Islamic invasion - in your countries?

That's not true, there are heaps of tolerant ones and that aren't misogynist, which is why their women can refuse to wear the hijab etc - like christianity, they have conservative and progressive sects and people within their belief system.
I've never met a nicer group of people than the muslim women at my work. Totally open and accommodating to anything; we've got christmas and they are all for it, helping decorate, partaking in secret santa etc. They don't even pass comment on the music I show off constantly.

However you'll not care or believe it because my anecdotal evidence may not fit in with your world view. Still, just want to put it out there.

whatever dude, taken from their Quran:

"Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do.
And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to God, O you believers, that you may succeed.* (24:30-31)"

in the first place they're a bunch of misogynist, even their book confirms that!
Of course christians have their shitty stuff as well, and Jesus is not a good "saint" (there's a shitload of stuff regarding Jesus having said that he's not been put on earth to bring peace....)
I just hate religions that's it
I can understand that there is a certain group of people within the Arab community that are unpleasant people, but this whole thing just reminds me of somebody who doesn't like black people because they got beat up and robbed walking through a gang neighborhood.

An asshole is an asshole no matter what and race doesn't have anything to do with that.

It's when they use a religion to justify the fact that they are assholes is when they can kindly go fuck themselves.
I just hate religions that's it

why do you hate on people that live that religion in a more moderate way then?
Cause there ARE muslims that aren't like you describe them to be.
And I know that cause I live next to a bunch of them.
At passport control in Stansted in London I was wearing a Suicide Silence jacket that said in the back "Where is your fucking god". It was absolutely packed, then a police officer with a massive machine gun comes up towards me and orders me to remove the jacket, I just told him: Why would i do that?. To which he replied: There are children and families here. And i told him: this is a band's lyric it's not necessarily a statement on my part you know and didn't care and forced me to take it off.

So... yeah

Excuse the lack of punctuation, on my phone

If I were already through customs, I wouldn't do it. I would've politely said no, freedom of speech.
Saying such things in the UK - particularly if you're a public figure of some kind - will get you in the newspapers, will get you fired, and will force you to make some kind of grovelling apology.

And this ladies and gentlemen is the inherent problem. The acceptance and tolerance for behaviors and ideals that would be otherwise illegal in 98% of the countries in the world because they are "religious" beliefs.

RADICAL Islam (notice I said radical and not ALL of islam) uses their religion as a guise. A way of infiltrating the population and assimilating its people, all be it a slow process. For them its not how long it takes, just so long as it takes.

The governments of the west (USA, UK, bla bla bla) having tolerance for these behaviors, and being forced to apologize when they speak out against these travesties is whats destroying us, and allowing this radical movement to grow and expand.

The Prison system in the US creates more radical Muslims then anyone. We have allowed these radicals to permeate our prison system and use the prisoners own hatreds to turn them, against their own country. By using their own idea that they have been treated in an unjust fashion they are converting more and more young men by the day.

ALL of you should watch the video posted above. Its not propaganda, its not racism, its truth as to what is happening in our world. Proof as to what the media will not say or tell you about for fear of being seen as unfair and racist.

Mu issue is not with Iran, My issue is not with the Muslim religion, my issue is with the radicals that use their country, religion, and what they call their birthright to force violence and hate on billions of innocent people.
whatever dude, taken from their Quran:

"Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes (and not stare at the women), and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do.
And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and maintain their chastity. They shall not reveal any parts of their bodies, except that which is necessary. They shall cover their chests, and shall not relax this code in the presence of other than their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their They shall not strike their feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their bodies. All of you shall repent to God, O you believers, that you may succeed.* (24:30-31)"

in the first place they're a bunch of misogynist, even their book confirms that!
Of course christians have their shitty stuff as well, and Jesus is not a good "saint" (there's a shitload of stuff regarding Jesus having said that he's not been put on earth to bring peace....)
I just hate religions that's it

Really? Jesus christ, if this is the way the youth of our world thinks, then we truly are in trouble.

The passage above from the Koran simply states that women should not show off their bodies. This is for many reasons, one of which being to ward off adultery. There is nothing wrong with it. Granted SOME of the radical Muslism take it WAY too far. But as spoken in the Koran, its simply stating, don't flaunt your body to strangers.
That's not true, there are heaps of tolerant ones and that aren't misogynist, which is why their women can refuse to wear the hijab etc - like christianity, they have conservative and progressive sects and people within their belief system.
I've never met a nicer group of people than the muslim women at my work. Totally open and accommodating to anything; we've got christmas and they are all for it, helping decorate, partaking in secret santa etc. They don't even pass comment on the music I show off constantly.

