even, good morning. If one sees one of us being bullied, robbed, or beaten to death by one of them, acts to help him? No one? There are many blood and honor and other racistic and neo-nazi groups out there. How many times you see news reports a big group of those guys beated up a bunch of moslims? Someone gets beaten up by "muslims". What do we do? Let's protest peacefully in silence again pointless violence. That should scare them. What happens if one of them gets shot by police... thousands of them start tearing shit up. We allow them to act this way. Another thing about the shady figures is, alot of em aren't probably even muslims, but east-european. Got also black hair, talk some wierd language. Main thing is: They win, we loose.
I agree with mago 100%
I don't judge Catholics cause little boys get molested every now and again, I don't judge Muslims for some radical executions that take place every so often, I don't judge Christians for the west boro, and I don't judge Metal heads cause of some random douche bags I encounter on the forum. That would be narrow sighted and ignorant. You shouldn't hate religion maybe it's a deep seeded problem you have with some aspects of it. I can tell you the Buddhist and Hindu community's and synagogues I frequent to play Violin are so peaceful and welcoming to outsiders it's incredible. Better than most friends I've ever met. The Christian Girlfriend I've been with for 7 years is phenomenal. She doesn't hate gays, She's loving, faithful and her beliefs are one of the reason's i'm crazy about her, her heart is so Big and her morals are on point. No bigoted nonsense like the west boro. Point is if you don't like a religion make sure you just don't like the reputation or maybe whats it's asking of you.

There are underground snuff films, rape, murder rings child trafficking, fucked up governments but I'm not about to say "I Hate People!!!" That would be stupid and retarded. My mom and brother are people and some really nice guys I've met here have helped me out a lot and are people.
Not really a surprise that internet metal nerds having hilarious viewpoints on non-whites and minorities.

Most of the posts on here seem to be "I hate the Daily Mail but ... *Daily Mail sensationalism, maybe with bullshit anecdotal evidence*".

The cases you cite are so rare they can barely be fucking said to exist, you impressionable, sheltered weirdos.
My girlfriend lives in a place called Hässleholmen, which is a district thats basically filled with muslim immigrants.. and yeah, people dont go out there when its dark out(Unless you're an immigrant your self that is.).

you'll find the same situation in the USA for example. there are certain places where you should just not go when you are white, and surely there are also places you should highly avoid as a black person. see, it's actually not a problem of religion even there are certain tendencies of course. in general it's more a social than a religious problem i think.