Islamic invasion - in your countries?

Man, I'm glad I live in Canada. The worst case of culture clash we've had in the last 10 years was when a reporter took a photo of a Muslim woman in downtown Toronto.

He was surrounded by a bunch of angry retards claiming that he wasn't allowed to take her picture, because she was Muslim, and demanded his camera. The woman in question actually hit the photographer.

Well, police were called & they let the woman & angry mob go. However, they were basically told to "Get over it. This is Canada & you will be photographed on the street."

The photographer wanted to press charges, but the police wouldn't. A dumb move & it still pisses me off. I'm a big advocate of photographer's rights.

Oh yeah, there were a couple of Islamic shitheads who wanted to blow up a Canadian passenger train going to the US. They're going to prison & won't get out.

But that's about the extent of it. Nobody is being beheaded in the streets, thankfully.
That beheading thing in London this year... I dunno. It's like it never happened. British people aren't frothing at the mouths post 9/11 style. Not really the way we operate. Worth bearing in mind though, the guys that did it... they were born in Britain, raised in Britain. They were not immigrants. They follow a cowardly backwards religion; a fucked up barbaric philosophy that advocates burning infidels alive, and considers any non-Muslim to be lower than them.

Then to justify their actions they say things like this:

If you find yourself curious as to why carnage is reaching your own towns, then know it’s simply retaliation for your oppression in our towns. Many of your people are aristocrats that directly benefit from invasion of our lands without material loss,”

“Whereas the average Joe Bloggs working class man loses his sons when they are killed by our brothers. When the heat of battle reaches YOUR local street it’s unlikely that any of your so called politicians will be at risk or caught in the crossfire so I suggest you remove them. … May Allah guide your nation to the truth.”

It is a wholly intolerant philosophy based on ignorance and lack of critical thought. But apparently this is too nuanced a viewpoint for some, and so they'd rather smear anyone who is anti-Islam as a racist. Which is fucking bullshit. Anyone spouting such rhetoric deserves to be fucking chinned.
I think I'm with a lot of the people here when I say that Islam is not going to take over the world and declare Sharia law all over. I think the religion, and the way it's practiced, make it FAR easier to justify the negative aspects than some other religions.

Most muslims are just normal people, who half-ass believe their religion out of tradition and childhood upbringing. The extreme sects of Islam are VERY vocal and influential within the religion itself. Until the LARGE portion of MODERATE muslims stand the fuck up and remove these backward, isolationist, woman-hating group of power hungry fucking morons, there will continue to be a chasm between the rest of the world and the muslim population.

That type of movement is made all the more difficult by the way their scriptures are worded and interpreted. It's just so easy for the bad apples to hide behind doctrine.
im really surprised to see this topic in those kind of forums!
i think that there is a misunderstanding of the real definition of islam
islam means tolerance , peace, respect ,...
don't make confusion with islam and terrorism
and all those poeple have nothing to do with islam, all your governements and medias are giving a false idea of this religion
im really surprised to see this topic in those kind of forums!
i think that there is a misunderstanding of the real definition of islam
islam means tolerance , peace, respect ,...
don't make confusion with islam and terrorism

Islam like any religion cannot be said to stand for one thing, as it is up to any person to interpret it as they wish.

I know the quoran says things like not believing is worse than killing and should be treated as such, but at the same time it speaks about christians, jews and anyone who believes in god to be true and just people who should be left alone(As they are merely "confused".).

and all those poeple have nothing to do with islam, all your governements and medias are giving a false idea of this religion

Well, both yes and no.
I've seen exactly whats been happening from a first hand view, but just like westboro baptist church doesn't represent christianity, the radical muslims doesn't represent the muslim community as a whole.
im really surprised to see this topic in those kind of forums!
i think that there is a misunderstanding of the real definition of islam
islam means tolerance , peace, respect ,...
don't make confusion with islam and terrorism
and all those poeple have nothing to do with islam, all your governements and medias are giving a false idea of this religion

Reality check: They are muslims, and they believe in all prophets/messengers of God including Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses down to John the Baptist, Jesus and Mohammad. Even King David and his son Solomon!