However you'll not care or believe it because my anecdotal evidence may not fit in with your world view. Still, just want to put it out there.

Incorrect on all points, see above.
Lets just remember guantanamo, Iraq torture, etc...
What about that Syria "invasion" that didnt happen a couple months ago?

But you cant blame "Americans" for that. Blame our government all you like, hell you cant even blame our military troops (the ones not in command). Statements against American civilians is stupid, the problems isn't American people, its our corrupt government.

That government exists cause the American peoples vote no longer counts. Our government has found a way to keep the corrupt in power. Its called the Electoral College. Its taken all of the American peoples voting powers away from them.

That's the long and short of it.
But you cant blame "Americans" for that. Blame our government all you like, hell you cant even blame our military troops (the ones not in command). Statements against American civilians is stupid, the problems isn't American people, its our corrupt government.

That government exists cause the American peoples vote no longer counts. Our government has found a way to keep the corrupt in power. Its called the Electoral College. Its taken all of the American peoples voting powers away from them.

That's the long and short of it.

Browser just deleted my epic-sized post here, so apologies if this comes off as bitter, since I'm having to recite the fucking thing for the 2nd time now.

I was originally going to respond directly to the OP, but I saw the above post and it caught my attention. It appears reflective of a popularizing state of mind in western society. The deference of responsibility on account of perceiving the power structure to be corrupt and out of touch, hence rendering one's own actions as meaningless in the face of it. Nowhere is it more readily apparent than in the wake of the onslaught of information being given to us by Snowden, in the face of an overwhelmingly indifferent public. On a regular basis we're being told of grievous abuses of illegal powers by our respective governments, a violation of our collective trust, and rarely anyone seems to care.

To follow through, of course you can blame Americans for Guantanamo Bay. You pay taxes don't you? You rampantly devour the onslaught of frivolous products and luxuries granted by your corporatocracy, don't you? You don't take part in direct, physical civil disobedience, do you? These powers have only been taken from you because you allowed it. Whether or not you realize it, you all continue to directly support it, despite claims of hopelessness. Through a generation of sleight of hand, manipulating the flow of information, capitalizing on apathy and the inherent flaws of the capitalist system, you had that power stolen. You are as much at fault for the actions of your government as I and my countrymen are for our own. The government exists to serve the people - not the converse. The government is a reflection of the populace it represents. If it is hijacked, corrupt, self-serving and manipulating then it is because the populace allows it to be, and hence is deserving of it. Nobody is going to give you the power back. You have to take it for yourselves.

Few things pain me more than having to witness this global shepherding experiment, that appears to be working all so well with the means of control currently in play. Those in the majority are so distracted by the frivolities of the economic rat race that they have no concept of what is going on around them. Those who have some inkling of an idea feel it's beyond them and are consequently indifferent. Those who are in the know feel so overwhelmed by the extent of the putrid corruption that they feel entirely helpless to act. That's the sign of our times - direct slavery turning into economic enslavement. Everything is more subtle. The means of control are working behind the curtain now, we all do our respective puppet dances, and the governmental double-speak continues to dictate the way we see the world around us.

Re: the OP. I so can't be fucked trying to write all this again, but here we go...

The proliferation of an archaic, out dated, ignorant, hate-filled, misogynistic religious ideology which preaches submission to an imaginary creator is a problem, no matter what guise it takes. The potential for abuse is rife and self-evident. Our history is filled with those abuses. The Abrahamic religions have a way of posing as religions of peace and tolerance, while in reality engendering fear, shame, intolerance and violence. Women and minorities have traditionally suffered the most for this.

Many of you appear to be mistaking Islam for an ethnicity. While I'm sure the United States' 'war on terror' and its subsequent propaganda campaign has done much to synonymize Islam with brown-skinned Arabs, we should all at least attempt to be mindful of the reality. When you take issue with Islam, it's not a xenophobic or racist position. You take issue with a backward piece of shit literature, not a race of people. All ideas should be open to this scrutiny. Religions cannot ever be made immune to reasonable inquiry. The scientific method must endure as the primary tool for our species to endure and develop.

Regarding the issue of immigration, the problem is that with the government opening the country's borders comes a responsibility to educate and assimilate. Most (read: all) governments are too uncoordinated to do this correctly. You cannot simply open your borders to all people - war refugees, religious fundamentalists, those with vastly different cultures - and expect something good to come of it. At best you may achieve a polycutural society, like Australia, where various ethnic groups all live together in the one place, yet tend to socialize strictly amongst themselves. Unless there is an emphasis on assimilation, immigration can never truly work.

