Islamic invasion - in your countries?

you guys sound like a bunch of racist American southerners talking about Mexicans.

And this is why there will never be a sensible discussion on this. I see no racism in this thread at all. But the cultural relativist lefties don't want a reasonable discussion, they want everyone to just magically get along. Too bad reality doesn't work like that.
You fellas are bang on the money. I have no problem with peaceful immigrants coming here to utilise professional skills and get on with us but I've experienced the same. I'm also not keen on a homogenized culture especially when they begin to try to push their own views, i tend to think it will suck the charm out of each nation year by year. I thought this thread was going to head in the liberal direction what with it being a muso forum so very surprised.

6 or 7 years ago, I would've been calling you all racist cunts right along with some of the guys here. But you get older, your perspective changes. You see things and read things and hear things, and your viewpoint shifts.

I can bring the brashness and bravado as much as anyone, but in topics like this, I do trrrryyyyyy to be level headed. I don't think anyone is screaming "send em back to where they came from!!" or anything like that - that shit is for idiotic BNP types.

But there IS a problem. It's not being dealt with or even being allowed to be discussed; and I just don't know why.
Not really a surprise that internet metal nerds having hilarious viewpoints on non-whites and minorities.

Most of the posts on here seem to be "I hate the Daily Mail but ... *Daily Mail sensationalism, maybe with bullshit anecdotal evidence*".

The cases you cite are so rare they can barely be fucking said to exist, you impressionable, sheltered weirdos.

crazy reading some of the opinions on here, if i had to affiliate myself i'd be a "leftie" but maybe that's because there is nowhere near enough of a muslim population here in N.Ireland for it to become an issue, yes there are african muslims and middles eastern muslims but i think there is one mosque here in Belfast with a population of over 500,000, i've never had any problem with anyone from ANY other country or religion (i mean outside of Christianity which is majority here)

we still have way too many internal issues with hate between catholic and protestant communities still blowing each other up, it's these backward idiots ruling small sectarian communities that i need to be worried about, they are much more likely to cause trouble if they don't like your surname, where you grew up or how you pronounce the letter "H" , so i don't really blame anyone for not coming to my shit little backwards country
Is this thread about Islam taking over Christianity (your religion?) or about "Muslims" taking over what ever it is you call your fellow citizens (white people?) Do you realize that there have been Muslims coming in the US like forever from Asia and Africa.
I don't think Islamist nutjobs, Muslims and third generation north African immigrant chavs are the same thing.
I am very wary of any religion that try infiltrate politics.
I am even more wary of any attempts to dumb down these very complex subjects.
I would but I lack the fluency in English to do so and it would end up being very time-consuming and frustrating for me.
6 or 7 years ago, I would've been calling you all racist cunts right along with some of the guys here. But you get older, your perspective changes. You see things and read things and hear things, and your viewpoint shifts.

I can bring the brashness and bravado as much as anyone, but in topics like this, I do trrrryyyyyy to be level headed. I don't think anyone is screaming "send em back to where they came from!!" or anything like that - that shit is for idiotic BNP types.

same here

But there IS a problem. It's not being dealt with or even being allowed to be discussed; and I just don't know why.

and that's a huge danger IMO, not being allowed to talk about things like this in an objective and level headed way without being regarded racist/right winger just creates the breeding ground for the real (and extreme) right
and that's a huge danger IMO, not being allowed to talk about things like this in an objective and level headed way without being regarded racist/right winger just creates the breeding ground for the real (and extreme) right

Yeah, but some stuff I read in this thread didn't sound objective to me.

And yes, not thinking things through and jumoping to conclusions and generalizations does create that breeding ground pretty fast.
Thinking is hard, so to me it seems that some people prefer not to.

Not talking about anyone specific in this thread though, I also haven't really read anything I'd label racist per se in here, but I smell a good portion of xenophobia in some posts...even if it's hard to distinguish those two terms.

I just happen to have to deal with people in my country that instead of sitting in jail are sitting in a party throwing paroles, so I'm a bit sensitive to that object. Especially since I have a pretty broad multi-culti circle of friends, and saw day to day discrimanation and racism first hand. It's disgusting.
same here

and that's a huge danger IMO, not being allowed to talk about things like this in an objective and level headed way without being regarded racist/right winger just creates the breeding ground for the real (and extreme) right


The thing is that as long as the politicians keep on ignoring the fact that it is a problem with mass immigration and we shouldn't allow more people in that we can take care off they are just doing the rightwing racists a favor. They keep on raising in popularity, see in Sweden we have Sweden Democrates party which is predicted to be the 3 largest party in Sweden after the next election.
That is a fair point. The only thing is Americans don't go cutting people's heads off in the middle of the road in London.

In London, but in other countries... Lets just remember guantanamo, Iraq torture, etc...
What about that Syria "invasion" that didnt happen a couple months ago?
Well, we have lots of sportwear dressed youth, that are violent, commit all sorts of crimes, impose their own type of "law" on the street, and there's quite a considerable number of them. 100% Homegrown though..

The other day, 20-something guy and girl set a homeless guy on fire (after beating him), because he wouldn't leave their garden. What in the hell !?

I'll agree that violent and antisocial people are a tremendous problem in my book.
In London, but in other countries... Lets just remember guantanamo, Iraq torture, etc...
What about that Syria "invasion" that didnt happen a couple months ago?

Don't mix war politics with immigration politics. In this thread we're talking about close minded chauvinist rules being applied in free countries by a religious minority. We're not talking about war crimes and other shady stuff.
you'll find the same situation in the USA for example. there are certain places where you should just not go when you are white, and surely there are also places you should highly avoid as a black person. see, it's actually not a problem of religion even there are certain tendencies of course. in general it's more a social than a religious problem i think.

Yeah, but the difference is that we've had problems with muslim groups burning cars and beating up white people systematically and then they go on to blame it on the government who gave them a life without war, a roof over their head, new clothes, free education, free health and dental care, free courses in both their native language/culture and the swedish and the freedom to practice their religion openly.
The police, firedepartment and ambulance services wont even enter these areas without armed escorts.

For instance, the first time i slept over at my girlfriends place we woke up at 2 in the morning by allot of noise and helicopters flying around.. the next day we found out that these people had tried to burn down the school, and when the firedepartment showed up they tried to burn down the firetrucks.
Ive seen between 5-10 cars burn within the last year, and ive seen the bloodstains from 3 murders during this time as well.. now take in consideration that i don't even live in this area.

You can't really compare our situation to the american considering the background with the slavery etc. that has been fuel for this fight all along.

Im not blaming this on muslims, im not blaming it on middle eastern people either.. as you say it has allot to do with social standings and some of our problems with integration, but it really seems like we are doing allot to do things better without really achieving any results(In fact it just seems to get worse and worse every day.).