The Muslim world is in conflict regarding their interpretation of the Quran. One needs to be linguistically firm in order to accurately decode something so poetic and sophisticated. As a result they're left with too many contradictory interpretations. Bring in the Hadith, which was compiled 200 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad and you have a complete recipe for disaster.

Rest assured, Mankind shall never experience the horrors of Religion like they did back in the 14th century with the Spanish Inquisition.
Not concerned. All of the muslims I personally know are as or more tolerant/liberal than the christians I know.

All the muslims I personally know are intolerant.
Sorry but here in italy we're invaded but these people not showing respect for others, they're even worse than christians.... and I hate christians.
Muslim people on us soil I guess are a different thing.
"muslim area", get fucked man. I can't stand people who use their religion as a "I'm special" card. Christians do it all the time where I live.

I was at a store wearing a shirt that said: "Fuck Vulgarity" and this bitch comes up to me and starts with the "I'ma Christian, and I do not appreciate blah blah blah", man I have to hold it all in. I just didn't say anything and ignored her with a shit eating grin on my face.

One day I might just explode, idk.
At passport control in Stansted in London I was wearing a Suicide Silence jacket that said in the back "Where is your fucking god". It was absolutely packed, then a police officer with a massive machine gun comes up towards me and orders me to remove the jacket, I just told him: Why would i do that?. To which he replied: There are children and families here. And i told him: this is a band's lyric it's not necessarily a statement on my part you know and didn't care and forced me to take it off.

So... yeah

Excuse the lack of punctuation, on my phone
The problem I see with this specific problem is that the British government let this sort of things happen by tolerating if not supporting communitarianism for years and let extremist preachers (and actual terrorist) say what they want in the name of freedom of speech.
I was at a store wearing a shirt that said: "Fuck Vulgarity" and this bitch comes up to me and starts with the "I'ma Christian, and I do not appreciate blah blah blah", man I have to hold it all in. I just didn't say anything and ignored her with a shit eating grin on my face.

Back in the day I once went to a mandatory religious 1 day retreat in high school wearing a Cannibal Corpse shirt. The school owner (old hag) said I had to remove it, and it had to be thrown into a fire.
The religion teacher told her ''let's throw him in the fire as well''. And no, he was not kidding.

Of course I did NOT remove my shirt. Fuck religion.
Seems part douchey culture and part idiotic religion in terms of why I would have a problem with some of this particular group of individuals.

Thank goodness it's such a tiny minority that goes full derp and decides others should die because they don't agree with their religion of peace.
I can understand that there is a certain group of people within the Arab community that are unpleasant people, but this whole thing just reminds me of somebody who doesn't like black people because they got beat up and robbed walking through a gang neighborhood.
no dude islamic people are intolerant! it's not I've been robbed or something and I'm angry, that's just it they're intolerant.
And last but not least they're misogynist!
I hate the fact their women are not allowed to show their hair, this means they treat them like objects/toys and that's ridicolous even more than christinas...
no dude islamic people are intolerant! it's not I've been robbed or something and I'm angry, that's just it they're intolerant.
And last but not least they're misogynist!
I hate the fact their women are not allowed to show their hair, this means they treat them like objects/toys and that's ridicolous even more than christinas...

That's not true, there are heaps of tolerant ones and that aren't misogynist, which is why their women can refuse to wear the hijab etc - like christianity, they have conservative and progressive sects and people within their belief system.
I've never met a nicer group of people than the muslim women at my work. Totally open and accommodating to anything; we've got christmas and they are all for it, helping decorate, partaking in secret santa etc. They don't even pass comment on the music I show off constantly.

However you'll not care or believe it because my anecdotal evidence may not fit in with your world view. Still, just want to put it out there.