The added danger with taking in individuals with a predisposition toward barbaric, ancient, misogynistic, ignorant, violent and highly aggressive religions is your inability to assimilate or educate them. They will flock amongst themselves, and continue to teach through their own backward, theocratic institutions. The short term solution is to stop them from coming in - but how long will that really work? Many of our countries are already mixed up. The flood gates have been opened and segregation will no longer work. So how do we work with what we have?

The government and the populace must NEVER bend to the will of these organized religions. These archaic ideologies are best combated through intellectual enlightenment. Information and rationale is their natural enemy, hence why atheism and agnosticism has been on a steady rise since the blooming of the internet. Assimilation must be enforced. Valid economic opportunities must be ready for the migrants. We cannot create a climate where they are treated as second class citizens, lest they start to act the part. You would be amazed at what well-equipped, reasonable people can achieve, if simply given the right opportunity and incentive.

The only problem is that we live in a society based on differential advantage, where those in power pride themselves on what they've managed to achieve on the backs of others - where they actually feel entitled to their ill-begotten status because this perverse economic environment engenders it. Where the immigration of cheap laborers seems like a solid economic idea, rather than solid cultural one. This can become a whole other ball game as I start to relate most of our social ills to this broken economic system, and the hoarding of natural resources, but let's just leave it here for now: The issue of fundamentalist Abrahamic religious ideology is just one of the many ills which is spawned through our continued, fractured state of existence. Until we start to repair our many problems at their core, we cannot expect the symptoms to start subsiding.
Ermz should go into politics

Ermz said:
When you take issue with Islam, it's not a xenophobic or racist position. You take issue with a backward piece of shit literature, not a race of people. All ideas should be open to this scrutiny. Religions cannot ever be made immune to reasonable inquiry.

spot on
Really? Jesus christ, if this is the way the youth of our world thinks, then we truly are in trouble.

The passage above from the Koran simply states that women should not show off their bodies. This is for many reasons, one of which being to ward off adultery. There is nothing wrong with it. Granted SOME of the radical Muslism take it WAY too far. But as spoken in the Koran, its simply stating, don't flaunt your body to strangers.

Yeah I saw this and just had to add my 2 cents...

This book is apparently written by an illiterate sheppard in a cave who was probably schizophrenic, clearly plagiarised from a christian text, which was already plagiarised from a jewish one and he did a bad job.

Obviously all of which was orated to him by the archangel gabriel, yes one of gods magical winged elves. This in the 600's, in the middle east.

The infinitely wise god chose a time and place where most people probably didn't know why or how the sun rose or that it doesn't actually rise, they probably didn't know what the fuck the sun was. He didn't choose china where they had maths and science.

So as far as books go, this not a keeper. And there are few better descriptions for a church than a book club that never got over it's first book.

But I'm sure many moderates will pick through all the stupidity, find those very nutritious peanuts of wisdom and ignore the rest. Or better yet interpret the nasty parts in nice fluffy ways and then enforce none of it on anybody. I mean they don't want to actually sound like the people who created it. And I will be sure to continually thank those moderates for not being very religious at all.

Ultimately I don't care if its from a holy book, a holy man, a flying god monkey or god himself, no one should have dominion over anyone's person let alone their fashion. People are silly enough to think their sky god is their dietitian, real estate agent, legislator and now we can add fashion police to the list.

Just the other day the head of the richest organisation in the world condemned the current fiscal system, it was the pope. Truly a great man, I hope he gets that academy award. Religion persists with an ingratiating smile and things like this are the first signs of teeth in its grotesque charade.

In practice and theory it is against one of the biggest liberators of a society, any society, first or third world, and that is the empowerment of women. When the parties of god try to veto the small progress we can muster that old phrase “man made” gets tossed about. It is that specific for a bloody reason.

Men actually made him, which is why god is of their image. He shares the same male inadequacy and seeks to control those pesky women. Especially the audacious ones who might want to chose what they wear. Or even worse, the ones who think their sexuality is not a sin.

Banning the burqa is as totalitarian as enforcing it. Both arguments are voided by civil rights, liberty, privacy and anything to be considered knowledge or freedom. Thinking you have a say in what others wear is the problem. This truth is self evident, even in the event a poorly written low fantasy saga was a reality.
The infinitely wise god chose a time and place where most people probably didn't know why or how the sun rose or that it doesn't actually rise, they probably didn't know what the fuck the sun was. He didn't choose china where they had maths and science.


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